The company Famae seeks innovative and concrete solutions to fight against climate change, everywhere in the world, around waste, water, food, habitat, energy and mobility. Solutions should be pragmatic, efficient, durable, and money-saving to make life easier for urban citizens while reducing their environmental footprint. Individuals, teams, businesses, government entities, universities and organizations are eligible to apply. The maximum award is €1 million which may be allocated to a single exceptional project to cover the production of a prototype. Applications will be accepted until 15 October 2021. Find the terms and conditions
Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan — Taiwan Excellence Awards
The “Taiwan Excellence: Sharing is Caring” campaign solicits proposals for philanthropic events on issues relating to social concerns and environmental protection. The three best proposals will be awarded US$10 thousand each. The funds for executing each of the three best proposals shall be decided by the organizers, provided that the funds for implementation do not exceed US$150 thousand. Any natural persons or legal persons may submit proposals. Proposals must be submitted by 31 October 2021. Taiwan Excellence Awards
EIT Climate-KIC — Innovation Call for Climate Solutions
EIT Climate-KIC aims to support the development of innovative commercial products or services that achieve climate impact through entrepreneurship and commercial means. EIT Climate-KIC seeks to finance innovators, researchers, scientists, coaches, and experts to join forces in projects that aim to bring innovative solutions to the European market. Innovative actions should address a decarbonization or climate adaptation challenge. EIT anticipates making up to €5 million funding available with a 20% to 40% contribution towards each project’s total budget. The call closes for applications on 18 November 2021. Innovation Call
Women’s International Network on Disasters Risk Reduction — Awards
The Women’s International Network on Disasters Risk Reduction (WIN DRR) awards two cash prizes to highlight the work of women who are changing the field of disaster risk reduction. Nominees must identify as women and be citizens/permanent residents of Asia-Pacific countries, who are working on disaster risk reduction across the Asia-Pacific region. Nominations close on 17 September 2021. Find details
Climate Tracker — COP26 Journalism Fellowship (in-person)
Climate Tracker plans to support a small team of 5 in-person journalists to report from inside the UN Climate Talks this October & November. Climate Tracker seeks young, but experienced reporters based in Europe or the UK, but come from a developing country background, and can speak and write in a non-English language. The 5 selected fellows will receive a stipend of €250 to publish up to 4 stories in their national media. The application deadline is 20 September 2021. In-Person Journalism Fellowship
Climate Tracker — COP26 Climate Journalism Fellowship (online)
Climate Tracker supports a team of 20 young journalists to report virtually on the UN Climate Talks this October and November. Climate Tracker seeks young, early-to-mid-career reporters who work on collaborative stories they can publish in their national media. Fellows will receive a stipend of €250 to publish up to 4 stories in their national media. Deadline is 20 September 2021. Climate Journalism Fellowship
CIVICUS — Civil Society Activism
The CIVICUS Nelson Mandela-Graça Machel Innovation Awards shed a light on the importance of people power and civil society activism in creating a more just, inclusive and sustainable world. The Awards will recognize seven individuals, groups or organizations that stand out for their innovative work building people power in support of human rights and social justice for everyone. Each winning initiative will receive a US$5 thousand prize. The Awards are open to any individual, organization or group in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Pacific. Deadline to submit the online application form is 20 September 2021. Innovation Awards
U.S. African Development Foundation — Mandela Washington Fellows Program
The Mandela Washington Fellows Program provides up to US$25 thousand in funding to African-owned, sustainable social ventures. Venture must be based in and operate in Sub-Saharan Africa. Applicants have to demonstrate how the venture will improve and change the communities in which the grants are implemented. Applications are open until 21 September 2021. More info here
Ban Ki-Moon Centre — Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation
The Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation program is a virtual educational and capacity-building event that fosters the leadership of African young women to induce and realize sustainable solutions that build resilience to the changing climate. The part-time training program will spread over 20-weeks between October 2021 to March 2022. The program aims to help participants to develop an advanced skills set for effective leadership and gain the knowledge to effectively communicate about climate adaptation. Participants must be women between the ages 20-35 and nationals of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria or Zimbabwe. Online applications have to be submitted by 26 September 2021. Women in Climate
Aspen Institute — New Voices Fellowship 2022
The New Voices Fellowship is a year-long program that provides intensive media and advocacy training for top development professionals in the developing world. The Aspen Institute aims to select 15-20 Fellows who will write opinion articles, participate in interviews with local and international media, and speak at international conferences. Subject areas of interest include food security, climate change, and other themes. For the 2022 class, Aspen will give special consideration to Fellows whose work focuses on COVID-19 relief, vaccine development, and pandemic resiliency. Applications are welcome from all developing countries. The program provides funds to participate in media-related activities and conferences. The application deadline is 20 October 2021. Find the nomination form