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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. Department of State — Young Pacific Leaders Conference 2020

The US Department of State, in partnership with Cultural Vistas, accepts applications from emerging leaders (ages 25-35) across the Pacific to attend the Young Pacific Leaders (YPL) Conference in Papua New Guinea (April 2020). The Conference will include informational sessions, skills workshops, cultural activities, and site visits to deepen participants’ capacity to address regional issues related to Education; Environment and Resource Management; Civic Leadership; and Economic and Social Development. All travel, lodging and meals will be provided to selected participants. After the YPL Conference, all YPL alumni will be eligible to compete for small grant funding to support projects in their countries. Applications are due by 03 February 2020. Find out more

U.S. National Academy of Sciences — Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research, Cycle 9

PEER invites scientists in developing countries to work with U.S. collaborators in research and capacity building on priority topics that include environmental contaminants, agricultural productivity and food security, biodiversity conservation, water security, low-carbon development, fisheries assessments, and others. The priorities are different for each PEER focus area (i.e., varying by regions and countries). Projects are anticipated to run for one to three years. Awards involving support for only one institution (single institution awards) range from US$40-80 thousand per year. Awards involving support for more than one institution (multiple institution awards) may receive up to US$100 thousand per year. Applicants must be based at academic institutions, non-profit organizations, or government-managed research laboratories, centers, or institutes in the eligible countries. Applicants need to have at least one research partner in the U.S. that has grant funding from the U.S. government. The deadline for pre-proposals is 10 February 2020. Click here


AIC Sangam — Clean-Tech Incubator

AIC Sangam seeks innovative clean-tech startups working in Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. The Incubator is interested in a proof of concept or a working prototype regarding Climate Change. The Incubator program provides access to labs, professional advisors, mentors, and collaboration, with leading organizations from clean tech and allied industries. Applications are being accepted until 30 June 2020. Link

ENEA Consulting — Support for Energy Initiatives in Africa and Asia

ENEA Access offers 50 to 60 days of professional consulting services on a pro-bono basis. The Energy Access Booster is open to entrepreneurs based in Sub-Saharan Africa or Asia. Activities that can be considered for ENEA’s support include feasibility studies, market and business models, implementation of pilot projects, and others. Selected entrepreneurs receive a financial contribution of up to US$ 50 thousand. Projects must clearly contribute to the reduction of poverty and/or climate change as a result of improved access to energy. There are no restrictions regarding the home country of the applying organization. The closing date is 13 December 2019. Click here

Mohammed Bin Rashid Initiative for Global Prosperity — Climate Change Challenge

The Global Makers Challenge invites innovative start-ups, entrepreneurs and businesses to submit solutions to solve real-world problems. The current Climate Change challenge seeks solutions that will empower communities, especially those in developing countries, to eliminate waste and use existing resources through low-carbon, circular approaches. Applications are invited from innovators around the world without any geographical limitations. The winner receives prizes, including cash and mentorship. The deadline is 31 January 2020. Find the Challenges

2SCALE — Digital Innovation for Climate Smart Agriculture

2SCALE invites entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs with digital innovations to apply to the innovation challenge to boost climate smart agriculture. Innovation should promote food and nutrition security, climate-smart (eco-efficient) agriculture, and the inclusion of women and youth. Furthermore, the innovation should primarily focus on smallholder farmers. Projects have to be implemented in Kenya, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, or Niger. The winners will receive scaling opportunities, technical support, and research support. The application has to be submitted by 15 November 2019. More

German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety — International Climate Initiative (Country Specific Call: India)

Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity projects that have climate relevance. Currently, IKI seeks to support programs in India. Thematic priorities are (1) Forest landscape restoration and piloting new models in forestry (including in urban areas); and (2) Storage technology for renewable energy. The IKI will support two bilateral programs with a funding volume of €15 million each, and a duration of five to seven years. Application is open to NGOs, business enterprises, universities, research institutes, and international and multinational organisations worldwide. Close cooperation with a relevant partner institution in India is a prerequisite. Proposals have to be submitted by 04 November 2019. Details

Earth Journalism Network — Bay of Bengal Media Grants 2020

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) makes grants to media organizations in the Bay of Bengal region, that aim to improve the quantity and quality of information about climate change. Particular attention should be given to the adaptation needs, challenges, efforts and success stories of vulnerable and marginalized communities. Preference will be given to applications from or affiliated with professional journalists, media organizations, journalism schools, and the like. However, EJN will also consider applications by NGOs or environmental groups looking to build the capacity of journalists to cover conservation issues. The average grant will be about US$20 thousand for one year. The application deadline is 31 October 2019. More info

German Embassy — Small-Scale Project Funding for Bangladesh

Germany provides direct financial assistance to NGOs, local communities and religious institutions for the implementation of a small project for the benefit of disadvantaged groups of society in Bangladesh. Organizations may apply for up to €25 thousand. Project proposals may be submitted to the Embassy as hard copy by 30 November 2019. Small-Scale Project Funding 2020 

Coady International Institute — Climate Basics for Community Resilience

The Coady International Institute offers a seven-week online course that gives participants a basic overview of the science behind climate change. The course will focus on particular areas that climate change will impact, including water resources, human rights, and severe weather events. Bursaries of CAD300 are available for select candidates. The application deadline is 13 December 2019. More about the course