The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites applications for small grants (from US$5 thousand to US$50 thousand) and large grants (from US$50 thousand to US$200 thousand) in support of biodiversity conservation in the Tropical Andes. CEPF provides an informational webinar (in Spanish) to help applicants develop a successful letter of inquiry. Eligibility for grants extends to NGOs, local communities, indigenous peoples groups, and other civil society organizations in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The deadline for letters of inquiry (English, Spanish) is 20 October 2024. CEPF Tropical Andes
Conrad Foundation — Spirit of Innovation Challenge 2024-2025
The Spirit of Innovation Challenge is a worldwide competition for youth ages 13-18 to create commercially viable products or services to address issues of global sustainability. Categories include “Energy and Environment”. Ideas are submitted by student teams, which can be international, if desired. There is a fee for team registration (discounted rates may apply for qualified title one schools or special circumstances). The winning teams are offered seed money to continue the development of their ideas. The application deadline for the activation stage (phase 1) is 01 November 2024. Link to the challenge
MedWet — World Wetlands Day
MedWet launches a call for projects to financially support actors in the realization of educational animations within the framework of the World Wetlands Day 2025. MedWet will select up to 34 projects and provide financial support of €250 for the implementation of campaigns and educational activities that highlight the importance of wetlands for humanity and the planet. This call targets actors that engage in wetland conservation in the Mediterranean region. Applications have to be submitted by 11 November 2024. Link to more information
Earth Prize — Student Environmental Projects
The Earth Prize is an annual, global environmental sustainability competition for students between the ages of 13 and 19. The Earth Prize will reward seven regional winners, each receiving $12,500 to implement their ideas. The regions are Oceania, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, North America, and Central & South America. Additionally, The Earth Prize will recognize three mentors and three educators of the year, awarding each $2,500. The registration phase closes on 30 November 2024. Earth Prize
Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles — Grants in Herpetology
The Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR) makes 12 grants of US$500 each for herpetological field research, education, and conservation. Applications are submitted by individuals. Some grant categories are restricted to SSAR members and students, while others are open to everyone. The application deadline is 15 December 2024. Click here
Weeden Foundation — Protecting Biodiversity in Chile and Russia
The Weeden Foundation makes grants for biodiversity conservation in forest ecosystems, riparian corridors, and riverine and aquatic environments of ecological importance. Weeden’s international priorities are the Patagonia region of Chile, and the Altai Republic of Russia. The average grant size is between US$15 and US$20 thousand. The Foundation requests letters of inquiry (LOI) at least one month before proposal deadlines. The next deadline for applications (English, Spanish) is 10 January 2025. Find details
Harvard University — Environmental Fellowships 2025
Harvard University’s Center for the Environment awards environmental fellowships. The fellowships enable recent doctorate recipients to use Harvard’s resources to tackle complex environmental problems. Eligibility for funding extends to candidates with a doctorate or equivalent in any subject area from any university in the world. Candidates may propose research projects in any discipline. The fellowship includes a salary of US$83 thousand per year, plus reimbursement for relocation expenses, annual allowance for travel and other professional expenses. The deadline for applications is 13 January 2025. HUCE Environmental Fellowships
HawkWatch International — Global Raptor Research & Conservation Grant
The Global Raptor Research & Conservation Grant invests in projects led by citizens of developing countries with the aim of increasing diversity and inclusivity in conservation while building local capacity. Projects must be located in high-priority countries for raptor research and conservation (mainly Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, or Southeast Asia), focus on a single species of raptor, and be led by an applicant who is associated with a registered NGO and/or university in the country where the project will take place. Preference will be given to projects working in low-income countries. Applicants may apply for up to US$2,500. The application deadline is 15 January 2025. More information
Waterbird Society — Research Grants for Wading Birds
The Waterbird Society offers three grants to advance the biology, ecology, or conservation biology of wading birds. The Kushlan award (herons, egrets, storks, ibises, and spoonbills) is a maximum of US$7 thousand; the Niblet award (terns or gulls) is up to US$1 thousand, and the Waterbird Society Research Award of US$3 thousand covers basic research on species not covered by other Waterbird Society grants. These awards are open globally to professionals, amateurs, and students of any age. The deadline for proposals is 01 February each year. Find the research grants
iF International Forum Design GmbH — Student Design Award
The iF Student Design Award recognizes students and their future-oriented concepts that aim to solve a global development challenge. The best concepts earn a share of €50 thousand. All winners will be honored with a two-day event in Istanbul. Students and recent graduates of all design-related courses and programs are welcome to register their concepts. The registration deadline for participation is 05 February 2025. iF Student Design Award