The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) invites applications for the Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge (EPPIC). EPPIC targets the Mandalika Special Economic Zone, Lombok Island in Indonesia, and Samal Island in the Philippines. UNDP will select 10 to 15 finalists to participate in a 3-month solution incubation program; 2 to 4 finalists will be selected as winners and receive up to US$18 thousand each. All individuals and organizations from an ASEAN country, including businesses, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions, are welcome to apply. Applications close on 30 April 2021. Ending Plastic Pollution Innovation Challenge
Canadian International Development Research Center — Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
The Canadian International Development Research Center (IDRC) and the Swedish International Development Agency seek organizations from low and lower-middle income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to host an African-based research network on responsible artificial intelligence innovations in agriculture and food systems. Applicants must have a proven track record in the design, development, and scaling of artificial intelligence innovations in agriculture and food systems. IDRC will provide funding of up to C$1.2 million to design and implement an innovation research network of researchers and innovators applying responsible AI techniques. The application deadline is 03 May 2021. AI for agriculture
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Asian Elephant Conservation Fund 2021
The Asian Elephant Conservation Fund invites project proposals for the conservation of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). Grants are for activities in elephant conservation, protection of habitat, prevention of poaching, and other activities in elephant conservation. Grants range from US$50 thousand to US$500 thousand for projects at priority sites within the range of the Asian elephant, but proposals outside of range are welcome when shows a clear relevance to the Asian elephant conservation. Eligibility for funding extends to qualified individuals; multi-national secretariats; state and local government agencies; nonprofit, non-governmental organizations; for-profit organizations; public and private institutions of higher education, and foreign entities. The application deadline is 06 May 2021. Asian Elephant Conservation
Ocean Innovation Challenge — Sustainable Fisheries Challenge
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Ocean Innovation Challenge (OIC) seek innovative solutions that address sustainable fisheries and aquaculture focusing on SDG. Governmental agencies, NGOs, private sector (including start-ups), academia, UN, and intergovernmental organizations are eligible to apply. Innovators can request from US$50 thousand to US$250 thousand for up to two years. Preliminary proposals must be submitted before 09 May 2021. Sustainable Fisheries Challenge
U.S. Agency for International Development — Geospatial Data for West Africa
The program SERVIR helps developing countries to integrate Earth observation information and geospatial technologies into development decision-making. The U.S. government will provide information provided by Earth observing satellites and geospatial technologies for managing climate risks and land use. Information should be used to act locally on climate-sensitive issues such as disasters, agriculture, water, ecosystems and land use, and inform government and civil society decision making. USAID anticipates making one award of between US$12 million to US$15 million for implementation over five years. Eligibility for funding is restricted to organizations based in West Africa, primarily in Burkina Faso, Niger, Ghana, Senegal, Mali, and Nigeria. The closing date for applications is 10 May 2021. More
European Commission — Communal Livestock in Namibia
The European Commission (EC) seeks to promote entrepreneurship and enhance the livelihood of Namibia’s livestock farming communities in a sustainable way. The EC requests proposals that improve the livestock production system and its resilience to climate change; and/or increase livestock farmers’ access to domestic, regional and international markets. Funding of up to €1.1 million is available. Eligibility extends to Non-State actors (NSAs). The deadline for submitting applications is 14 May 2021. Details
Islamic Development Bank — Science, Technology and Innovation Transform Fund
The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) seeks applications for the Transform Fund. The Transform Fund Call for Innovation 2021 will focus on building resilience through innovation in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in relation to 6 Sustainable Development Goals: Zero Hunger; Good Health and Well-Being; Quality Education; Clean Water and Sanitation; Affordable and Clean Energy; and Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Funding support is organized in four categories, ranging from US$50 thousand to US$1 million. Applications are accepted until 31 May 2021. Visit the website to apply
U.S. Agency for International Development — Generating Green Economic Opportunities
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications from qualified Honduran entities to implement the “Local Works Honduras Activities.” The goal is to support locally led green economic reactivation which simultaneously reduces solid waste in the environment and decreases risk factors associated with violence in areas heavily affected by COVID-19 and migration. USAID anticipates providing approx. US$1.7 million in total funding over a five-year period. Eligibility is restricted to local Honduran non-profit organizations, colleges and universities, civic groups, faith-based and community institutions, private businesses, and advocacy groups. The closing date for applications is 29 April 2021. Link to more information
World Bank — Innovate4Climate Workshop
Innovate4Climate seeks companies and organizations to deliver climate action workshops. Workshops provide conference participants with practical knowledge and insights from experiences working across a range of relevant disciplines related to climate change. Workshop organizers are responsible for designing the session, coordinating and securing speakers, and facilitating the session. Proposals will be chosen by the World Bank Group. I4C invites companies and organizations to use this form to submit their proposals by 14 March 2021. Find the call
Climate Action Innovation Network — Artificial Intelligence for Climate Action
The Canadian International Development Research Center (IDRC) and the Swedish International Development Agency seek organizations from low and lower-middle income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to host the Climate Action Innovation Network. Applicants must have a proven track record in the design, development, and scaling of climate change and artificial intelligence innovations. The goal is to advance the development of artificial intelligence (AI) innovations to tackle pressing challenges emerging from climate change in Africa. The opportunity will provide funding of up to C$1.2 million to design and implement an innovation research network of researchers and innovators applying responsible AI techniques. The application deadline is 05 April 2021. Details here