The WCN supports wildlife projects worldwide, with emphasis on Latin America, Africa, and Asia. WCN invites letters of inquiry from registered nonprofit organizations engaged in wildlife conservation or animal welfare to apply for partnerships. WCN collaborates with its partners for networking, fund raising, and organizational support. The period for letters of inquiry is 15 February 2017 through 15 March 2017. Link
EarthCorps — International Program 2017
EarthCorps invites applications from emerging environmental leaders around the world to participate in an environmental service program in the USA. Participants from the USA and other countries take part in field projects such as tree planting, trail construction, stream restoration, and removal of invasive plants. Projects are located in the state of Washington (i.e., not Washington, DC). Applicants should be 18-28 years of age, with a university degree in an environmental field (or equivalent work experience), and speak conversational English. International participants receive a living stipend, health insurance, and accommodations with host families. However, each participant is responsible for her/his travel to Seattle, Washington. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by 09 January 2017. Link
Rainforest Biodiversity Group — Conservation in the Neotropics 2017
The Rainforest Biodiversity Group invites proposals for projects that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the Neotropics. The priority for 2017 is support for the San Juan – La Selva Biological Corridor in Costa Rica. Eligibility for funding extends to graduate students and non-profit organizations. Funding up to US$1,500 may be used for scientific research, environmental education, sustainable economic development, or other conservation activities that demonstrate benefit to the conservation of wildlife or their habitat. The application deadline is 15 February 2017. Link
Cheng-Long Wetlands — International Environmental Art Project 2017
The Cheng-Long Wetlands are located in a rural area on the south-central coast of Taiwan. To call attention to the changing global environment, with a particular focus on conservation of the Cheng-Long Wetlands, artists from all countries are invited to send a proposal for a site-specific outdoor sculpture that will raise public awareness and enlist people to take action. Selected artists will receive NT$60 thousand (about US$2 thousand), airfare, accommodations, food, local transportation, volunteer help, and free local natural and recycled materials. The deadline for proposals is 20 January 2017. Link
Institute for Pacific Coral Reefs — Coral Reef Research in French Polynesia 2017
The IRCP offers four grants to young scientists for applied or fundamental research on coral reefs in French Polynesia. The program invites applications from PhD and post-doctoral applicants of French and other nationalities, who are less than age 35. IRCP will select at least one candidate from the South Pacific Island States. Grants are €4,500 for up to one year to cover travel expenses, accommodation, and research costs at the Criobe research station. The application deadline is 30 January 2017. Link
Central European University — Visiting Fellowships 2017-2018
Central European University (CEU) announces two Visiting Fellowship Programs in academic year 2017-18. The Faculty Development Fellowship is available to applicants from selected academic institutions in Kyrgyzstan, Palestine, and Myanmar. The Research Excellence Fellowship is offered to academics employed in higher education institutions and/or academic research institutions in any country of the “Global South.” The subjects for fellows include environmental studies and energy studies — among many others. Eligible applicants should hold a PhD or equivalent, and should be nationals of eligible developing countries. Fellowships cover travel costs, accommodation, and a monthly stipend. The deadline for applications is 15 February 2017. Link
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Grants to Combat Wildlife Trafficking
The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) welcomes project proposals to combat wildlife trafficking. Priorities include strengthening CITES implementation in key regions and countries; fighting corruption and poor governance regarding wildlife protection; increasing cooperation among African and Asian countries involved in transnational wildlife crime; working for behavioral change in support of wildlife protection; and conservation of species endangered by illegal trade. Projects are up to US$100 thousand for one or two years, although higher amounts will be considered. Eligibility for funding extends worldwide to individuals, non-profit and for-profit organizations, institutions of higher education, and multi-national secretariats. Foreign (non-U.S.) government organizations are also eligible. The deadline for applications is 05 February 2017. Link
Orangutan Foundation — Research Grants
The Orangutan Foundation offers research grants of up to of £500 to students studying orangutan behaviour and ecology or related rainforest field research in Indonesia. Preference is for research on ecology, animal wildlife density and population, animal wildlife behaviour, water analysis in Sungai Sekonyer River, and under-studied populations. The application deadline is 31 May 2017. Link
Fondation Nature & Decouvertes — Nature Protection in France and Africa 2017
Fondation Nature & Decouvertes supports projects for nature protection, environmental education, and public awareness in France. Additionally, a few grants support projects with similar themes in Francophone Africa. The next application deadline for environmental education projects (funding of €8 thousand to €25 thousand) is 01 February 2017. Applications for small projects (“coup de main”) ranging from €500 to €3000 can be submitted at any time. Link
HDH Wills Charitable Trust — Conservation of Wildlife and the Environment
The HDH Wills Trust offers grants to charities in England and Wales dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and the environment. Grants from £2 thousand to £25 thousand (in some cases, up to £50 thousand) are available to charities registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales, or which are exempt or excepted charities. Past grants include several to UK organizations with conservation programs or projects in the developing world. The closing date for applications is 31 October 2017. Link