The Horizon 2020 program of research and innovation includes topics that are suitable for international cooperation. This includes cooperation in several projects of sustainable food security (SFS). Topic SFS-8-2017 will research accessible and cost-efficient alternatives to contentious inputs (e.g., copper) in organic farming. Topic SFS-10-2017 will explore methods to detect and arrest emerging diseases and pests in plants and terrestrial livestock. Topic SFS-13-2017 will focus on protocols for the detection and quantification of pathogens and other factors of concern for the health of plants and terrestrial animals, and correlates of infection/immunity. Topic SFS-21-2016-2017 will support research on the knowledge base and management tools for fisheries in waters of third countries with which the EU has signed sustainable fisheries partnership agreements, and in international waters covered by regional fisheries management organisations. Topic SFS-30-2017 will support research on effective solutions for managing carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in agro-ecosystems. Topic SFS-43-2017 invites research proposals on using Earth observation assets to advance the projection of food supply and agricultural risk assessment in Africa. Topic SFS-46-2017 aims to reduce the use of anti-microbial drugs for treating farm animals in Europe and China. Topic SFS-47-2017 addresses the topic of soil-water management for increased crop production and agro-ecosystem services in Europe and China. Topic SFS-48-2017 aims to research resource-efficient urban agriculture, using examples in Europe and China. Topic SFS-50-2017 will explore agricultural soil carbon sequestration in different pedo-climatic conditions. Eligibility for funding in most topics extends to EU countries, Horizon 2020 associated countries, and over 100 mainly developing countries. The application deadline is 14 February 2017. Link
West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use — Small Research Grants on Climate Change in West Africa
WASCAL supports research to address the severe challenges posed by climate change in West Africa. WASCAL currently calls for proposals in “Building Local Capacity for Policy-Oriented Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in West Africa (BLOC).” BLOC will make small research grants of between €5 thousand to €10 thousand. To be eligible for consideration, research proposals must focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation in West Africa in any of the thematic areas of biodiversity, agriculture, adapted land use, climate systems, education, health, human security, economics, and energy. Priority is given to research teams led by young researchers pursuing a career in government ministries, research, and/or teaching at a public institution in West Africa. Team work and cross-country research proposals are encouraged. The application deadline is 31 October 2016. Link
World Bank — Big Data Innovation Challenge
The World Bank is interested in how “big data” can be used to address development questions, including how climate change affects food security and forestry and watersheds. Solutions may include but are not limited to analytical methodologies, APIs, algorithms, software applications, tools, and new data set generation. Technologies may include artificial intelligence, crowd-sourcing applications, data science, dynamic visualizations, machine learning, and predictive analytics. The Challenge will award US$10 thousand to the winner in each of the following two categories: (i) food security or nutrition, and (ii) forestry or watersheds. Submissions are invited from individuals, students, entrepreneurs, start-ups, university labs, private companies, nonprofits, and public sector agencies legally established in member countries of the World Bank Group. The closing date for submissions is 09 November 2016. Link
World Health Organization — Research on Disease and Environment in the Asia-Pacific Region
WHO invites proposals to undertake trans-disciplinary research on health and environment that could lead to community strategies for preventing and controlling vector-borne diseases transmitted by mosquitos, flies, snails, etc. Proposals are invited from eligible countries in WHO’s South East Asia and Western Pacific regions. The aim is to explore ecosystem-based tools and approaches to address the challenge of vector-borne diseases, especially in areas with inadequate health infrastructure and changing environmental conditions (climate change). The program will fund two projects for two years, with a maximum annual budget of $120 thousand per project. The deadline for proposals is 15 October 2016. Link
European Commission — Capacıty Building in the Fıeld of Clımate Change in Turkey
The EC and the Government of Turkey will co-fund a program to increase public understanding and enhance capacity of Turkish organizations on actions to mitigation and adapt to climate change. One lot of grants is for NGOs in partnerships with local governments and municipalities (maximum grant is €50 thousand, varying with cost shares), while the other lot is for metropolitan municipalities (maximum grant is €200 thousand, varying with cost shares). The deadline for concept notes is 14 November 2016. Reference EuropeAid/138406/ID/ACT/TR. Link
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Sustainable Development — French Cooperation with Pacific Islands and Territories 2017
The government of France makes grants through a regional fund (Le Fonds Pacifique) for economic, social, and cultural collaboration in the Pacific region. Funding priorities include actions to address climate change and the prevention of natural disasters; food security; sanitation; and other thematic areas. Grants are up to €30 thousand per project, and up to a maximum of 50% of project costs. The Fund aims to make about 40 grants for 2017. Applications are submitted through France’s diplomatic missions in the Pacific region. The application deadline is 25 November 2016. Link
MIT Center for Collective Intelligence — Climate CoLab
The MIT Climate CoLab organizes contests to invite the best ideas from around the world to prevent and adapt to climate change. A recently launched contest (“Anticipating Climate Hazards”) calls for ideas on how vulnerable communities can best prepare for climate-related hazards, and for new tools that can be used to incentivize early action. The Judges’ Choice Winner will receive an expenses-paid trip to present its winning proposal to the A2R Leadership Group of key global actors in building climate resilience. The contest deadline is 10 February 2017. Link
International Polar Foundation — Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship
The Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship of €150 thousand over two years provides young scientists with the opportunity to conduct research in East Antarctica. The program is open to young researchers in atmospheric sciences, glaciology, and geosciences and microbiology (excluding marine microbiology). Applications are welcome from doctoral researchers and post-doctoral researchers in any country who have completed their PhD within the past 10 years. The application deadline is 15 September 2016. Link
Michigan State University — Graduate Studies in Meteorology for Mali
With funding from the U.S. government, the Borlaug Higher Education Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Program supports long-term training of agricultural and food security researchers and policy advisors at master’s and doctoral levels. The program currently includes scholarships for staff at selected agricultural and meteorological institutions in Mali to pursue graduate studies in meteorology. Additionally, the program is open to NGO personnel in the Mopti region who are working in subjects of environment and climate. Applications from women candidates are particularly encouraged. The application deadline is 30 September 2016. Link
U.S. Agency for International Development — Climate Change in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean
USAID will fund projects in support of its broad objectives under its program for Eastern and Southern Caribbean Science, Technology, Innovations, and Partnerships. These objectives include one to reduce risks and adapt to the impacts of global climate change. The relevant countries in the program are Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. Eligibility for funding is unrestricted. The closing date for applications is 30 September 2017. Link