The French Institute for Development Research (IRD) announces funding to support multidisciplinary international teams (laboratoires mixtes internationaux, LMI) to undertake research that corresponds to IRD’s thematic priorities. These priorities vary by geographical region to include food production and security; plant-health relationships; water resources; energy resources; ecosystems and biodiversity; natural risks; and others. The maximum funding for a LMI is €40 thousand per year. The deadline for proposals is 15 July 2017. Link
British Council — Research Workshops
The British Council announces workshops that convene UK researchers with partners in other countries. Among the workshops that have deadlines beyond the date of this posting are: China, polymer electrolyte fuel cells (deadline 30 June 2017); Mexico, sustainable aquatic resources (deadline 30 June 2017); Turkey, offshore wind and wave energy (deadline 30 June 2017); India, closed loop green technologies for rural development (deadline 14 July 2017); China, erosion control and sustainable energy in green port development (deadline 15 July 2017); South Africa, post-harvest systems using renewable and sustainable energy (deadline 16 July 2017); Brazil, biological soft matter science in agri-food systems (deadline 21 July 2017); India, waste heat harvesting (deadline 01 September 2017); Malaysia, climate resilience and urban infrastructure (deadline 14 September 2017). The site lists additional workshops in additional subject areas. Link
Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology — Training Courses, Seminars, and Workshops 2017
The Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology (SEAMO BIOTROP) aims to increase the knowledge and skills of ASEAN professionals and students on a wide range of topics in tropical biology. Unless otherwise indicated, training courses are conducted at the SEAMEO BIOTROP headquarter in Bogor, Indonesia. Priority is for nationals of SEAMEO member countries, especially in the sponsored courses. The remaining BIOTROP courses and seminars for 2017 are scheduled from July through October. Application forms should be submitted to the respective course coordinators at least one month in advance of any event. Link
European Commission — Transboundary Conservation Areas in Africa
The EC will make grants to support livelihoods development and benefit sharing for communities living in or near transboundary conservation areas in order to promote ecosystem management and wildlife conservation. The geographical scope is eastern and southern Africa, and the Indian Ocean. Eligibility for grants extends to nonprofit organizations in the EU, the ACP countries, and various other country affiliations — as well as to international organizations. The participation of co-applicants is mandatory. Grants will range from €0.8 million to €1.2 million, varying with cost shares. The application deadline for concept notes is 27 July 2017. Link
African Union Commission — Earth Observation Data for Sustainable Development
The African Union Commission (AUC), in partnership with the European Union, will make grants to expand the practical use of Earth Observation (EO) data and services for policymakers, scientists, businesses, and the public across Africa. Grants will be awarded in two categories: (i) water and natural resources; and (ii) marine and coastal areas services. The grants will be allocated across five African sub-regions. Eligibility for grants extends to consortia of African national or regional organizations, research institutions, and universities that have at least five years of experience in implementing large-scale EO projects in subjects that include water and natural resources, and/or marine and coastal zones. Applying institutions should have a regional, continental, or global mandate. Grants will range from €1 million to €2 million. Applicants will be required to provide co-financing up to 20%. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 21 August 2017. Link
Liebnitz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research — Travel Grants for the International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology, and Genetics of Wildlife 2017
The Liebnitz Instiute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) is partnering with the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria to invite participants for the 11th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology, and Genetics of Wildlife (October, Berlin). IZW offers travel grants up to €500 as well as free registration for the conference banquet for selected highly-qualified scientists from developing countries. Applicants for travel grants should register online and submit their abstracts no later than 19 July 2017. Link
French Institute for Development Research — Building Capacity in Research Teams 2017
Through its program JEAI, France’s Institute for Development Research makes grants of up to €50 thousand for periods of three years to build the capacity of research teams in the developing world. Thematic areas include sustainable energy; water resources; climate change; ecosystems and biodiversity; agriculture and food safety; and several others. The supported teams will work closely with IRD. IRD recommends that applicants communicate with its relevant research units before submitting their applications. The deadline for applications (French, English) is 26 July 2017. Link
Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership — Abe Fellowships 2017
The Abe Fellowship encourages international research in the social sciences and related disciplines on topics of pressing global concern — including climate change, sustainable urbanization, environmental degradation, and other cross-cutting issues that advance global problem solving from a transnational perspective. The fellowship program is open to citizens of Japan and the USA, as well as to nationals of other countries who can demonstrate serious long-term affiliations with research communities in Japan or the USA. The closing date for applications is 01 September 2017. Link
U.S. Department of State — Environmental Funding for Pacific Islands
The U.S. Department of State announces environmental awards up to US$25 thousand to support local and regional small-scale environmental projects in eligible countries of the Pacific Islands region. Subject areas are agriculture and fisheries; sustainable economic development; adaptation to changing environmental conditions, e.g., coastal management; waste management, including marine litter; air quality; biodiversity and healthy ecosystems; marine protected areas; environment or health-related education; capacity building for scientific research on environmental issues; and deployment of new technology for application to environmental issues. Projects may propose activities in Fiji; Kiribati; Marshall Islands; Micronesia; Nauru; Palau; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; or Vanuatu. Applications are invited from NGOs; public international organizations; institutions of higher education; and for-profit organizations and businesses. Funding Opportunity 2017-EAP-SUVAREO. The application deadline is 15 July 2017. Link
U.S. Department of State — Training in Wildlife DNA Forensics and Seizure
In order to strengthen the battle against international wildlife trafficking, the U.S. government will fund training to law enforcement, customs officials, and wildlife authorities in crime scene management that includes how to correctly extract a DNA sample for forensic analysis, as well as training on evidence gathering and chain of custody. The primary countries of engagement may include one or more of the following countries in Africa: Angola, Gabon, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda — and one or more of the following countries in Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Applications are invited from nonprofit NGOs and institutions of higher education in the USA and internationally for project funding ranging from US$500 thousand to US$1 million. Funding Opportunity INLEA-INLTC-17-006. The application deadline is 28 July 2017. Link