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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

European Commission — Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance

The European Commission seeks project proposals (two-stage call) that take a systemic approach to tackle the scientific and socio-economic challenges from Antarctica to the Arctic. Activities shall (A) Reinforce international cooperation research between Europe and tropical and South Atlantic countries; (B) Assess the status of Atlantic marine ecosystems; or (C) Explore new value chains for aquaculture production. Proposals may requests a contribution in the range of €4 and €9 million (depending on the sub-topic to be addressed). International cooperations and legal entities established in EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories and Horizon 2020 associated countries (as detailed in the call) are eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission for stage one is 23 January 2019. Find the call

Mohammed Bin Rashid Initiative for Global Prosperity — Rural Transformation Challenge

The Global Makers Challenge invites innovative start-ups, entrepreneurs and businesses to submit solutions to solve real-world problems. The current Rural Transformation and Zero Hunger challenge seeks new and affordable methods that increase smallholder agricultural productivity without further contributing to environmental degradation. Applications are invited from innovators around the world without any geographical limitations. The winner receives prizes, including cash and mentorship. Shortlisted companies will be invited to a pitch live session in UAE (May 2019), finalist will be invited to the Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (July 2019) in Russia. The deadline is 31 January 2019. Find the Rural Transformation Challenge

Mohammed Bin Rashid Initiative for Global Prosperity — Sustainable Energy Challenge

The Global Makers Challenge invites innovative start-ups, entrepreneurs and businesses to submit solutions to solve real-world problems. The current Sustainable Energy challenge seeks manufacturing methods and products that allow increased access to low carbon energy for people living in rural and isolated communities. Applications are invited from innovators around the world without any geographical limitations. The winner receives prizes, including cash and mentorship. Shortlisted companies will be invited to a pitch live session in UAE (May 2019), finalist will be invited to the Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit (July 2019) in Russia. The deadline is 31 January 2019. Find the Sustainable Energy Challenge

European Commission — Nature-based Solutions for Restoration and Rehabilitation of Urban Ecosystems

The European Commission seeks project proposals (two-stage call) to strengthen international cooperation on sustainable urbanisation through nature-based solutions for restoration and rehabilitation of urban ecosystems. Actions under this call should develop models, tools, methodologies, strategies, or guidelines to prevent further degradation, rehabilitation and maintenance measures for urban and peri-urban ecosystems, destruction of habitats, and biodiversity loss. Proposals may requests a contribution of up to €5 million. International cooperations and legal entities established in EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories and Horizon 2020 associated countries (as detailed in the call) are eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission for stage one is 19 February 2019. More

European Commission — Climate Change, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

The European Commission seeks project proposals (two-stage call) to ensure the integrity of all ecosystems and the protection of biodiversity in the context of combatting climate change. Actions should investigate how ecological processes, biodiversity (including terrestrial and/or marine ecosystems) and ecosystem services are impacted by climate change. The Commission will consider proposals in the range of €5 million to €7 million. International cooperations and legal entities established in EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories and Horizon 2020 associated countries (as detailed in the call) are eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission for stage one is 19 February 2019. Link

European Commission — Building a Water-Smart Economy and Society

The European Commission seeks project proposals (two-stage call) to attend to the growing demand for water from various economic activities and increasing stress on natural water sources. Actions should demonstrate the feasibility of a ‘water smart’ economy and society in which all available water resources are managed in such a way as to avoid water scarcity and pollution. The Commission will consider proposals in the range of €10 million to €15 million. International cooperations and legal entities established in EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories and Horizon 2020 associated countries (as detailed in the call) are eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission for stage one is 19 February 2019. Find details

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Combating the Trafficking of Marine Turtles in East and Southeast Asia

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides financial assistance to strategic projects that conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats though combating the trafficking of marine turtles in East and Southeast Asia. Projects under this call should address the trafficking of hawksbill turtles in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and China. Applicants may request up to US$500 thousand in project funding. Eligibility extends to governments, businesses, non-profit organizations, universities and individuals. The deadline for application is 19 February 2019. Find the call

European Commission — Rwanda’s Horticultural and Coffee Value Chains

The European Commission seeks to unlock the potential of Rwanda’s horticultural and coffee value chains to ensure the supply to local and international markets. Projects should address agribusiness development by providing smallholder farmers with the necessary tools and knowledge to sustain the market. Grants requested under this call must fall between the amounts of €1 million and €3 million. Eligibility extends to legal and natural persons established in the EU or in a developing country. The application deadline is 27 March 2019. Link

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research — German-African Innovation Incentive Award

The Innovation Award will be presented to researchers in Africa and their German partners for proven outstanding collaborative research projects in the fields of environmental sciences, bioeconomy, resource management, and others. Project grants of a maximum €150 thousand are provided for a maximum period of 24 months. Applications may be submitted by universities, research institutions and as well as commercial companies. Project outlines have to be submitted by 15 January 2019. Find the call

Innovation Grant Facility — Opportunity for Pacific Agro-SMEs

The Innovation Grant Facility (IGF) provides funding to agro-based small & medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in seven Pacific Island States: Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu. Projects should focus on “Leveraging the Development of Local Food Crops and Fisheries Value Chains for Improved Nutrition and Sustainable Food Systems in the Pacific Islands” and be executed by SMEs that aim to grow their business and contribute, directly or indirectly, to the sustainable development of the agriculture and fishery sectors. The maximum amount per grant award is €17 thousand. The call for applications will close on 31 January 2019. Find details