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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Cambodia Climate Change Alliance — Innovation Responding to Climate Change

The Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) offers grants in support of Cambodia’s national priorities on climate change. The CCCA expects to award grants in amounts between US$50 thousand and US$100 thousand. Proposed projects should include innovative elements (technology or processes) and demonstrate a clear understanding of barriers to the adoption and scaling-up of the proposed innovation(s). The program is open to government ministries or agencies; NGOs (local and international based in Cambodia); and universities (based in Cambodia). The closing date for concept notes is 27 November 2020. Find information

European Union and Republic of Turkey — Climate Change Adaptation Grant Program

The European Union and the Republic of Turkey invite concept notes for participation in the Climate Change Adaptation Grant Program (CCAGP). Projects should target the overall objective of enhancing climate change adaptation in Turkey through actions that improve resilience of communities and cities, protect natural resources and ecosystems and enhance adaptation capacity of vulnerable economic sectors. Grants requested under this call can range between €50 thousand and €450 thousand. Eligibility extends to local and international nonprofit organizations, universities, municipalities or local authorities. The application deadline for submission of concept notes is 30 November 2020. More info

European Union — European Researchers’ Night

The European Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide public and media event for the promotion of research careers. Established researchers have the opportunity to showcase the diversity of science and to stimulate interest in research careers among young people. Legal entities, such as research organizations, companies, public authorities, schools, science museums, foundations or the media from an EU Member State or Associated Country can apply to host an event for researchers’ night. Events and actions that target climate and environmental-related challenges are especially welcome. The European Commission offers funding that covers any expenses linked to the organization of the research outreach event. The deadline for submission of applications is 12 January 2021. Details here

European Commission — Green Transition and Energy Access in Africa

The Horizon 2020-funded European Green Deal Call seeks to support research and innovation projects that respond to the climate crisis and help protect unique ecosystems and biodiversity. The strategic call “Accelerating the green transition and energy access Partnership with Africa” invites proposals for energy solutions that consider climate adaptation and mitigation potential with the aim of providing sustainable energy access in Africa. The Commission considers proposals requesting a contribution of between €5-10 million. At least two partners from at least one African country must be part of the consortium to be eligible for funding. The application deadline is 26 January 2021. Link

King Baudouin Foundation — Subsidies in Support of Sustainable Development

The Business Partnership Facility awards subsidies to support and develop private sector involvement in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries. The project must contribute to achieving at least one clearly identified SDG. Funding of up to €200 thousand is available. Partnerships must comprise actors from the private sector, civil society, academia and/or the public sector, with at least one organization from the for-profit private sector. The application deadline is 11 February 2021. Find details here

European Commission — Overseas Biodiversity and Climate Change

BEST 2.0+ promotes the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of ecosystem services, including climate change adaptation and mitigation, in the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Pacific, Polar and Subpolar, and South Atlantic regions. Local authorities and civil society organizations are invited to submit projects with focus on local development, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of ecosystem services. The maximum grants amount is €60 thousand over a period of 19 months. The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 22 October 2020. BEST 2.0+

Climate Change Africa Opportunities Network — Green Ambassadors for Climate in Africa

The Climate Change Africa Opportunities (CCAO) Network asks young climate and environment activists to become Green Ambassadors for climate in Africa. The network aims to promote young climate activists and support them in remaining proactive for the protection of the environment and the fight against climate change. Green Ambassadors are voluntary activists but will receive international recognition and access to networking opportunities. Applicants must be nationality of an African country and be aged 18 -35 years at the time of application. The submission period ends 31 October 2020. Become a Green Ambassador

World Meteorological Organization — World Meteorological Day Photo Competition

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) invites photographers to submit high-quality and artistic photographs which illustrate the theme of World Meteorological Day “The Ocean, our Climate and Weather.” Winning entries will feature in the WMO 2021 online calendar. The competition is open to everybody. The deadline for entry is 15 September 2020. Link to competition

Global University Climate Forum — Student Action to Address Climate Change

The Global University Climate Forum brings student activists together to share ideas and act on the global imperative of addressing climate change. The Forum is a one-year program offering a series of workshops that will cover a range of topics pertaining to climate action. Selected teams will be invited to participate in a series of workshops. After the workshops, students will execute their ideas. College and University students from around the world are invited to apply with action-oriented projects. The deadline for application is 30 September 2020. Details here

European Commission — Civil Society Development in China

The European Commission (EC) seeks to strengthen the civil society in China to help tackle climate change and mitigating its adverse effects, among other priorities. The EC invites proposals that increase the capacities and engagement of local CSOs on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Applicants may request a financial contribution between €800 thousand and €850 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit civil society organizations established in China or the European Union. Deadline for submission of concept notes is 15 October 2020. Details here