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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Earth Journalism Network — Bay of Bengal Story Grants

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers Story Grants to support the production of in-depth stories on climate and environmental change in the Bay of Bengal region. Particular attention should be given to the adaptation needs, challenges, efforts and success stories of vulnerable and marginalized communities, women and youth. Eligibility extends to professional journalists and other expert media practitioners. Most grants will range from US$1 thousand to US$2 thousand. The application deadline is 13 August 2018. Find this opportunity

International Fund for Agricultural Development — Climate-smart Aquaculture

IFAD seeks proposals for grants to implement a project on “Advancing Technologies and Capacity Building for Climate-smart Aquaculture”. The IFAD will support adaptive research, technology transfer and piloting climate smart aquaculture technologies worldwide. Capacity building in technologies for national aquaculture research will be supported in the targeted countries Eritrea, Ethiopia and Egypt. The IFAD grant amount under this call is up to US$1 million. The recipient of this grant can be an inter-governmental organization, a non-profit organization, an university or a private sector entity. Deadline for the submission of applications is 13 August 2018. (Note: Interested institutions are requested to confirm their intention to submit a proposal by 6 August 2018.) Know more

U.S. Department of State — YSEALI Regional Workshop: Indonesia

The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) is a program of the U.S. government to support bright young leaders ages 18-35 in the ASEAN countries. The Consulate General Surabaya announces an open competition for a cooperative agreement to develop and implement a five-day workshop in Bali, Indonesia connecting social enterprises and startup incubators interested in responding to environmental challenges in Southeast Asia. For the implementation of the workshop funding of US$150 thousand is available. Eligibility extends to U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations and universities. Application have to be submitted by 27 August 2018. Find the call

The KEEN Effect — Critical Coastlines Grant Program

The Critical Coastlines Grant Program funds community-based or non-profit organizations from around the world working to improve the resilience of coastal ecosystems. Threats relevant to this program include ecosystem collapse, climate change, rising sea levels, ocean pollution, ocean acidification, overfishing, and natural disasters. Selected winners receive US$10 thousand in support of their project. Eligibility extends to organizations and individuals. The application deadline is 30 September 2018. Find the Critical Coastlines Grant Program

GSMA — Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation Fund

The GSMA Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation Fund seeks innovations in the use of mobile technology to address humanitarian challenges. This funding round will test new technical solutions and catalyse ideas to improve food security and adaptation/resilience to climate change, among others. Projects should be implemented in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and North Africa, or Latin America. Funding of up to £300 thousand per project is available, as well as mentoring, and project support. Applications will close on 10 August 2018. Find the opportunity

United Nations — Youth Submissions for the 67th UN DPI/NGO Conference

The Youth Sub-Committee seeks submissions from youth, showcasing their work inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals at the 67th UN DPI/NGO Conference, ”We the Peoples”. Video submissions should show why Multilateralism is needed in ending poverty, addressing climate change, forging equality and ensuring access to education in order to create a more peaceful world. Please note that submissions can be in all languages. The deadline for videos/films is 12 August 2018. More

World Bank — Collaborative Data Innovations for Sustainable Development

The World Bank, in collaboration with the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD), is interested in supporting innovative collaborations for data production to be directed towards sustainable development. Consortium members may include social enterprises, for-profit companies, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and academic organizations. Funding may range from between US$25 thousand and US$250 thousand. Proposals must be submitted by 15 August 2018. Click here

Mission Innovation — Carbon Capture Innovation Challenge

Mission Innovation (MI) seeks to identify technologies in the field of CO2 capture, separation, storage and CO2 value addition. The funding of US$ 200 thousand to US$1 million under this call will be available to support activities towards design, research & development of technologies that can address widely affordable ways for carbon capture. The project has to be led by a scientist from India with the participation of at least one MI member country (including China, Indonesia, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia, among others). The last date for the submission of Letters of Intent is 31 August 2018. Here

LAUNCH Circular — Innovation Challenge 2018

The LAUNCH Circular Innovation Challenge 2018 focuses on new ways of design and manufacturing for a circular economy. Innovations should help customers live a more sustainable live. LAUNCH Circular aims to select ten innovations to be scaled globally through its international partners, network, and accelerator program. The program is open to innovators worldwide. The deadline for submissions is 01 September 2018. Find the challenge

National Geographic Society — Science Communication

The National Geographic Society seeks proposals addressing environmental issues by communicating science. The NGS seeks proposals from around the world that advance the science of nature communication by systematically testing visual communication and education methods. The call is intended for visual artists, photographers, and videographers who aim to more effectively create and use images or video to overcome apathy towards species and ecosystems. Typical proposal requests should be less than US$30 thousand, but applicants may request up to US$50 thousand. The deadline for applications is 03 October 2018. Making a Case for Nature