The Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation (Sida) seeks applications for its Planning Grants program. Grants are awarded to help entrepreneurs explore new markets and research their technology’s impact on the environment and poverty reduction. The programme’s emphasis is on cleantech products, systems, processes, and services in the following focus areas: climate change adaptation/mitigation; ecosystem services; renewable energy; water and sanitation; and urban development. Eligibility extends to companies or organisations based in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The maximum amount per projects is SEK350 thousand. The call for applications is open until 15 March 2019. Know more
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation — Sustainable Water Management
The SDC calls for proposals for projects on sustainable water management for a water-secure world by applying nature based solutions for water. The proposed projects under this call should focus on Latin America, Africa and the Balkans. Eligibility extends to businesses, non-profit organizations, and governments. Applicants may request between CHF 2.5 million and CHF 3.5 million for 3 years (1st phase, followed by a possible 2nd and 3rd phase). Applications are due by 21 January 2019. Find out more
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation — Improved Water Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa
SDC supports projects that improve the overall health and environment of the target populations through sustainable management and monitoring of water-related pollution by industrial activities. The project should focus on a river basin and/or work along the supply chain of a multinational company or a specific industry sector across Sub-saharan Africa. Applicants may request between CHF 1.5 million and CHF 2 million for 3 years (1st phase, followed by a possible 2nd and 3rd phase). Eligibility extends to businesses, non-profit organizations, and governments. Applications have to be submitted by 21 January 2019. More
Famae — Cleaner and Accessible Water Challenge
The company Famae seeks an idea, product or service from all over the world to preserve water and make it more accessible to everyone. Solutions should be pragmatic, efficient, durable, and money-saving to make life easier for urban citizens while reducing their environmental footprint. Individuals, teams, businesses, government entities, universities and organizations are eligible to apply. The maximum award is €2 million which may be allocated to a single exceptional project to cover the production of a prototype. Applications will be accepted until 15 February 2019. Find the terms and conditions
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Protecting the Cerrado in Brazil
The CEPF calls for proposals that contribute towards the conservation of the Cerrado Biodiversity Hotspot in Brazil. CEPF posts the ecosystem profile, and a list of key biodiversity areas, in the announcement. Eligibility for funding extends to community groups and associations, NGOs, private enterprises, universities, research institutes, and other civil society organizations. Small grants are less than US$50 thousand. Large grants are up to US$200 thousand. CEPF will accept letters of inquiry (English, Portuguese) through 12 December 2018. Details
African Development Bank — Investments in Agricultural Infrastructure in Africa
Through the Agriculture Fast Track (AFT) Fund, the African Development Bank provides initial funding for agriculture infrastructure projects spanning the entire value chain – from production to market. Co-funding is encouraged, but not necessary, provided that the requested amount does not exceed US$1 million. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs), government agencies, and non-governmental organizations from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal and Tanzania are eligible to apply. Concept notes can be submitted until 16 November 2018. More about this opportunity
European Commission — Grants for the Blue Economy
The European Commission seeks proposals for projects based on innovative technologies and solutions for the blue economy. The estimated contribution per project is between €500 thousand and €1 million. Eligibility extends to private and public entities, or international organisations located in an EU Member State or projects with activities extending to neighbouring waters outside the territory of the EU (eligible countries and regions are listed in the call for proposals). The deadline is 31 January 2019. More
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition — Nigeria Egg Evaluation for Better Nutrition
GAIN will implement an experiment to evaluate how a demand creation approach which changes the desirability of a food can be applied to improve the quality of diets in low-income households. For that reason, GAIN seeks a research partner to co-design and independently conduct an impact evaluation over 2 years. The applicant team must include a partner based in Nigeria, including letters of commitment. Completed proposals should be submitted by 10 November 2018. Find the Request for Proposals
U. S. Agency for International Development — Water for Southern Africa
USAID invites concept papers to implement activities with focus on transforming how people relate to, manage and benefit from water. Annual Program Statement (APS) supports the water sector for the Southern Africa region: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia. USAID intends to provide up to US$2 million to fund all awards made under this APS. Eligibility extends to U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations, businesses, universities, and individuals. The deadline for concept papers is 23 November 2018. Link
Eleanor Crook Foundation — Research on Improved Nutrition
The Eleanor Crook Foundation funds implementation research on cost-effective, scalable innovations designed to improve nutrition interventions in East Africa. Each grant will consist of a maximum award of US$1.35 million for an implementation research project of up to three and a half years duration. Proposals should focus on one or more of the following East African countries: Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan and Somalia. Concept notes should be submitted by 25 November 2018. About