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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

European Commission — Renewable Energy for the Philippines

The EC calls for concept notes that promote renewable energy for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Philippines. Grants will range from €1.5 million to €3 million, varying with cost shares. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit organizations, public sector operators, local or national authorities, international (inter-governmental) organisations, and electric cooperatives in EU member states and other countries eligible under the DCI Regulation. Reference: EuropeAid/158417/DD/ACT/PH. The deadline to submit concept notes is 19 February 2018. Details

BirdsCaribbean — Hurricane Relief Fund

The BirdsCaribbean Hurricane Relief Fund accepts applications for birds and habitat recovery. The fund aims to advance the recovery and ongoing conservation of birds and their habitats on islands affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria and assist conservationists working on these islands regain capacity lost in the hurricane and necessary to undertake recovery and conservation projects. The Hurricane Relief Fund is positioned to support small projects with up to US$5 thousand. Larger grants of up to US$10 thousand may be considered in exceptional cases. Eligible islands are Dominica, Barbuda, Anguilla, St. Eustatius, St. Barts, St. Kitts, Saba, St Martin/Sint Maarten, British and US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos Islands, and Cuba. Requests will be reviewed and granted on a rolling basis. Know more

Network for Rural Development of Serbia — Sustainable Rural Development in the Western Balkans

Network for Rural Development of Serbia invites civil society organisations (CSOs) to submit applications related to the thematic areas of sustainable rural development. This may include capacity building programs in sustainable agriculture, environment protection, sustainable management of natural resources, and others. The maximum grants size is €17 thousand per organization. Eligibility extends to organizations from Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. (Note: The Programme is part of the project “ALTER – Active Local Territories for Economic development of Rural Areas” by the European Union.) Deadline for applications is 17 December 2017. Hurry up!

SEED Foundation — Agricultural Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa 2018

The SEED Foundation supports French nonprofit organizations in partnership with nonprofit organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa for innovative solutions that address food security. Projects can address agricultural practices, farming knowledge and capacity, local agricultural products, etc. Grants range from €7 thousand to €15 thousand, up to 70% of project costs. The Foundation lists 21 eligible African countries. The deadline for applications (French, English) is 05 February 2018. See the Call for Proposals

Riverbanks Zoo and Garden — Conservation Support Fund 2018

The Riverbanks Zoo and Garden (USA) makes grants for field conservation; habitat management; conservation education; ex situ captive breeding; animal health and welfare; and other themes in wildlife research and conservation. Grants generally range from US$1 thousand to US$5 thousand. The annual application deadline is 01 June. About the Conservation Fund

Agropolis Fondation — Call for Proposals “Young Scientist”

The Agropolis Foundation (France) promotes interdisciplinary and integrated plant biology, ecology, and sustainable agriculture addressing development issues in the global North and South. The Call will fund research projects of young researchers from all around the world focusing on any of the thematic research domains covered by the Agropolis Fondation. The maximum project support is €20 thousand. Deadline for the submission of proposals is 15 February 2018. See the full call for proposals

European Commission and Indian Department of Science and Technology — EU-India Water Cooperation

The European Commission (under Horizon 2020), the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST), and the Indian Department of Biotechnology (DBT) invite proposals for a multinational research approach in the field of water. The proposed project should develop new and/or adapt existing innovative and affordable solutions for Indian conditions, both in urban and rural areas. This includes drinking water purification, waste water treatment, and real time monitoring. Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least three legal entities from India and three legal entities from Europe. Eligible partners can be from public/private funded academic or research institutions, companies, universities, and non-governmental organisations. The overall project contribution is € 3-5 million for the duration of 3 to 5 years. The joint proposal must be submitted by 27 February 2018. Find the detailed call for proposals

BioInnovate Africa — Improve Productivity of Smallholder Farmers in East Africa

The BioInnovate Africa Programme wants to improve productivity of smallholder farmers and communities in eastern Africa through value addition and agro/bioprocessing. Thematic areas include (1) Value addition to agroproduce; (2) Agro/biowaste conversion; and (3) Bioinnovation policy analysis and development. Grants range from US$ 250 – US$ 750 thousand for a maximum period of three years. Eligibility extends to scientists, researchers and innovators from Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. The application deadline is 02 February 2018. Details

UK Government — Sustainable Forestry

The Forest Governance, Markets and Climate (FGMC) programme will provide grants for projects that support governance and market reforms that reduce the illegal use of forest resources. Projects should focus on eliminating illegal logging, promoting legal trade and ensuring the rights and benefits for poor people, local communities and indigenous people who depend on forests for their livelihoods. Geographical focus is South East / East Asia and the Mekong region (Indonesia, Myanmar and China), West Africa (Ghana, Liberia), Congo Basin (Republic of Congo, Cameroon) and Guyana. Eligible organisations are non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and UK-based non-profit organisations. Funding for projects varies from £500 thousand to £1 million. Funding of more than £1 million is available as well. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 21 November 2017. Learn more

Belgium’s University Commission for Development — Student Micro-Projects 2018

The student micro-project program offers students in the Wallonia region of Belgium the opportunity to set up a project in partnership with students from a developing country. Topic areas may include water resources, female empowerment, and several others. The ARES program offers financial support of up to € 15 thousand per micro-project. The deadline for applications is 08 December 2017. Link