The Disney Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife studies, habitat protection, and community conservation and education in critical ecosystems around the world. DCF supports projects that build on previous work, and that have the potential to contribute to long-term conservation. Eligibility extends to U.S. nonprofit organizations. Applicants from other countries need to apply in collaboration with U.S. nonprofit partners. Grants are up to US$50 thousand for projects of up to two years. The next deadline for letters of inquiry is 17 October 2018. More about the Disney Conservation Fund
France Libertés – Danielle Mitterrand Foundation — Water and Climate
France Libertés – Danielle Mitterrand Foundation launches a call for proposals about the positive impact people can have on the link between the cycle of water and climate. The Foundation will support projects which work to return water to the earth to restore the climate, in order to guarantee water access and to encourage its sustainable management. For this purpose, grants of between € 8 thousand and €12 thousand can be requested. Any non-profit organisation (including local communities, universities, research institutes, and trade unions) is welcome to apply. Applications have to be submitted by 26 October 2018. More about Water and Climate
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — Research for Development Proposals
IHE Delft announces a call for “Research for Development Proposals led by Institutes from Developing Countries”. The purpose of this call is to encourage collaboration between researchers from developing countries and to stimulate problem-orientated research to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to water and development. Projects may apply for €100 thousand and should address one or more of the following themes: (i) Gender and inclusiveness in relation to water and development; (ii) Efficient water management, particularly in the agricultural sector; (iii) Improved catchment area management and safe deltas; (iv) Access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation; (v) Water diplomacy. Eligible countries and regions from the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and South Asia are listed in the announcement. Proposals have to be submitted by 31 October 2018. Find the announcement
Australia Department of Education and Training — Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships 2019
The Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships are Australia’s program for citizens of the Asia-Pacific, Middle East, Europe, and the Americas for education, research, and professional development in Australia. Applicants for the Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships are required to make their own approaches to host universities in Australia. Awards are also available for Australians to undertake study, research, and professional development internationally. The closing date for applications is 15 November 2018. About Endeavour
Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa — Africa Scholarship 2018
The Gbowee Peace Foundation awards scholarships for postgraduate masters at the University of Dundee (Scotland). Subjects areas include environmental science, energy petroleum and mineral law and policy, and others. The Africa Scholarships are open to female students who are currently Liberian, Nigerian or Ghanaian nationals permanently resident in these countries. The scholarship offers up to £30 thousand for tuition and living expenses. Closing date for applications is 17 November 2018. More about this scholarship opportunity
Belgium’s University Commission for Development — Student Micro-Projects 2019
The student micro-project program offers students in the Wallonia region of Belgium the opportunity to set up a project in partnership with students from a developing country. Topic areas may include water resources, female empowerment, and several others. The ARES program offers financial support of up to € 15 thousand per micro-project. The deadline for applications is 26 November 2018. More about Micro-Projects
Belgium’s University Commission for Development — Student Outreach Projects 2019
The student outreach program offers students in the Wallonia region of Belgium the opportunity to raise awareness and organize activities related to development aid issues. The ARES program offers financial support between € 1,500 – 4,500 per outreach project. Past projects include the organization of an ‘awareness day around the theme of agribusiness’ and a ‘sensitization day for graduates on socio-environmental conflicts and management of natural resources in Peru’. The deadline for applications is 26 November 2018. More about Outreach Projects
Consultative Group to Assist the Poor — Picturing Financial Inclusion in Africa
Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) launches its 13th Annual Photos and Videos Contest 2018. The contest seeks striking photographs and short videos that tell the story of how financial services empower poor people and communities in Africa. The grand winner receives a US$ 2,000 gift certificate for photography or video equipment. The 2018 CGAP Photo Contest is open to all photographers and videographers. Photographs and short videos have to be submitted by 14 December 2018. Share your stories
Oriental Bird Club — Bird Conservation in Asia
The OBC Conservation Fund makes grants for bird conservation in Asia. Grant-making priorities are projects that benefit globally threatened bird species; that conserve threatened bird habitats; and that are led by Asian residents. Small Conservation Awards are up to £1,500 for projects of 12-18 months, with applications before 31 March of each year. There is a special early deadline on 15 November for projects that have to begin before July. The OBC also considers special and emergency applications at any time. How to apply
Global Social Venture Competition — Competition 2019
The Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC) is a partnership of business schools in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with mentoring, exposure, and funding to support their social ventures. Past winners include plans for water supply, energy, micro-credit, agricultural technology, ecological building materials, and other environmental themes. The GSVC will award cash prizes up to US$40 thousand. The deadline for the first entry round in all regions is 03 December 2018. Find the competition