The MIT Climate CoLab organizes contests to solicit the world’s best ideas to prevent and adapt to climate change. This contest asks participants to combine real-world proposals and share how they can achieve multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participants may select and combine existing proposals on the Climate CoLab platform to develop new integrated proposals for achieving multiple SDGs. The winner will be invited to attend the official launch event for the upcoming Global Environment Outlook assessment (GEO-6) during the Fourth UN Environment Assembly in March 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya (all expenses paid). Deadline for applications is 07 January 2018. More about the contest
Asian Institute of Technology — Masters Scholarships in Energy and Environment
The Asian Institute of Technology invites applications for the Loom Nam Khong Pijai Scholarships for masters degree programs in infrastructure development; energy technology; oil, gas, and natural resources development; and environmental engineering and management. Eligibility extends to nationals of Thailand, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam and China (Yunnan and Guangxi Provinces). Each scholarship covers tuition and registration fees, accommodation, and a bursary for living expenses at AIT‘s residential campus in Thailand for the 22 months of the masters program. The application deadline is 31 March 2018. Find out more
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research — International Disaster and Risk Management
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) announces the IKARIM – Call for Proposals. The IKARIM grant aims to jointly develop and implement innovative and application-oriented solutions in the fields of disaster prevention, disaster management and restoration in order to strengthen the resilience of the partnering countries against natural and technical risks. International co-operations with selected African and Asian countries are an essential part of this call. Focus countries are Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Cameroon, Madagascar, South Africa, Tunisia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and Vietnam. The maximum support per project is €60 thousand. Applications have to be submitted until 15 December 2017. Find the Call for Proposals
UK Research Councils — Awards for Cutting-Edge Research
The Global Challenges Research Fund invites applications to support cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. Examples of thematic areas include secure and resilient food systems; affordable and sustainable energy; environmental change; and others. Partnership building between UK research organisations and partners in developing countries is an essential part of this call. Applications may seek funding for up to £100 thousand for up to three years of recurrent funding. The deadline for applications is 01 November 2017. Find out more
Masdar Institute — Graduate Studies in Environmental Sciences in the UAE
The Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi provides a cross-disciplinary program of study and research focused on sustainable technologies and policies. Masdar offers full financial scholarships to qualified candidates for masters and doctoral degree programs. Subject areas include water and environmental engineering, among others. For international applicants, the application deadline is 31 October 2017. About the Scholarships
KR Foundation — Reducing Fossil Fuels
The KR Foundation makes grants for environmental communications and advocacy, with a special focus on reducing investment and consumption of fossil fuels. The Foundation aims to address root causes of climate change and environmental degradation, and safeguard the planetary boundaries. Grants are to charitable nonprofit organizations. The amount of funding per project typically ranges from DKK 0.5 million to DKK 5 million for projects of up to approximately three years. The next deadline for letters of inquiry is 31 January 2018. See the Funding Opportunity
Connect4Climate — Climate Communications Campaign
In collaboration with partner organizations, the World Bank Group’s program Connect for Climate is sponsoring the #Uniting4Climate communications campaign. In the lead up and during COP 23, partners in the campaign will share messages, host events, and showcase climate solutions under the #Uniting4Climate hashtag. The campaign especially invites proposals for a virtual reality (VR) production in the form of a short description and short sample video that uses VR to illustrate and explain climate solutions and action. The winner or winners will be presented in November at the COP23 in Bonn, and they will be eligible for other publicity and possible prizes. The deadline for entries is 15 October 2017. Read more
Islamic Development Bank — Prize for Women’s Contribution to Development
The IDB Prize for Women’s Contribution to Development draws international attention to the vital role women play in developing their communities and the world. The theme for the 1439H – 2018 Prize is “Women’s Contribution to Promoting Peace and Stability.” (Note: This could possibly include thematic areas important in the Terra Viva Grants Directory.) The Prize consists of two cash awards: US$50 thousand for a woman or a group of women; and US$100 thousand for an organization. Eligibility extends to women engaged in activities and /or residing in one of the IDB member countries, or in a Muslim community in non-member countries. The deadline for nominations is 30 November 2017. Learn about the prize
Blue Earth Alliance — Photography Projects
Blue Earth sponsors photography projects that educate the public about threatened cultures, endangered environments, and other social concerns. Blue Earth provides assistance with fund raising, publishing, and publicity. However, it does not make direct grants to sponsored projects. The deadlines for proposals are 20 January and 20 July of each year. Find submission guidelines
Association of African Universities — Small Grants for Theses and Dissertations
The AAU is pleased to announce the 2017 session of its Small Grants for Theses and Dissertations. The programme aims to facilitate timely completion of post-graduate research in subjects that include agriculture and food security; environment and climate; and others. Applicants should be post-graduate students enrolled in AAU member institutions. Post-graduate students who are lecturers in AAU member institutions, and female candidates, are especially encouraged to apply. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 29 September 2017. Find out more