ICCO works towards a world in which people can live in dignity and well-being without poverty and injustice. It supports projects in agricultural markets; food security and water; prevention and adaptation to climate change; access to land and forests for minorities; and prevention of natural disasters. Most programs and projects are managed from ICCO’s country offices, each of which defines specific focus areas. Civil society organizations that want to inquire about partnering with ICCO should make contact at the country level. Link
African Women’s Development Fund — Empowering African Women
The African Women’s Development Fund supports organizations working towards the empowerment of African women and the achievement of gender equality on the continent. To increase income opportunities for women, projects can work with smallholder women farmers, and address issues of climate change and food security. Applicant organizations must have at least three years of experience, be led by a woman, and have a focus on women’s rights. Grants range from US$20 thousand to US$500 thousand for up to two years. AWDF accepts applications from women’s rights organisations in Africa and the Middle East. Applications are due 24 July 2018. More
Youth Peace Initiative — Peacebuilders Video Contest
The Youth Peace Initiative (YPI), together with the Carnegie Foundation and the United Network Of Young Peacebuilders, invites young filmmakers between 18 and 29 years to submit videos that highlight best practices and achievements of young grassroots peace activists (Note: This may include environmental peacebuilding). The best videos compete for the Youth Carnegie Peace Prize. The winner will be awarded with the title ‘Youth Ambassador of the Peace Palace’ during the One Young World Summit in The Hague (The Netherlands) in September/October 2018. Video and application form must be submitted by 20 August 2018. Details
UK Research Councils — Global Challenges Research Fund 2018
The Global Challenges Research Fund invites applications to grow research capability in the UK to meet the challenges faced by developing countries. Examples of thematic areas include sustainable agriculture; clean air, water, and sanitation; renewable energy and materials; addressing environmental shocks and long-term environmental changes; and others. Investigators may request up to £3 million over two years. Both UK and international research organisations (Universities, public laboratories, or nonprofit organisations) can be research partners and receive funds. The closing date for submissions is 11 September 2018. About this opportunity
British Council — Researcher Links Workshops, UK/Turkey
Researcher Links Workshops bring together early-career researchers from the UK and a partner country to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. UK and Turkish Institutions can request up to £40 thousand to be used towards workshop implementation. All workshops must be held in 2019. Each proposal must have one Principal Applicant from the UK and one Principal Applicant from Turkey. The submission deadline is 17 September 2018. Link
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development — Media Fellowship Programme
APWLD invites female media professionals across Asia-Pacific region to participate in the inaugural media fellowship programme that aims to strengthen media advocacy on grassroots issues. The fellowship theme for this year is Climate Change. Proposed projects should focus on the feminist perspective of climate justice. Selected journalists will be given a stipend of US$1,000 to cover expenses for research and travel. Projects have to be submitted by 30 June 2018. Find details
UK Natural Environment Research Council — Towards a Sustainable Earth
The UK Natural Environment Research Council and funding partners invite proposals for the Towards a Sustainable Earth (TaSE) initiative, which aims to improve our understanding of the complex interactions between people and the environment required to make progress in achieving the United Nations Global Goals (Sustainable Development Goals). Applicants are invited to submit multilateral collaborative research proposals comprising eligible researchers from a minimum of three nations (Eligible funding agencies can be found in the call for proposals). Projects should be no more than £700 thousand in total for a maximum duration of two years. Full proposals are due 14 August 2018. Details of the call
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Grants Cycle 2018-2019: South Sudan
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives offers short-term funding to community groups, NGOs, people’s organizations — and in exceptional cases, to international NGOs and government institutions — for small projects addressing empowerment, capacity-building, economic, environmental, and social development issues in South Sudan. Proposals should have a budget of approximately CAD 15 thousand to CAD 30 thousand for six months. The application deadline is 22 June 2018. Link
Climate and Clean Air Coalition — Climate and Clean Air Awards 2018
The annual Climate and Clean Air Awards are given to recognize exceptional contributions and actions taken by individuals or groups to reduce carbon and methane emissions. Any individual, city, subnational government, national government or private entity taking decisive action on short-lived climate pollutants is encouraged to apply. Entries must be received by 01 July 2018. About the award
Google.org — Google Impact Challenge Nigeria
The Google Impact Challenge Nigeria supports non-profit organizations and social enterprises with game-changing ideas to create economic opportunity in their communities. Finalists get access to Google.org funding, mentorship and resources. Four winners will receive a US$250 thousand grant each and training from Google. Eight additional finalists will receive US$150 thousand. Eligible nonprofits and social enterprises are invited to apply by 04 July 2018. Visit the Impact Challenge