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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award — Islamic Green City Excellence Award

The Islamic Green City Excellence Award is dedicated to outstanding works carried out by individuals and public as well as private institutions and organizations operating in the various fields of the environment and sustainable development. The selection of the candidate city for the Award is assessed on the basis of specific criteria, including Sustainable Energy Use, Water and Wastewater Management, Urban Forestry, Biodiversity Preservation, and Climate Change Mitigation, among others. Eligibility extends to everyone involved in environmental management and sustainable development (individuals, groups, institutions, organizations, companies, associations etc., be they public, private or non-governmental) from the Islamic countries. The application remains open until 21 December 2021. Link

European Union — Youth Awards for Climate Storytelling

The EU GCCA+ Youth Awards support young journalists, writers and photographers to tell powerful climate stories around the world. Individuals between 18 and 30 years can participate with a video or a story with photos about climate change cooperation, preferably related to an EU-funded project in their country. Five award winners will be able to participate in a 6 weeks masterclass with leading climate reporters and activists. The deadline for registration and submission is 22 September 2021. Award for Climate Storytelling

Global Environment Facility — Climate Adaptation Innovation

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) supports climate adaptation efforts mainly in the least developed countries. The Challenge Program for Adaptation Innovation aims to test and validate scalable investment approaches, business models, partnerships, and technologies. The GEF accepts project concepts with a total value of US$10 million. Concept notes should request no more than US$2 million. Emphasis will be placed on concepts that promote innovation and risk taking for climate adaptation impact. Concept notes can be submitted by any public, private or civil society organization. The deadline for concept notes is 22 August 2021. Link

European Commission — Climate Research Infrastructures

European Commission seeks applications to strengthen the Bilateral Cooperation on Research Infrastructures with Africa to improve the knowledge base on climate change in Africa. Proposed projects are expected to contribute to enhanced research capacities in Africa for climate change observation. Grant amounts are equal to or greater than €500 thousand. Any legal entity is eligible to participate. The application deadline is 23 September 2021. Find details

African Women’s Development Fund — Grants for Women’s Organizations

The African Women’s Development Fund supports organizations working towards the empowerment of African women and the achievement of gender equality on the continent. The six thematic areas include one on economic empowerment and livelihoods related to food security, agriculture, climate change, and other issues. The program makes grants to local, national, sub-regional, and regional women’s organizations in Africa and the following Middle East Countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and Yemen. Grants range from US$8 thousand to US$50 thousand. The closing date for applications is 11 August 2021. More

U.S. Mission to Kazakhstan — Media Program for Renewable Energy

The U.S. Mission in Kazakhstan seeks applications to improve the media coverage on renewable energy issues in Kazakhstan. The project should be designed to provide in-depth training on renewable energy to at least 50 journalists from different regions of Kazakhstan, who in turn will be required to produce at least four articles on the theme of green energy or climate change. The applicant should provide online media training classes, covering the topics of renewable energy, global and local efforts in preventing climate change. USAID will provide up to US$46 thousand in funding for project implementation. Eligibility extends to non-profit and for-profit organizations registered in Kazakhstan, as well as civil society organizations registered in the United States. The closing date for applications is 27 August 2021. Link

United States Agency for International Development — Resilience of Coastal Communities and Ecosystems

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate to pilot new and innovative approaches that provide actionable solutions to improve the resilience of coastal communities and ecosystems in Mozambique. USAID envisions to fund solutions building sustainable food and fisheries systems, and building climate resilient, diversified, and economically viable livelihoods. Please note that the resources made available under this call will depend on the concepts received. Some award types may not include any funding. Eligibility extends to public, private, for-profit, and nonprofit organizations, as well as institutions of higher education, public international organizations, non-governmental organizations, U.S. and non-U.S. government organizations. The closing date for applications is 30 August 2021. Know more

Unleash — Incubation Program for Entrepreneurs

UNLEASH Plus is a global 6-month incubation program for entrepreneurs working on social or environmental challenges, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The program provides teams with the right skills, mindsets, and resources to test and launch their solutions, and design them for large-scale impact. Teams will explore real-life challenges within the SDG themes, before defining specific problems and coming up with solutions. The top teams will present their solutions to investors and experts. The program is open to all youth entrepreneurs looking to advance solutions that address the SDGs. The application deadline is 25 July 2021. UNLEASH Plus

Grinnell College — Grinnell Prize 2022

Grinnell College invites nominations for the 2022 Grinnell Prize. The Grinnell Prize of US$50 thousand will be awarded to individuals who show creativity, commitment, and extraordinary accomplishment in effecting positive social change. Past nominations have spanned a diversity of social issues related to agriculture and hunger relief, conservation and environment, and many other thematic areas. Nominees may be nationals of any country who have earned a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) between 2006 and 2022. Nominees must be nominated by a third party. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2021. About the Grinnell Prize

United States Agency for International Development — Digital Storytelling Contest

The Global Leadership and Education Advancing Development (Global LEAD) Initiative invites submissions to the digital storytelling contest to show how youth are using the power of change to make the world a better place. Young changemakers between the ages of 18 and 35 can submit an original, three-minute video or slideshow in Arabic, English, French, or Spanish that tells the story of their youth-led actions to advance their community. Stories must be linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the key issues: Climate Action and Food Security/Resilience. Voting will open on the platform on July 1 and close on 23 July 2021. Be aware that early submissions have more chances to get more votes. Global LEAD Digital Storytelling Contest