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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

YES Bank — Cleantech Accelerator

The program YES SCALE Cleantech Accelerator seeks startups focusing on energy efficiency, waste management and water management. Selected startups receive a grant of up to US$30 thousand, plus mentoring and project support. Eligibility extends to Indian and globally based startups. The deadline for applications is 30 August 2018. Find the Cleantech Accelerator

India Department of Science and Technology — Danish-Indian Research Cooperation in Renewable Energy

The Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) and the India Department of Science and Technology (DST) launch a call for joint projects to further develop and strengthen the Danish-Indian research cooperation in the areas Renewable Energy. The Danish and Indian applicants must develop one joint project plan. Project proposals must include one Principal Investigator (PI) each in India and Denmark. Eligibility extends to individuals working at universities, academic institutes, national research and development laboratories or institutes. Proposals must be submitted on 14 August 2018. The call

World Bank — Collaborative Data Innovations for Sustainable Development

The World Bank, in collaboration with the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD), is interested in supporting innovative collaborations for data production to be directed towards sustainable development. Consortium members may include social enterprises, for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and academic organizations. Funding may range from between US$25 thousand and US$250 thousand. Proposals must be submitted by 15 August 2018. Click here

United States Agency for International Development — Protecting Amazonia

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a cooperative agreement under the SERVIR Amazonia program. The program aims to help developing nations achieve more sustainable economic growth and improve environmental management, including addressing the impacts of climate change. USAID intends to provide from US$8.0 to US$9.0 million in total funding over a five-year period. Eligibility extends to established U.S. and non-U.S. organizations. Closing date for applications is 14 August 2018. See the call

SEED — SAG-Seed Replicator Workshops for Eco-Enterprises in Zambia

SEED is a global partnership founded by UNEP, UNDP, and IUCN to promote eco-enterprises. The program announces its next replicator workshop in Zambia. The replicator workshop of one day introduce motivated individuals to proven business models from various countries. Participants will learn how to adapt them to your individual local context to solve environmental, social and economic challenges. Focus areas are manufacturing, waste management and agriculture. Future entrepreneurs, business owners and NGOs are welcome to apply. The participation in the workshop is free of charge, participants must cover their own transport costs however. The application deadline is 22 July 2018. Info

UK Research Councils — Global Challenges Research Fund 2018

The Global Challenges Research Fund invites applications to grow research capability in the UK to meet the challenges faced by developing countries. Examples of thematic areas include sustainable agriculture; clean air, water, and sanitation; renewable energy and materials; addressing environmental shocks and long-term environmental changes; and others. Investigators may request up to £3 million over two years. Both UK and international research organisations (Universities, public laboratories, or nonprofit organisations) can be research partners and receive funds. The closing date for submissions is 11 September 2018. About this opportunity

International Development Research Center — Fight against Antimicrobial Resistance in Livestock

The IDRC seeks research proposals that develop innovative veterinary solutions focused on product development to reduce therapeutic and prevent non-therapeutic antimicrobial (AMR) use by farmers in developing countries. Proposals need to demonstrate how the project will involve women in the research team and that they have considered the potential environmental impacts of their activities. Budgets between CAN$ 1-3 million are accepted. To be eligible, at least one of the administering project institutions should be based in a low or middle-income country. The deadline for applications is 12 September 2018. More

Smogathon — Technology to Fight Air Pollution

Smogathon aims to fight air pollution through technology. Start-ups will compete for $15 thousand in cash and a contract to implement their innovation in Krakow, Poland. Smogathon welcomes participation from any group worldwide that works as a registered company, start-up, foundation, or research group with a legal entity. The finalists will compete in Krakow during the Global Clean Air Summit in November 2018. The deadline for applications is 15 July 2018. Link

Climate and Clean Air Coalition — Climate and Clean Air Awards 2018

The annual Climate and Clean Air Awards are given to recognize exceptional contributions and actions taken by individuals or groups to reduce carbon and methane emissions. Any individual, city, subnational government, national government or private entity taking decisive action on short-lived climate pollutants is encouraged to apply. Entries must be received by 01 July 2018. About the award

UK Natural Environment Research Council — Peruvian Glacial Retreat

The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica, Perú (CONCYTEC), invite proposals for a new collaborative Research Programme on Peruvian glacial retreat and its impact on water security and resilience to natural hazards. Applicants can request up to £500 thousand for the UK component of a project and up to S/ 1.5 million for the Peruvian component. Projects can be a maximum of 34 months in duration. The closing date for applications is 09 August 2018. Find details