The UNFCCC–UNU Early Career Climate Fellowship Programme offers young people from developing countries the opportunity to start their career at the interface between international climate policy development and research. Fellowships may last from six months to two years. Climate Fellows will be able to work in their home countries or internationally, deploying the valuable experience and insights they have gained during the programme. Applicants must be enrolled in their final term or have recently graduated from an advanced university degree programme in environment, climate change, communications, international relations or a related field. Qualified women candidates and candidates from least developed countries are especially encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted two times a year. In 2018, applications will be accepted 01 – 28 February 2018 and 16 July – 16 August 2018. Details here
International Youth Foundation — Global Fellowship for Social Entrepreneurs
The Laureate Global Fellowship, sponsored by Laureate International Universities, recognizes 20 young leaders from around the world who have pioneered solutions to urgent social and environmental challenges in their communities and beyond. Laureate Global Fellows begin their fellowship experience at a week-long training retreat and gain access to opportunities for needs-based personal and organizational development. Applicants must be 18 – 29 years old and founder or co-founder of a venture with at least one year of impact. Deadline for applications is 06 March 2018. Learn more about this fellowship
AFQUA — 2nd International Conference
AFQUA – The African Quaternary: environments, ecology and humans will take place on 14-22 July 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya. Developed and developing world researchers will discuss subjects including palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology and archaeology, equal time is dedicated to a series of focus groups and training workshops. The international conference is the ideal environment for early career and developing researchers to develop the skills they need to develop and communicate their science in the modern research environment. Financial support to visit the conference is available. Deadline for application is 31 March 2018. Find out more
Eurasia Foundation — Youth TV Bridge
The US-Russia Youth TV Bridge is an international platform for increasing cooperation between US and Russian youth through collaborative video production. Students interested in broadcast journalism are encouraged to submit video materials on the topic “Using technology to improve society” (which may include one or more sustainable topics relevant to the Terra Viva Grants Directory). The best, most interesting, and most topical submissions will be shown in full during YTVB episodes. Eligibility extends to US and Russian teams consisting of 9th- and 12th- graders that are affiliated with a school or private television studio. Deadline for submissions is 31 March 2018. Submit your footage to YTVB
Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition — Research on Sustainable Food 2018
The Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition sponsors BCFN YES! (Young Earth Solutions) as an international competition for young researchers on the theme of sustainable food systems. The program offers one-year research grants up to €20 thousand to PhD and postdoc researchers worldwide from any background and nationality. The maximum age is 35. Subject areas include climate change, resilient agriculture, sustainable water management, ecosystem services, food policy, and many others. The competition encourages the participation of teams from different disciplines and countries who wish to combine their expertise in innovative approaches. The deadline for proposals is 14 June 2018. More here
Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation — Demonstration Environment Projects
The Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation (Sida) seeks applications for its Demonstration Grants program. Proposed projects should be international technology and knowledge exchanges involving new and sustainable solutions which positively and measurably impact the environment and poverty reduction. The programme’s focus areas are climate change adaptation/mitigation; ecosystem services; renewable energy; water and sanitation; and urban development. Eligibility extends to companies or organisations based in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Grants range from SEK 500 thousand to SEK 1.8 million. Applications will be reviewed in two steps. In the first step, applicants submit concept notes. In the second step, applicants whose project ideas have been reviewed and accepted in the first step will be invited to submit a full application. Concept notes have to be submitted no later than 14 February 2018. Know more
Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation — Planning Grants
The Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation (Sida) seeks applications for its Planning Grants program. Grants are awarded to help entrepreneurs explore new markets and research their technology’s impact on the environment and poverty reduction. The programme’s emphasis is on cleantech products, systems, processes, and services in the following focus areas: climate change adaptation/mitigation; ecosystem services; renewable energy; water and sanitation; and urban development. Eligibility extends to companies or organisations based in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The maximum amount per projects is SEK350 thousand. The call for applications is open until 04 March 2018 with the possibility to send in a concept note and receive feedback before 14 February. Know more
Franklin Institute — Bower Award for Science Achievement 2019
The Bower Award of US$250 thousand is made to individuals who have made significant contributions to understanding and quantifying perturbations of natural systems within the biosphere, atmosphere, or hydrosphere in the age of the Anthropocene. The competition is open internationally. Self-nominations are accepted. Notices of intent to nominate should be sent by 30 April 2017. The deadline for nominations is 31 May 2017. About the award
EEA and Norway Grants — Strengthening Bilateral Relations
The EEA and Norway Grants support cross-border and transnational project initiatives in ten non-EU Member States. Proposals that fall within the scope of the Terra Viva Grants Directory include environment, energy, and climate change projects, among other focus areas. Grants are available for national and local authorities, NGOs and civil society organisations, private and public enterprises, educational and research institutions, students and teaching staff and social partners. Eligible entities must apply as a consortium, consisting of entities from a minimum of three countries (a list of eligible countries is shared in the announcement). A total of €15 million is made available in the first call for proposals. Deadline for the first step of the application process is 01 July 2018. Details
European Commission — Kolarctic Collaboration, Europe with Russia (3rd Call for Proposals)
Kolarctic offers funding to projects that contribute to internationalization and cross-border cooperation between countries in northern Europe (Finland, Norway, Sweden) and Northwest Russia. Themes in Kolarctic address environmental protection, along with climate change adaptation and mitigation (among others). Eligibility for project funding extends to private and public organizations from each side of the EU-Russia border. Every project should provide at least 10% co-funding. The 3rd Call for Proposals will be launched in May 2018 and closes 28 September 2018. Link