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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network — Consortia for North-South Education and Research (2nd Call)

The Swissuniversities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC) calls for various types of Swiss higher education institutions to partner with each other and with partners in the Global South to develop Consortia for Education and Research (COFER). COFER will aim for stronger integration of research, education, and implementation through new collaborative networks oriented towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Each COFER must address at least two SDGs; provide at least 50% matching funds; and provide funding for partners in the Global South. The application deadline for the current, 2nd call is 28 February 2018. About COFER

Swedish International Development Agency — Training on Climate Change in East Africa

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. Organisations in Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda are invited to nominate candidates for the Advanced International Training Programme ‘Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation’. This round of the training programme has a special focus on water resources, incl. agriculture. Candidates representing government organisations, private companies or NGOs at national, regional or local level are encouraged to apply. The training will be provided in three parts; part 1 in Kenya, part 2 in Sweden, and part 3 in Ethiopia. The closing date for applications is 20 December 2017. More about the training program

ETH Zurich — Seed Grants for Swiss-Asian Research Collaboration 2018

In partnership with Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), ETH Zurich promotes scientific cooperation with key institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. ETH Zurich currently calls for proposals from Swiss researchers with partners in China (incl. Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan, South Korea, and the ASEAN region. The call is open for activities in all scientific disciplines and fields of research. The maximum grant is CHF 25 thousand. The deadline for applications is 31 December 2017. Know more

Michigan State University — Agricultural Development Studies and Research 2018

With funding from the U.S. government, the Borlaug Higher Education Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Program is implemented by Michigan State University. The program supports long-term training of agricultural researchers at the master’s and doctoral levels. BHEARD invites applicants from Mali for study in the USA or other selected countries. The announcement identifies the participating Mali institutions and the eligible fields of study related to agriculture, meteorology, and climate change. The application deadline is 01 January 2018. More information (in French)

World Academy of Sciences — Visiting Experts Program

The Elsevier Foundation and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) are partners in the Visiting Expert Program in sustainability science. The program supports visits of distinguished scientists to institutions in developing countries, with a focus on 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Host institutions in eligible countries can invite distinguished scientists to collaborate in research and training. The visit should provide a minimum stay of two weeks at the host institution. Institutions wishing to be considered for this program should submit the request form before 01 March 2018. Be a Visiting Expert

Overseas Development Institute — Fellowships 2018-2019

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is an independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues. The ODI Fellowship Scheme appoints highly qualified postgraduate economists and statisticians through a competitive selection process. The fellowship scheme is open to candidates of all nationalities who have a master’s degree or PhD in economics, statistics or a related field. Suitable specialised qualifications at postgraduate level include agricultural economics, and environmental economics, among others. The total support per fellow amounts to approximately £21 thousand in the first year of the fellowship and £23 thousand in the second year. The deadline for applications is 1 December 2017. About the Fellowship Scheme

MIT Center for Collective Intelligence — Climate CoLab: Synergistic Solutions for Sustainable Development

The MIT Climate CoLab organizes contests to solicit the world’s best ideas to prevent and adapt to climate change. This contest asks participants to combine real-world proposals and share how they can achieve multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participants may select and combine existing proposals on the Climate CoLab platform to develop new integrated proposals for achieving multiple SDGs. The winner will be invited to attend the official launch event for the upcoming Global Environment Outlook assessment (GEO-6) during the Fourth UN Environment Assembly in March 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya (all expenses paid). Deadline for applications is 07 January 2018. More about the contest

Asian Institute of Technology — Masters Scholarships in Energy and Environment

The Asian Institute of Technology invites applications for the Loom Nam Khong Pijai Scholarships for masters degree programs in infrastructure development; energy technology; oil, gas, and natural resources development; and environmental engineering and management. Eligibility extends to nationals of Thailand, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam and China (Yunnan and Guangxi Provinces). Each scholarship covers tuition and registration fees, accommodation, and a bursary for living expenses at AIT‘s residential campus in Thailand for the 22 months of the masters program. The application deadline is 31 March 2018. Find out more

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research — International Disaster and Risk Management

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) announces the IKARIM – Call for Proposals. The IKARIM grant aims to jointly develop and implement innovative and application-oriented solutions in the fields of disaster prevention, disaster management and restoration in order to strengthen the resilience of the partnering countries against natural and technical risks. International co-operations with selected African and Asian countries are an essential part of this call. Focus countries are Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Cameroon, Madagascar, South Africa, Tunisia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and Vietnam. The maximum support per project is €60 thousand. Applications have to be submitted until 15 December 2017. Find the Call for Proposals

UK Research Councils — Awards for Cutting-Edge Research

The Global Challenges Research Fund invites applications to support cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. Examples of thematic areas include secure and resilient food systems; affordable and sustainable energy; environmental change; and others. Partnership building between UK research organisations and partners in developing countries is an essential part of this call. Applications may seek funding for up to £100 thousand for up to three years of recurrent funding. The deadline for applications is 01 November 2017. Find out more