The initiative Indonesia Countering Wildlife Trafficking is a partnership between the USA and Indonesia to combat wildlife trafficking in the region, including across the border between Indonesia and Malaysia. The project will aim to build the capacity of Indonesian authorities to combat wildlife trafficking at all stages of enforcement. Eligibility to apply for funding extends to nonprofit NGOs and educational institutions (USA and internationally). Funding Opportunity INL-17GR0017-EAINDONESIA-04-27-2017. The deadline for applications is 25 June 2017. Link
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development — Central European Initiative, Know-How Exchange 2017
The Know-how Exchange Program co-finances the transfer of know-how and best practices from EU to non-EU member countries of the Central European Initiative (CEI). Thematic areas in the current call by KEP-Italy include energy, environment, and agriculture and rural development (among others). Proposals are submitted by organizations in CEI member states which are also member states of the European Union for knowledge transfers to non-EU member states of the CEI. The non-EU members of the CEI are Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine. The maximum grant is €40 thousand. The closing date for expressions of interest is 29 June 2017. Link
Biodiversity Foundation — Grants for Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development
Spain’s Biodiversity Foundation funds conservation field projects, research, education and training, and public awareness. Most grants are made in Spain. However, the Foundation is willing to consider international projects proposed by Spanish nonprofit NGOs; by large international nonprofit NGOs; by nonprofit organizations in other EU member states; and projects co-funded by AECID (Spain’s agency for international development cooperation). Grants are up to €50 thousand for one year. The closing date for the main program of competitive grants is 30 June 2017. Link
European Commission — EU-China Cooperation on Wildlife Protection
The EC will make grants to coordinate with China on its revised wildlife protection law, which calls on government at all levels to strengthen publicity, education, and awareness raising on wildlife protection and to support civil society organisations in doing so. Eligibility for funding extends to NGOs in EU member states and in other eligible countries that are engaged in wildlife protection, and that have cooperation arrangements with the State Forestry Administration of China. Chinese entities can participate as co-applicants. Reference EuropeAid/155146/DD/ACT/CN. The application deadline is 31 July 2017. Link
John Ball Zoological Society — Wildlife Conservation 2017
The John Ball Zoological Society makes grants to conserve wild animals and their habitats; to improve the management of captive animals; and to develop education programs related to these objectives. Most funded projects are in developing countries. The principal investigator can be of any nationality and must be associated with a recognized institution (accredited zoo, academic institution, conservation or non-profit organization). Grants are up to US$2,500. The deadline for applications is 01 September 2017. Link
Stiftung Artenschutz — Amphibian Conservation Fund 2017
The Amphibian Conservation Fund supports conservation measures for endangered amphibian species and subspecies. The Foundation is interested in both in-situ conservation and conservation-related research, as well as measures to enhance public awareness. Funding recipients may be legally registered non-profit organisations or non-profit promoter contributors, as well as public institutions. Grants are up to €4 thousand for 18 months. The deadline for applications (German, English) is 30 April 2017. Link
University of Tsukuba — Capacity Building Workshop on Nature-Culture Linkages in Asia and the Pacific
The Capacity Building Workshop on Nature-Culture Linkages in Asia and the Pacific, scheduled for September 2017 at the Tsukuba university campus in Japan, will develop new approaches towards integrated conservation of cultural and natural heritage. The theme is “sacred landscapes.” The workshop is open to a maximum of 15 young professionals from Asia and the Pacific region involved in the management of cultural or natural heritage sites, specifically, sacred landscapes. The workshop organizers will cover the cost of accommodation and living expenses for the selected participants; a limited number of scholarships will be available to cover travel costs.The application deadline is 07 May 2017. Link
Singularity University — Global Grand Challenge Awards 2017
The Global Grand Challenge Awards invite applications from startup enterprises that are attacking the world’s most difficult problems. Three teams in each of 12 tracks will be invited to California in August 2017 to present their work at the Singularity University Global Summit EXPO. One winner will be selected from each track to be assisted with recognition and exposure. The tracks include disaster resilience, energy, environment, food, water, and others. The application deadline is 31 July 2017. Link
Research Council of Norway — NORGLOBAL-2 and Sustainable Development Goals
The Research Council of Norway invites proposals addressing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The call has a special emphasis on global education, but is also open to other themes — including the environment, climate, and renewable energy. Norwegian research institutes, universities, and university colleges are invited to apply for funding. Proposals should include leading international development researchers and researchers from developing countries, when relevant. The application deadline is 24 May 2017. Link
Loro Parque Fundación — Conservation Grants 2018
Loro Parque Fundación supports conservation projects that mainly focus on parrots and marine species. The Foundation aims to improve the conservation status of endangered species as well as to promote conservation of terrestrial and marine biodiversity. The deadline for applications (English, Spanish) is 15 September 2017. Link