The Monsanto Fund makes grants to strengthen agricultural communities in several countries around the world. Grants of US$25 thousand and more are available to tax-exempt charitable organizations for activities and projects that address farmers’ education and training; food security; community water and sanitation; and other local needs. Monsanto’s international grants are administered at the country level. The Fund presents a list of eligible countries. Monsanto accepts international applications during two periods each year. The first period ranges from 01 January through 28 February. The second period ranges from 01 July through 31 August. Find the programs
community projects
Climate Justice Resilience Fund — Grants for Climate Change Adaptation
The Climate Justice Resilience Fund seeks grants applications for community-led, social justice approaches to climate change adaptation and resilience-building. Grants are made to women, youth, and indigenous peoples to create and share their own solutions for resilience. CJRF grants focus on four interrelated issues connected which climate change: (1) Water Access; (2) Food Security; (3) Sustainable Livelihoods; and (4) Migration and Relocation. The CJRF grantmaking strategic framework prioritizes multi-year grants and grants larger than US$100 thousand. Non-profit organizations from Alaska, Kenya, Tanzania, Bangladesh, and the India are invited to apply. Letters of Inquiry for the Fall Round 2019 have to be submitted by 19 April 2019. More about the Climate Justice Resilience Fund
Cultural Vistas — Public Participation Program in Environmental Protection
Cultural Vistas seeks applications for the 2019 Public Participation Program in Environmental Protection (PPPA) program. The PPPA project seeks to increase civil society engagement in environmental protection, and promote public participation in environmental decision-making. The PPPA program will fund 4 projects in Chile, Colombia, and Peru. Selected projects may receive up to US$50 thousand in funding over a 15-month funding period. The application deadline is 31 January 2019. Details
UK Department for International Development — Productive Energy Use in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Carbon Trust and Energy 4 Impact on behalf of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) seeks action research and learning projects, so called Powering Opportunities Partnerships (POP), which propose replicable and scalable productive use interventions to drive productive energy demand in Africa to increase local economic benefit. Funding to be requested from TEA-POP should not exceed £300 thousand and the applicant must present a minimum of 50% in co-funding (either financial or in-kind). The proposed project should take place in local, rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 28 February 2019. Find more
ENEA Access — Support for Energy Initiatives in Africa and Asia-Pacific
The ENEA Access Program offers 30 to 100 days of professional consulting services on a pro-bono basis to advance initiatives for energy access in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. The program is relevant for nonprofit organizations and NGOs, technology developers, and social entrepreneurs. Activities that can be considered for ENEA’s support include feasibility studies, market and business models, implementation of pilot projects, and others. Projects must clearly contribute to the reduction of poverty and/or climate change as a result of improved access to energy. There are no restrictions regarding the home country of the applying organization. The closing date is 22 January 2019. Click here
European Commission — Climate-Smart and Resilient Farming
The European Commission seeks project proposals (two-stage call) to build a low-carbon, climate resilient future. Proposals should address only one of the following sub-topics: (A) the resilience of farming systems, including the livestock sector; and (B) efficiency and resilience of mixed farming and agroforestry systems. Proposals may requests a contribution of up to €7 million. International cooperations and legal entities established in EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories and Horizon 2020 associated countries (as detailed in the call) are eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission for stage one is 23 January 2019. More
European Commission — Tackling Climate Change in Vietnam
The European Commission aims to increase capacity and establish an enabling environment for Vietnamese CSOs to address issues of poverty and inequality. One of the priorities under this call is to increase participation in climate change and environmental policy making and implementation. Grants requested under this call for proposals must fall between €450 thousand and €600 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations registered in Vietnam or the European Union. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 31 January 2019. Access the call
European Commission — Nature-based Solutions for Restoration and Rehabilitation of Urban Ecosystems
The European Commission seeks project proposals (two-stage call) to strengthen international cooperation on sustainable urbanisation through nature-based solutions for restoration and rehabilitation of urban ecosystems. Actions under this call should develop models, tools, methodologies, strategies, or guidelines to prevent further degradation, rehabilitation and maintenance measures for urban and peri-urban ecosystems, destruction of habitats, and biodiversity loss. Proposals may requests a contribution of up to €5 million. International cooperations and legal entities established in EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories and Horizon 2020 associated countries (as detailed in the call) are eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission for stage one is 19 February 2019. More
European Commission — Building a Water-Smart Economy and Society
The European Commission seeks project proposals (two-stage call) to attend to the growing demand for water from various economic activities and increasing stress on natural water sources. Actions should demonstrate the feasibility of a ‘water smart’ economy and society in which all available water resources are managed in such a way as to avoid water scarcity and pollution. The Commission will consider proposals in the range of €10 million to €15 million. International cooperations and legal entities established in EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories and Horizon 2020 associated countries (as detailed in the call) are eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission for stage one is 19 February 2019. Find details
European Commission — Human Dynamics of Climate Change
The European Commission seeks project proposals (two-stage call) to understand the role of climate change in shaping population migration patterns around the world (e.g. Africa to Europe) and ensure the adaptation of less developed countries, particularly in Africa. Actions should address only one of the following sub-topics: (A) Climate services for Africa; and (B) climate change and its effects on human migration. The Commission will consider proposals in the range of €5 million to €7 million. International cooperations and legal entities established in EU Member States, Overseas Countries and Territories and Horizon 2020 associated countries (as detailed in the call) are eligible to apply under this call. The deadline for submission for stage one is 19 February 2019. Details