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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

World Bank — Support for Women Micro-Entrepreneurs

The World Bank Group invites applications for the “Sustainable Development Goals and Her Competition”. SDGs & Her is an online competition for women micro-entrepreneurs to showcase how they are supporting the SDGs through their business operations. Winners will receive leadership training, mentoring and will be flown to Washington DC, for an event at the World Bank Group-IMF Spring Meetings (April 2019). The deadline for the competition is 31 December 2018. Here

Earth Journalism Network — Environmental Reporting in the Asia-Pacific

The EJN makes media grants to strengthen the capacity of local and regional organizations to produce more high-quality stories that cover climate change, the environment and natural resource-management issues. The typical grant will be for up to US$20 thousand and support a one-year project. This grant program accepts applications from media organizations, civil society organizations and academic institutions throughout Asia and the Pacific. The deadline for applications is 18 November 2018. More information

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — Biotechnology for a Sustainable Bioeconomy

This call offers funding for biotechnologies and transnational collaborative research projects. Proposals should address the sustainable production of different types of feedstocks and bioresources into value-added products or the development of sustainable industrial processes and supply services. BBSRC contributes up to £2 million under this call. To be eligible, each consortium must involve at least three partners requesting funding from three different countries. Proposals must be submitted by 14 December 2018. Details here

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Conservation of Rhinos and Tigers 2019

As part of its program “Wildlife Without Borders,” the USFWS makes grants for the conservation of selected wildlife species, including rhinos and tigers. Grants are for applied research, training, conservation management, community outreach, law enforcement, decreased human-wildlife conflicts, and other activities in conservation. Eligibility extends worldwide to qualified and relevant government agencies, business, non-profits, academic institutions, and individuals. Grants typically range from US$25 thousand to US$250 thousand. The application deadline is 04 January 2019. View Grant Opportunity

U.S. National Academy of Sciences — Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research, Cycle 8

PEER invites scientists in developing countries to work with U.S. collaborators in research and capacity building on priority topics that include environmental contaminants, agricultural productivity and food security, biodiversity conservation, water security, low-carbon development, fisheries assessments, and others. The priorities are different for each PEER focus area (i.e., varying by regions and countries). Applicants must be based at academic institutions, non-profit organizations, or government-managed research laboratories, centers, or institutes in the eligible countries. Applicants need to have at least one research partner in the U.S. that has grant funding from the U.S. government. The deadline for pre-proposals is 14 January 2019. Discover PEER

Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas Network — Grants for Small Projects

MedPAN launches a new call for small projects to support Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean. The grants will reinforce the management of MPAs from the perspective of integrated coastal zone management and sustainable financing. They will also promote habitat mapping and the protection of marine turtles. The eligible countries are Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Monaco, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania. The applicant can be a non-profit organization, a private company, or a scientific institution. The deadline for applications is 28 October 2018. Know more

Chivas Venture — Funding for Social Entrepreneurs

Chivas Venture provides start-ups and social entrepreneurs with project funding. Past projects include plastic waste, agriculture, and other environmental or humanitarian themes. 20 Finalists will participate in a 3-day Accelerator Program in London and the winners share a total of US$1 million in funding. Registered for-profit entities from all around the world are eligible to apply. Applications close on 31 October 2018. See the opportunity

BiodivERsA — Biodiversity and its Influence on Health

BiodivERsA announces its call on theme “Biodiversity and its Influence on Animal, Human and Plant Health”. The call aims at supporting transnational research projects jointly addressing issues at the nexus of biodiversity and animal, human and/ or plant health (including biological diversity; effects of global change factors; and biodiversity benefits). The participating countries in this call are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Switzerland. (Note: Region Guadeloupe may allow the participation of teams from the Caribbean basin.) The total amount for this call is €9 million. Scientific research projects must be performed by eligible research organisations (profit and non-profit). Pre-proposals have to be submitted by 16 November 2018. More

Inter-American Development Bank — Funding for Blue Economy Proposals

The IDB seeks firms and organizations looking to pilot and scale up business models that use cutting edge technologies to contribute to the sustainable management of oceans, marine ecosystems and coastal resources. The funding requests (technical assistance) should be within a range of US$150 thousand to US$500 thousand. Proposals for loans should be within a range of US$500 thousand to US$2 million. The Blue Tech Challenge seeks to support business models that apply new technologies to deliver products and/or solutions in: Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The submission deadline is 30 November 2018. Find the Blue Tech Challenge

British Council — Researcher Links Workshops, UK/Russia

Researcher Links Workshops bring together early-career researchers from the UK and a partner country to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. UK and Russian Institutions can request up to £51 thousand to be used towards workshop implementation. All workshops must be held in 2019. Each proposal must have one Principal Applicant from the UK and one Principal Applicant from Russia. The submission deadline is 30 November 2018. Details here