In its theme Equitable Development, the Ford Foundation makes grants to challenge inequality. The sub-theme “Natural Resources and Climate Change” seeks to ensure that indigenous and other communities have secure access to and control over natural resources, and can benefit from them fully. The Foundation’s regional offices represent most of the developing world. The Foundation accepts project ideas at any time. Link
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Environment and Climate Action: Asia-Pacific Islands
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, and Tuvalu. CFLI provides funding to projects that implement environment and climate action projects focusing on adaptation and mitigation, water management, and other thematic priorities. The average contribution is C$15 thousand to C$30 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit local, national or community-based organizations. The deadline for submission is 14 February 2021. Details here
Initiative for Climate Action Transparency — Support for Climate Action
The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) aims to help countries better assess the impacts of their climate policies and actions. ICAT delivers hands-on support via short, agile projects to governments and provides tailored support to develop effective transparency systems. Country support is delivered through focused and time-bound (12 to 18 months) projects with resources provided for work by national experts or expert institutions, training activities, stakeholder workshops and international expert advice. Interested countries are invited to submit a formal Expression of Interest by 28 February 2021. Know more
Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education — Nuffic Scholarships for Short Courses
Nuffic, a Dutch non-profit organization for internationalization in education, offers scholarships for training courses in The Netherlands. Subject areas include climate adaptation, water governance, and many others. The Nuffic Scholarships at The Hague Academy (OKP, MSP and StuNed) will cover the tuition fee, flights, insurance, accommodation and a small daily allowance. Potentially interested individuals review the courses and dates offered by the participating Dutch higher education institutions, and information about how to apply. The next deadlines to apply for Nuffic scholarships is 11 March 2021. Click here
Verra — Tools for Nature-based Carbon Credits
Verra and partners launch the Sustaintech Xcelerator program, a six-month global virtual accelerator focused on developing tools that will improve the monitoring and verification of environmental nature-based solutions. Start-ups, established companies, and academics using emerging technologies to help streamline nature-based carbon credit monitoring are invited to apply. Each selected applicant will receive a grant of S$50 thousand. The application deadline is 15 January 2021. Sustaintech Xcelerator
UK Department for International Development — Funding for Small Charities
The Small Charities Challenge Fund (SCCF) supports UK-based grassroots organizations to help priority countries to enhance their capacity and efforts to help the poor, vulnerable and most marginalized. UK Aid Direct operates in the lowest 50 countries in the Human Development Index and in countries considered to be of high or moderate fragility. Thematic areas include agriculture, climate change, environment, water resources and others. Grants of up to £50 thousand will be available for projects of up to 2 years. Applications are reviewed on a 6-monthly basis. The next review of project grant proposals is 25 March 2021. Link
Newable — Global Young Innovators Program
Newable accepts applications to join the Global Young Innovators Program. Entrepreneurs and young inventors from South Africa and the United Kingdom are invited to generate innovative ideas to help address five challenges in South Africa. The challenges include the categories low-carbon economy and sustainable solutions for urban and rural communities, related to water, sustainable agriculture and fisheries. Participants take part in a training program, receive mentorship, and have the chance to pitch a R200 thousand funding grant. Participants from South Africa have to be between 18 and 30 years old. Applications close 17 January 2021. Link
Regional Studies Association — Awards in Regional Studies
The Regional Studies Association (RSA) covers issues in the fields of climate change, energy, migration, and economic development. RSA makes awards to recent Masters graduates, PhD students, and early-career researchers who made an original and outstanding contribution to the field of regional studies. Award winners receive £500. Grants have no geographical limitation, past award holders come from Egypt, Argentina, China, etc. The deadline for nominations (both self-nominations and third-party nominations) is 30 April 2021. Link to awards
Economic Research Forum — Mitigation and Adaptation to Impact of Climate Change in MENA Region
Economic Research Forum (ERF) supports climate research projects to address topics related to the impact of climate change in the MENA region. Possible research questions and areas of interest are outlined in the call for proposals. Proposals can be cross-country or focused on a single country. The maximum grant is US$8 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to experienced researchers. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 09 January 2021. Link
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management — NDC Financing Fellowship Program
The Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and the African Research Impact Network offer a 12-month bilingual NDC Financing Fellowship Program (NDC – FFP) for policymakers and researchers from francophone Africa. Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are intended reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and central to achieving the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. Participants will learn about different ways to finance climate commitments and exchange with policy experts and researchers working in the field of NDC finance. The fellowship is open to researchers from francophone African countries. The application deadline is 18 January 2021. About the NDC Financing Fellowship