The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Earth Journalism Network — Media Partnership Reporting Fellowships to COP29

The Climate Change Media Partnership announces the COP29 Reporting Fellowship Program for journalists from low- and middle-income countries interested in covering the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29). The Fellowship will cover economy-class airfare, accommodation, meals, travel medical insurance, and ground transportation costs related to participation. The deadline is 06 June 2024. Link to CCMP

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Algeria

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Algeria. The priorities under this call include women’s economic rights, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, and investing in the poorest and most vulnerable (which may include agriculture or aquaculture projects), as well as environment, climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, and water management. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$30 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to local community organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. The deadline for submission is 07 June 2024. CFLI Algeria

Prince Albert II Foundation — Call for Projects 2024

The Prince Albert II Foundation is dedicated to the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development on a global scale. Currently, the Foundation calls for projects in 4 thematic areas: forest conservation through local and indigenous action; strengthening arctic and antarctic marine protected areas; coastal and marine solutions; and other projects that relate to climate change, biodiversity, or water preservation. The application closes on 30 June 2024. More information

Allianz — Climate Risk Research Award

The Allianz Climate Risk Research Award supports scientific research that improves the understanding of climate change-related risks. PhD students from all around the world who are in the final stage of their research and postdoctoral researchers whose research focuses on reducing the risk of extreme weather events that are intensified by climate change; or fostering resilience by applying technological solutions are invited to apply. Four finalists will receive a monetary award of up to €7 thousand. The application deadline is 31 August 2024. Find out how to apply

The Pollination Project — Seed Capital for Community Projects Worldwide

The Pollination Project offers seed funding of up to US$1 thousand to compassion-driven individuals, informally organized groups and organizations, and formally registered or incorporated non-profit organizations based anywhere in the world. Topics for projects include education, clean water, afforestation, animal advocacy, and many others. The Pollination Project welcomes applications on a rolling basis. Program Overview

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation — Environmental Grant Making

The Mott Foundation funds grants in the United States and, on a limited geographic basis, internationally. The theme “Environment” supports projects around the world that protect communities and the ecosystems upon which they depend. The program “Transforming Development Finance” aims to guard against unwise capital investments in large-scale dams, extractive industries, and other major projects which threaten environmental sustainability and local economic opportunity in China, Latin America, and other regions of the developing world. The program “Advancing Climate Change Solutions” makes grants to reduce policy and financial barriers to investments in clean energy, and to provide technical assistance and networking opportunities to communities in the Amazon and Sub-Saharan Africa. Letters of inquiry are accepted all year. Info for Grantseekers

Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility — Small Grants Program

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) finances small projects managed by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), charity organizations and/or mandated by National Disaster Coordinators in local communities in the Caribbean. Projects submitted for consideration should fall within the thematic areas of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation and range between US$5 to US$25 thousand. Proposals for small grants may be submitted anytime. About the small grants program

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras. CFLI provides funding to projects that implement environment and climate action projects focusing on adaptation and mitigation, water management, and other thematic priorities. The average contribution is C$35 thousand to C$45 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national, or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 10 May 2024. CFLI Costa Rica

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Pakistan

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Pakistan. The priorities under this call include one on environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, as well as on water management. The average contribution is C$30 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to local community organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. The deadline for submission is 12 May 2024. Click here

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Côte d’Ivoire

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Côte d’Ivoire. The priorities under this call include one on environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$49 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to local community organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. The deadline for submission is 12 May 2024. CFLI Côte d’Ivoire