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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Climate Intervention Environmental Impact Fund — Climate Intervention

The Climate Intervention Environmental Impact Fund (CIEIF) supports innovative projects worldwide working to reverse climate change. The fund supports EIA, predictive impact modeling, and engagement efforts with potentially impacted stakeholders for innovative climate intervention technologies that are on the verge of field testing. Applicants should write a grant request that demonstrates how they would spend US$75 thousand. Applications are due by 01 December 2024. Details here

South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics — Environmental and Resource Economics in South Asia

SANDEE invites research concept notes in any area of environmental and resource economics relating to the development of South Asia and the Hindu Kush Himalaya, including environmental issues faced by people living in the plains, hills, and mountains. Examples of research previously supported by SANDEE include renewable energy subsidies that target the poor; analysis of possible payments to farmers for ecosystem services; and research on the economics of climate change. Proposals must include a strong economic component. Grants will be in the range of US$20-30 thousand over two years. Concept notes have to be submitted by 31 December 2024. SANDEE Research Grants

German Government — International Climate Initiative Medium Grants

Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity projects that have climate relevance. The focus of the IKI Medium Grants scheme is to provide support to the implementation of projects addressing the global loss of biodiversity in connection with climate change. Each project can receive a grant of between €300 thousand to a maximum of €800 thousand over a period of two to three years. Funding is available for non-profit organizations (associations, foundations, think tanks) and academic institutions (universities and research institutions), as well as non-profit companies in Germany. Projects have to be implemented in collaboration with local implementing organizations in ODA countries. Project outlines can be submitted by 14 January 2025. Climate Initiative Medium Grants

Ocean Foundation — Scholarship for Sea Turtle Preservation

The Ocean Foundation and the Boyd Lyon Sea Turtle Fund seek applicants for the Boyd N. Lyon Scholarship. Students with field research projects on sea turtle behavior and habitat use in the marine environment, as well as projects that promote sea turtle conservation in coastal ecosystems, can apply. One award of US$2,500 will be made to a Masters or PhD student. The applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college or university during 2025/2026. The application deadline is 15 January 2025. Boyd N. Lyon Scholarship

German Government — International Climate Initiative Small Grants

Germany’s International Climate Initiative (IKI) supports projects on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and biodiversity projects that have climate relevance. The focus of the IKI Small Grants scheme is to provide support to the implementation of projects addressing the global loss of biodiversity in connection with climate change. IKI Small Grants selects project proposals and provides funding between €60 thousand and €200 thousand. Not-for-profit organizations and for-profit non-government organizations, if they pursue strictly non-profit objectives, are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is 15 January 2025. IKI Small Grants

German Government — International Climate Initiative: Thematic Selection

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) funds climate projects that address pressing challenges in the areas of climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation. The funding amount provided by the German Government ranges from €5 million to €20 million per project. Applicants for funding must apply as a consortium. Nonprofit organizations, enterprises, universities,c and research institutions as well as international intergovernmental organizations are eligible. The selection procedure is done in two stages. In the first stage, interested implementing organizations submit a project outline. Project outlines must be submitted by 18 February 2025. Know more

Climate Technology Initiative — Funding for Climate or Clean Energy Projects

The Climate Technology Initiative (CTI PFAN) provides funding to climate or clean energy projects. PFAN accepts applications for projects in low- and middle-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Central America and the Caribbean Islands. Projects may request between US$1 million and US$50 million. Projects providing energy access or rural electrification (clean cookstoves, solar home systems, mini-grids) may request smaller sums between US$500 thousand and US$50 million. Proposals are invited from companies, individuals or legal persons; public-private partnerships; and entities that are legally structured to redistribute profits. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Climate Technology Initiative

Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation — Start-up Support for Social Enterprises

The Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation supports early-stage, high-impact social enterprises and seeks projects and innovations that dramatically improve the lives of people and the world. Eligibility extends to non-profit, for-profit, and hybrid organizations in the early stages of their development that have scaling potential. The DRK investments are distributed twice a year over a three-year term, totaling $300 thousand. The Foundation has a rolling online application process throughout the year; there is no deadline. Click here

Government of Switzerland — Renewable Energy Promotion in Developing Countries

The independent platform Renewable Energy, Energy and Resource Efficiency Promotion in Developing and Transition Countries (REPIC) supports projects in the field of renewable energies and/or energy efficiency and/or resource efficiency (waste, wastewater, and industrial processes). The project applicant has to be a Swiss organization (companies, NGOs, institutes, etc.) but the project target country must be a developing country. The maximum amount per project is CHF 150 thousand. Applications can be submitted at any time. Application procedure

Climate & Care Initiative — Climate Fund

The Climate & Care Initiative seeks innovative practices that connect climate and care to promote equitable and sustainable development and a just transition. The fund supports those at the forefront of climate and care work to help organizations and initiatives develop evidence on the importance of integrating these critical areas. The Climate & Care Initiative provides up to US$50 thousand per project for innovative practices in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The Climate and Care Fund is open to grassroots organizations, NGOs, and social movements. The deadline to apply is 10 December 2024. Climate and Care Fund