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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. Department of Commerce — Ocean Exploration Funding Opportunity 2018

NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration & Research (OER) seeks to enhance ocean exploration and scientific knowledge of the unknown or poorly known areas of the ocean. OER seeks proposals focused on three topics including: (1) Exploration of the deep marine environments; (2) Discovery and exploration of prehistorically and historically significant submerged marine heritage sites; and (3) Novel or innovative technologies and methodologies that could increase the pace and scope of ocean exploration. (Note: For themes 1 and 2 proposals outside the US EEZ and the US Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico will not be accepted.). Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education; non-profit institutions; state, local, and tribal governments; for-profit organizations; and U.S. territories. Foreign researchers may participate by submitting a subaward through collaboration with an eligible U.S. entity. The maximum support per project is US$ 750 thousand. Deadline for applications is 07 December 2017. More

Swedish International Development Agency — Training on Climate Change in East Africa

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. Organisations in Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda are invited to nominate candidates for the Advanced International Training Programme ‘Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation’. This round of the training programme has a special focus on water resources, incl. agriculture. Candidates representing government organisations, private companies or NGOs at national, regional or local level are encouraged to apply. The training will be provided in three parts; part 1 in Kenya, part 2 in Sweden, and part 3 in Ethiopia. The closing date for applications is 20 December 2017. More about the training program

European Commission and Indian Department of Science and Technology — EU-India Water Cooperation

The European Commission (under Horizon 2020), the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST), and the Indian Department of Biotechnology (DBT) invite proposals for a multinational research approach in the field of water. The proposed project should develop new and/or adapt existing innovative and affordable solutions for Indian conditions, both in urban and rural areas. This includes drinking water purification, waste water treatment, and real time monitoring. Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least three legal entities from India and three legal entities from Europe. Eligible partners can be from public/private funded academic or research institutions, companies, universities, and non-governmental organisations. The overall project contribution is € 3-5 million for the duration of 3 to 5 years. The joint proposal must be submitted by 27 February 2018. Find the detailed call for proposals

African Innovation Fund — Innovation Prize for Africa 2018

The Innovation Prize for Africa (IPA) honors and encourages innovative achievements that contribute toward developing new products, increasing efficiency, or saving cost in Africa. Priority areas for the IPA include agriculture and agribusiness; environment, energy, and water; and others. The competition is open to African entrepreneurs, academics, and inventors — and to Africans in the Diaspora if their innovations are of significance for Africa. Prizes are US$100 thousand for the winner, plus two other prizes of US$25 thousand each. Additionally, finalists will receive a voucher for US$5 thousand in post-prize technical support to assist in moving their innovations to the next step. The deadline for applications is 10 January 2018. Link

U.S. Agency for International Development — Food Security and Development

The United States Agency for International Development invites applications for funding from organizations that develop innovative technologies, data and methods that can help to better understand food security and development problems. Successful applicants are expected to carry out activities that develop, test or apply innovative methods for monitoring or evaluating Feed the Future/Global Food Security Strategy activities or programs. Funding is up to $1 million per project over a three-year period. Eligibility extends to U.S. and non-U.S., non-profit or for-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international organizations. Closing date for applications is 12 October 2018. For more information, please visit

Water Joint Programming Initiative — Water Resource Management

The Water JPI aims to enable transnational, collaborative research, development and innovation projects addressing questions relating to water challenges. Proposals are invited on the topic “Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”. Only proposals submitted by transnational consortia will be eligible (each consortium must be composed of at least a minimum of three eligible partners from three different countries). Eligibility extends to universities, public research institutions, private non-profit organisations, and private companies. The requested budget per proposal must not exceed € 1.5 million. Deadline for applications is 11 December 2017. Call Announcement

Wageningen University — Course on Wetlands, Integrated Water Resources Management and Food Security

The Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation invites participants for its short-term course on “Wetlands, Integrated Water Resources Management and Food Security”. The course will be held in the Netherlands from 4 June 2018 until 22 June 2018. The course has been designed for wetland managers; river basin and land-use planners; policymakers, consultants, researchers, NGOs, and companies. Proficiency in English is required.The deadline to apply for course scholarships through the Netherlands Fellowship Program (NFP) is 18 October 2017. About the course

Visionaria Network — Promoting Improved Cookstoves in East Africa

Visionaria Network welcomes applications for support from the Empowered Entrepreneur Training Fund (EETF). EETF partially subsidizes training to sell cookstoves and other energy products in East Africa. The EETF will train entrepreneurs and sales agents – particularly women – who sell or contribute to the value chain of improved cookstoves. The EETF will cover the costs up to US$5 thousand of certified trainers to lead the training, and 50% of the logistical costs of the training. The application deadline is 12 October 2017. Find out more

Climate Technology Initiative — Women’s Energy Projects in West Africa

The Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN), in partnership with other organizations, invites applications to facilitate the initiation and management of commercially viable energy projects by women entrepreneurs in West Africa. At least 10 projects or businesses will receive coaching support from experienced professionals for the development of a financially, socially, and environmentally sustainable business plan. The application deadline is 20 November 2017. Learn how to apply

India Department of Science & Technology  — Indo-Hungarian Joint Research

The Indian Department of Science & Technology (DST) calls for proposals for joint research projects between India and Hungary. Grants are to promote collaborative projects between at least one Indian and one Hungarian scientist. Themes are energy and water; biotechnology; and others.  Proposals must be submitted in English. The application deadline is 17 November 2017. More Information