The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Global Affairs Canada — Climate and Agriculture in Senegal

The “Program of Development and Adaptation to Climate Change of Irrigated Crops in Senegal” calls for proposals. The program aims to improve the socio‑economic well-being and resilience of farming households, with a particular emphasis on women and young people. Applications are invited from experienced and qualified Canadian organizations and consortia that may include Canadian with non-Canadian organizations. Preference will be given to projects in partnership with one or more Senegalese organizations. Grants are CAD$13 million to CAD$18 million for projects of five years. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 31 August 2017. Link

U.S. Department of State — Environmental Funding for Pacific Islands

The U.S. Department of State announces environmental awards up to US$25 thousand to support local and regional small-scale environmental projects in eligible countries of the Pacific Islands region. Subject areas are agriculture and fisheries; sustainable economic development; adaptation to changing environmental conditions, e.g., coastal management; waste management, including marine litter; air quality; biodiversity and healthy ecosystems; marine protected areas; environment or health-related education; capacity building for scientific research on environmental issues; and deployment of new technology for application to environmental issues. Projects may propose activities in Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Micronesia; Nauru; Palau; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; or Vanuatu. Applications are invited from NGOs; public international organizations; institutions of higher education; and for-profit organizations and businesses. Funding Opportunity 2017-EAP-SUVAREO. The application deadline is 15 July 2017. Link

Phoenix Zoo — Funding for Wildlife Conservation and Science

The Phoenix Zoo (Arizona, USA) makes small grants to support wildlife conservation and science worldwide. Grants are limited to US$3 thousand for one year. Priority is for practical projects that help build capacity, and that involve local communities. The application period for preproposals is 01 August through 01 October each year. Link

Wuppertal Institute — Projects and Knowledge Exchange in Sustainable Energy

WISIONS of Sustainability is an initiatives of the Wuppertal Institute to nurture innovative energy projects and to foster knowledge exchanges between practitioners. The supporting scheme SEPS (Sustainable Energy Project Support) has launched its first call for proposals in 2017 to focus on projects and knowledge exchanges for the Caribbean, South and Central America, and Southern and Southeast Asia. The deadline for applications is 23 June 2017. Link

U.S. Agency for International Development — Management of Indigenous Lands in Brazil

USAID announces funding to support territorial and environmental management of indigenous lands in selected areas of Maranhao, Rondonia, and Roraima in Brazil’s Amazon region. The program aims to enhance biodiversity conservation, and to strengthen Brazil’s national policy for land and environmental management on indigenous lands. USAID welcomes applications from many different types of organizations, U.S. and non-U.S., public and private, either in consortia or individually. USAID aims to make up to four awards.  Funding Opportunity APS-512-17-000002. The application deadline is 17 November 2017. Link

Biodiversity Foundation — Grants for Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development

Spain’s Biodiversity Foundation funds conservation field projects, research, education and training, and public awareness. Most grants are made in Spain. However, the Foundation is willing to consider international projects proposed by Spanish nonprofit NGOs; by large international nonprofit NGOs; by nonprofit organizations in other EU member states; and projects co-funded by AECID (Spain’s agency for international development cooperation). Grants are up to €50 thousand for one year. The closing date for the main program of competitive grants is 30 June 2017. Link

Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland — Scotland’s Grants for Zambia and Rwanda

The Scottish Government announces the 2017 round of funding for its Zambia and Rwanda development programs. The focus regions are Central Province in Zambia, and Western and Southern Provinces in Rwanda. Among the priority themes are agriculture, and renewable energy as a component in other priority themes. Applications are restricted to Scottish-based organizations. The closing date for submitting concept notes is 04 May 2017. Link

Triodos Foundation — Support for Grassroots Development

Triodos Bank focuses on financial support for sustainable “green” organizations in sectors such as agriculture and energy. The Triodos Foundation focuses on grassroots projects in organic agriculture, food, biodiversity, animal welfare, holistic education (including music and theatre as a means of learning). All grant recipients are non-profit organizations based in the Netherlands which may work in collaboration with partners in developing countries. Applications are presented to the Foundation by email. There is no calendar deadline. (Note: Only organizations based in the Netherlands can apply. A recommendation of a Dutch acquintance is not sufficient.) Link

European Commission — Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories

The EC funds the program Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in European Overseas Territories (BEST) in order to fund actions on the ground, both at the local and regional level. BEST 2.0 is open to applications for projects in the overseas territories of the Caribbean, Pacific, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Polar/Sub-polar regions. Small grants are up to €100 thousand; medium grants are €100 thousand to €400 thousand. Potential applicants include local civil society organisations; small for-profit organisations; municipalities; OT governments and their departments and services; European Member State bodies; and regional and international organisations. The deadline to submit concept notes is 14 April 2017. Link

IUCN-Oceania — Small Grants for Energy in the Pacific Islands

The Energy Small Grants Programme provides funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency in participating countries of the Oceania region. These energy projects should be coupled with strong linkages to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation. Applications are invited from communities, civil society organisations, and private enterprises. The participating countries are Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. Funding is up to US$20 thousand. The deadline for applications is 01 June 2017. Link