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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Agora Energiewende — Climate and Energy Transformation

Agora Energiewende invites applications for the EnerTracks Fellowship Program. Up to eight fellows will be invited to come to Berlin (Germany) while each fellow continues working part-time for their home institution. The fellowship offers multi-disciplinary sessions covering a variety of topics such as energy markets, power system flexibility, and research methodologies, among others. Applicants must be nationals of an Official Development Aid country and be currently employed or affiliated to a think tank or other civil society organization and/or an academic body. Fellows receive a travel grant covering half of the costs of participants’ international travel expenses, accommodation in Berlin, and a modest daily stipend. Applications have to be received by 23 May 2023. EnerTracks Fellowship

Swedish Research Council — Sustainability and Resilience Research

The Swedish Research Council funds research projects of particular relevance to the fight against poverty and for sustainable development in least developed countries. Up to 6 researchers can propose a joint research project. At least one researcher from a least developed or lower middle income country must participate. The grant amount will fall between SEK 400 thousand and SEK 2 million per year for a maximum of 3 years. The closing date for applications is 23 May 2023. Link

ProposalsforNGOs — Small Grant Competition 2023

ProposalsforNGOs, an initiative by FundsforNGOs, invites applications for the “Small Grant Competition” aimed at NGOs around the world. The contest aims to help grassroots NGOs to develop a project idea to reality by submitting a one-page concept note. The winner will be awarded US$1000. Participation is open to any non-profit organization in any country. The deadline for submission is 31 May 2023. Find details

Greater Mekong Subregion Secretariat — Call for Demonstration Proposals

The GMS Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program invites applications for pilot demonstration projects. Demonstration proposals from the following themes are accepted: Climate and disaster resilience; Low-carbon transitions; Transboundary climate-smart landscapes; Digital technology for climate actions and environmental sustainability; Financing low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure and technology. The call for proposals is directed at GMS countries including Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam. Eligibility extends to government departments, civil society organizations, and academia and research institutes. The deadline for submitting proposals is 01 June 2023. More information

University of St. Gallen — Research Partnership Grants 2023

Research Partnership Grants aim to strengthen or initiate scientific exchange between researchers from Swiss and Latin American institutions in all disciplines. These grants are particularly useful to develop joint project proposals to be submitted to large funding agencies in Latin America, Switzerland, and Europe or to combine already existing and independently funded projects. The Leading House invites scholars from Switzerland to propose mono- or interdisciplinary research projects in any Latin American country, involving bilateral or multilateral partnerships. Grants between CHF10 thousand and CHF25 thousand will be awarded. The application deadline is 09 July 2023. Research Partnership Grants

Belmont Forum — Climate, Environment, and Health

The Belmont Forum welcomes transdisciplinary proposals that address the nexus of Climate, Environment, and Health. Proposals to the Belmont Forum must address one of the following four themes: Decision-science of environmental behavior and implementation; Food, Environment, and Biological Security; Climate Risks to Ecosystems & Populations. The Belmont Forum will fund three-year projects. All projects should include 3 funding agencies from 3 different countries. Pre-Proposals are due 15 July 2023. Click here

Belmont Forum — Climate and Cultural Heritage

The Belmont Forum welcomes proposals for collaborative research on cultural heritage and climate change, to foster collaboration among the research community across several regions. Proposals must address one of the following themes: the impact of climate change on cultural heritage; cultural heritage as a resource for climate mitigation and adaptation; or sustainable solutions for heritage. The Belmont Forum will fund three-year projects. All projects should include 3 funding agencies from 3 different countries. Proposals will be due 08 September 2023. Know more

U.S. Embassy Nairobi — Small Grants Program

The Ambassador’s Self-Help Fund (SSHF) provides small grants to registered self-help groups, youth groups, community based organizations, and specific types of educational institutions and medical facilities in Kenya. The Fund supports projects that assist special populations; actively protect, preserve, or restore the environment; support community water supply; or create innovative or unique income-generating activity within a community. Funding will range from US$1,000 to US$10 thousand; however, the average grant awarded is US$3,000 to US$7,000. The Embassy encourages applications from Kenya-based organizations, institutions, and individuals. They may partner with U.S.-based entities, but the grant recipient must be based in Kenya. The deadline for applications is 31 December 2023. Link

OPEC Fund — Annual Award for Development

The OPEC Fund honors outstanding contributions to sustainable development. Each year, the annual award recognizes a different theme of particular relevance to global development. In 2023, the theme is “Gender Equality and Climate Action”. The prize is US$100 thousand. The nominee must be a charitable organization. Deadline to submit nominations is 12 May 2023. OPEC Annual Award for Development

Village Capital — Ecosystem Restoration

Village Capital supports 10-12 impact-driven startups building locally viable ecosystem restoration solutions in Africa. The program addresses entrepreneurs championing forest restoration, biodiversity conservation, wetland restoration and water conservation,  sustainable agriculture and climate tech solutions. Participants will receive mentorship and access to an investment analyst. Eligibility extends to (for-profit) startups building locally viable ecosystem restoration solutions. The startup has to have legal incorporation and operations in at least one Sub-Saharan African country. Applications close 14 May 2023. Know more