The KR Foundation makes grants for environmental communications and advocacy, with a special focus on reducing investment and consumption of fossil fuels. The Foundation aims to address root causes of climate change and environmental degradation, and safeguard the planetary boundaries. Grants are to charitable nonprofit organizations. The amount of funding per project typically ranges from DKK 0.5 million to DKK 5 million for projects of up to approximately three years. The next deadline for letters of inquiry is 31 January 2018. See the Funding Opportunity
Birdfair/RSPB Research Fund for Endangered Birds — Applications 2017
The British Birdwatching Fair (Birdfair) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) jointly provide small grants for research on birds listed by IUCN as endangered, critically endangered, or data deficient. Priority is for researchers working in their own countries, particularly in collaboration with BirdLife’s partners. The maximum grant is US$2 thousand, with preference for smaller requests. The closing date for applications is 31 October 2017. About how to apply
French Development Research Institute — Collaboration with Latin America
The program EMHE (Enhancing Mobility between Latin American and Carribbean countries and Europe) invites applications from doctoral graduates in Argentina, Costa Rica, Peru, and Uruguay for collaboration in IRD’s research programs. Thematic areas include environment and health. Potentially interested applicants inquire through an email address on IRD’s web page. The deadline for inquiries is 31 October 2017. Learn more
International Network for Government Science Advice — Research in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals
The International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) is offering six professional development and research grants for 2018-2019 on the role of scientific evidence and advice in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Grants of up to to €15 thousand per project will support early-to-mid career researchers or policy practitioners on this theme in eligible low- and middle-income countries. Applicants must hold a PhD at time of application, or have at least five years full-time equivalent experience in research or as a public policy professional (e.g. advice, analysis, implementation, evaluation). The submission deadline is 15 November 2017. Find information here
Islamic Development Bank — Prize for Women’s Contribution to Development
The IDB Prize for Women’s Contribution to Development draws international attention to the vital role women play in developing their communities and the world. The theme for the 1439H – 2018 Prize is “Women’s Contribution to Promoting Peace and Stability.” (Note: This could possibly include thematic areas important in the Terra Viva Grants Directory.) The Prize consists of two cash awards: US$50 thousand for a woman or a group of women; and US$100 thousand for an organization. Eligibility extends to women engaged in activities and /or residing in one of the IDB member countries, or in a Muslim community in non-member countries. The deadline for nominations is 30 November 2017. Learn about the prize
U.S. National Academy of Sciences — Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research, Cycle 7
PEER invites scientists in developing countries to work with U.S. collaborators in research and capacity building on priority topics that include environmental contaminants, agricultural productivity and food security, biodiversity conservation, water security, low-carbon development, fisheries assessments, and others. The priorities are different for each PEER focus area (i.e., varying by regions and countries). Applicants must be based at academic institutions, non-profit organizations, or government-managed research laboratories, centers, or institutes in the eligible countries. Applicants need to have at least one research partner in the U.S. that has grant funding from the U.S. government. The deadline for pre-proposals is 12 January 2018. Discover PEER
Blue Earth Alliance — Photography Projects
Blue Earth sponsors photography projects that educate the public about threatened cultures, endangered environments, and other social concerns. Blue Earth provides assistance with fund raising, publishing, and publicity. However, it does not make direct grants to sponsored projects. The deadlines for proposals are 20 January and 20 July of each year. Find submission guidelines
International Osprey Foundation — Research on Ospreys
The IOF makes small grants for research on ospreys and other raptor species worldwide. Applicants submit a research plan, proposed budget, and information about other sources of funding. Applications should be submitted by postal mail to the address indicated on the website. The application deadline is 31 January 2018. Learn more
Innovate UK — UK-Guangdong Urban Innovation Challenge 2017
Innovate UK and the Guangdong Department of Science and Technology seek to support innovative urban solutions in Guangdong province, China. The themes include smart platforms for sustainable urban environments, as well as others. Total project costs can range from £350 thousand to £500 thousand for projects of up to two years. UK business need to partner with at least one Chinese business. Registration closes on 27 September 2017. Learn more
Pacsafe Turtle Fund — Grants for Sea Turtle Conservation 2018
The Pacsafe Turtle Fund supports the worldwide conservation of endangered sea turtles such as the leatherback, loggerhead, green, and hawksbill turtles. The current application period closes on 30 September 2017. Applicants should contact Pacsafe by email ( to request more information and an application form. More about the fund