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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Mitsubishi Corporation Fund for Europe and Africa — Grants for Conservation and Sustainable Development 2017

The Mitsubishi Corporation Fund for Europe and Africa (MCFEA) makes grants for environmental conservation, environmental education and research, and the relief of poverty. A special priority is projects that combine conservation with the economic and social development of local communities. Grants are to organizations for one year. The application deadline is 31 March 2017. Link

Conservation Agriculture Network in South-East Asia — Grants for Conservation Agriculture

The CANSEA scientific platform is a network of research partners keen to implement agro-ecology and conservation agriculture in Southeast Asia. CANSEA announces its second call for proposals to promote and strengthen conservation agriculture in the four CANSEA member countries:  Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Grants are up to US$30 thousand.  CANSEA actively encourages co-funding. All recognized institutions in the CANSEA member countries are eligible to apply. The deadline for submitting applications is 22 October 2016. Link

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Conservation of Rhinos and Tigers 2017

As part of its program “Wildlife Without Borders,” the USFWS makes grants for the conservation of selected wildlife species, including rhinos and tigers. Grants are for applied research, training, conservation management, community outreach, law enforcement, decreased human-wildlife conflicts, and other activities in conservation. Eligibility extends worldwide to qualified and relevant government agencies, other organizations, multi-national secretariats, and individuals.  The program intends to make about 60 grants, ranging from US$50 thousand to US$100 thousand.  The application deadline is 02 December 2016. Link

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Conservation in Central America 2017

The USFWS “Wildlife Without Borders” includes a regional program for Central America. The program seeks to conserve priority species and ecosystems across landscapes that have high value for biodiversity in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, while simultaneously benefiting local communities. The announcement identifies the geographic and thematic priorities. Applications can be accepted from both U.S. and non-U.S. organizations. The deadline for applications is 16 December 2016. Link

World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) — Prince Bernhard Scholarships for Nature Conservation 2017

WWF supports professional training and formal studies of individuals working in disciplines directly relevant to nature conservation. Eligibility extends to mid-career nationals from Africa; Asia and Pacific; Latin America and Caribbean; Eastern Europe; and the Middle East. The maximum grant is CHF 10 thousand for studies or training lasting one year or less. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 06 January 2017. Link

Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology — Research Proposals 2017

The Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology (SEAMEO BIOTROP) welcomes research proposals in support of its program “Sustaining and Enhancing the Integrity and Productivity of Ecosystems in Southeast Asia.”  The focal areas are ecological restoration, ecological protection and conservation, and ecological sustainability and productivity enhancement. Proposals should have a budget not exceeding Rp100 million over nine months.  The deadline for proposals is 28 September 2016. Link

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Conservation in the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu

The CEPF invites proposals for large and small grants (i.e., under US$20 thousand) to conserve biodiversity in the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.  The conservation priorities are stated in the announcement. Eligibility for funding extends to NGOs, community groups, universities, private enterprises, and other applicants from civil society.  Government enterprises and institutions may be eligible if they can meet special criteria. The closing date for applications is 30 September 2016. Link

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Program for Mexico 2016

In “Wildlife Without Borders, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) partners with Mexico’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) to invite projects that build Mexico’s capacity for biodiversity conservation. Grants should focus on projects that improve the capacities of Mexican government agencies and local communities to protect wildlife from illegal trafficking and over-exploitation.  Applications are invited from government agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, private-sector entities, and individuals. The maximum grant is US$500 thousand for two years. The deadline for applications is 17 October 2016. Link

ARCOS Network — Biodiversity Conservation in Africa

The ARCOS Small Grants enhance collaboration to develop sustainable solutions for biodiversity and people, focusing on critical landscapes and watersheds of the Albertine Rift, the Great Lakes Region, and the African mountains. The grants program is open to civil society organizations. Governments and for-profit organizations may participate as project partners, or in coalitions where a civil society organization is the main applicant. The maximum grant is US$5 thousand. Applications (English, French) are invited during two periods each year: 01 April to 31 May, and 01 October to 30 November. Link

WWF in India — Small Grants Program

WWF-India offers grants up to Rs. 400 thousand for conservation research or action projects of up to two years. Grants are made to individuals to be utilized primarily for field activities. Priority is for research and conservation aligned with WWF’s program in India. The application period is 01 October through 31 December of each year. Link