The Riverbanks Zoo and Garden (USA) makes grants for field conservation; habitat management; conservation education; ex situ captive breeding; animal health and welfare; and other themes in wildlife research and conservation. Grants generally range from US$1 thousand to US$5 thousand. The annual application deadline is 01 June. About the Conservation Fund
Commission for Environmental Cooperation — Monarch Conservation Toolbox
The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) offers website aimed at increasing participation in conservation efforts for Monarch butterfly conservation. Farmers, landowners and the general public can explore opportunities to receive financial support to create and/or preserve monarch habitat in Canada, Mexico and the United States. There is no specific deadline. Each incentive program has different eligibility criteria and submission requirements. Explore the incentive programs
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Protecting the Cerrado in Brazil
The CEPF calls for proposals that contribute towards the conservation of the Cerrado Biodiversity Hotspot in Brazil. CEPF posts the ecosystem profile, and a list of key biodiversity areas, in the announcement. Eligibility for funding extends to community groups and associations, NGOs, private enterprises, universities, research institutes, and other civil society organizations. Small grants are less than US$50 thousand. Large grants are up to US$200 thousand. CEPF will accept letters of inquiry (English, Portuguese) through 12 December 2018. Details
EarthCorps — International Program 2019
EarthCorps invites applications from emerging environmental leaders around the world to participate in an environmental service program in the USA. Participants from the USA and other countries take part in field projects such as tree planting, trail construction, stream restoration, and removal of invasive plants. The international Program is a 6-month learning experience for non-U.S. citizens, which takes place in Seattle, Washington, USA. Applicants should be 18-28 years of age, with a university degree in an environmental field (or equivalent work experience), and speak conversational English. International participants receive a living stipend, health insurance, and accommodations with host families. However, each participant is responsible for her/his travel to Seattle, Washington. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by 07 January 2019. More about
European Commission — Sustainable Development in Thailand
The European Commission aims to increase capacity and establish an enabling environment for Thai CSOs to address issues of poverty and inequality. One of the priorities under this call is to increase participation in climate change and environmental policy making and implementation. Eligible actions include mainly capacity building, networking, advocacy and research activities. Grants requested under this call for proposals must fall between €500 thousand and €750 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations registered in Thailand or the European Union. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 24 January 2019. Find the call
Belmont Forum — Research for Ocean Sustainability
The Belmont Forum calls for global partnerships of academics and non-academics to address conservation and the sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This call aims to support medium-size research projects with a direction of three to four years, with a recommended budget of up to €1.5 million. Research consortia must include at least three participating partner organizations established in three different countries to be eligible under this call. Participating countries are: Brazil, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Japan, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sweden, USA, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Comoros and Madagascar. The deadline for pre-registration (mandatory) is 31 January 2019. More
Conservation International — Indigenous and Traditional Peoples Conservation Fellowship 2019-2020
Conservation International (CI) offers the Indigenous Leaders Conservation Fellowship to leaders from indigenous and traditional peoples. For the 2019-2020 fellowship year, the Indigenous Leaders Conservation Fellowship will support two distinct fellowship tracks: the Indigenous Women’s Fellowship and the Emerging Leaders Fellowship. There are no limitations by age, gender, or education. The fellowship is valued at US$8 thousand, and lasts for seven months. Close nomination deadline: 02 November 2018. Here
International Center for Journalists — Eurasia Media Innovation Challenge
The Eurasia Media Innovation Challenge supports projects that produce and distribute high-quality content to combat biased or false information. This includes stories and initiatives about global health or climate change. The program offers grants of between US$5 thousand and US$100 thousand to applicants proposing innovative projects to provide information to Russian-speaking populations in Eurasia. The deadline to apply for the program is 11 November 2018. About
World Bank — Support for Women Micro-Entrepreneurs
The World Bank Group invites applications for the “Sustainable Development Goals and Her Competition”. SDGs & Her is an online competition for women micro-entrepreneurs to showcase how they are supporting the SDGs through their business operations. Winners will receive leadership training, mentoring and will be flown to Washington DC, for an event at the World Bank Group-IMF Spring Meetings (April 2019). The deadline for the competition is 31 December 2018. Here
Youth for Wildlife Conservation Forum — Participant Application 2019
Youth for Wildlife Conservation Forum is scheduled to take place prior to and during the 18th conservation policy-making convention “Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora” (CITES CoP) in Colombo, Sri Lanka (20th-28th May, 2019). Y4WC focuses on finding solutions to wildlife conservation issues, empowering early-career conservationists and developing the skills and networks of future conservation leaders. Interested conservationists (aged between 18 and 30 years) may sent an application to attend the in-person forum and CITES CoP. Travel and participation costs are covered by Y4WC. Application must be completed and submitted by 31 October 2018. More