The United States Agency for International Development (USAID/India) seeks concept papers for a cooperative agreement from qualified organizations to implement the ‘Strengthening Landscape Management and Conservation’ activity. The activity focuses on three main objectives: (1) Improved management of protected areas and their corridors for wildlife conservation and other ecological benefits; (2) Improved inclusive livelihoods from ecosystem services, and (3) Strengthened conditions for institutionalizing landscape conservation. USAID intends to provide US$20 million in total funding over a five-year period. Eligibility for this call is unrestricted. The closing date for applications is 16 September 2022. Link
International Fund for Agricultural Development — Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility 2022
The Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility aims to strengthen indigenous peoples’ communities and their organizations by financing small projects which foster their self-driven development in the framework of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Focus is climate change adaptation, resilience and biodiversity in/for indigenous peoples’ communities to improve indigenous livelihoods. Proposed project budget requests should range between US$20 thousand and US$70 thousand, and include a minimum contribution by the grant recipient of 20% (cash or in-kind) of the total request. The deadline for applications is 27 September 2022. Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility
BIOPAMA — Small Technical Grants for Assessment of Conservation Areas
Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) makes small grants for the technical assessment of protected conservation areas. Small Technical Grants for Assessment (STGA) aim to identify result-oriented priority actions for improved protected and conserved areas management and governance. Grant size can vary from a minimum of €50 thousand to a maximum of €100 thousand. Assessments must take place in priority areas such as key landscapes for conservation, key biodiversity areas, marine managed areas or other protected and conserved areas in the Caribbean. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, government agencies, and small or medium enterprises. The deadline to submit applications to this call for proposals is 30 September 2022. Small Technical Grants Caribbean
Fondation Segré — Research Support Grants
Fondation Segré supports on-the-ground conservation actions with the goal of improving the status of threatened animal species (terrestrial, freshwater and marine) and their habitats across Asia, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East. Research Support Grants have a maximum grant size of €5 thousand to support young and early scientists in their research to improve knowledge on threatened species and their role in natural ecosystems. Projects must focus on Lizards, Snakes, or Worm Lizards. Eligibility extends to local or national non-profit organizations. Applicants can submit applications in English or French. Deadline for submission of proposals is 03 October 2022. Find the Fund
EuroMarine — Scientific Working Groups
EuroMarine funds two Long-Term Scientific Working Groups with a maximum funding of €12,500 each. The aim of the working groups is to provide the EuroMarine community with recommendations on how to best contribute to the international and European initiatives for restoring and sustainably exploiting the oceans as well as to advance the research on emerging topics related to marine sciences. Proposals should involve at least three full Member Organizations of EuroMarine, from at least two different countries. Applicants are welcome to involve any relevant organizations from developing countries. Applications must be submitted before 14 October 2022. Long-Term Scientific Working Groups
Snow Leopard Network — Small Grants
The ‘With Snow Leopards’ Small Grant (SLSG) provides financial support and promotes snow leopard research and conservation across the snow leopard range. In 2022, SLSG will support 1-2 projects addressing Snow leopard research and conservation, public educational programs to promote snow leopard conservation, and research projects that address critical questions related to snow leopard ecology. Selected projects will be awarded between up to US$15 thousand. The proposed project duration should not exceed 12 months. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, social groups, and research institutions. Applications have to be received by 21 August 2022. Link
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation — Georg Forster Research Award
The Georg Forster Research Award supports the work of accomplished researchers who are expected to continue to develop research-based solutions to specific challenges facing transition and developing countries. Nominees must be nationals of a developing or transition country, excluding the People’s Republic of China and India. The award amount is €60 thousand. Additionally, award winners are invited to conduct a research project of their own choosing in Germany in close collaboration with a specialist colleague. To support the collaboration, the Foundation may grant additional funding of up to €25 thousand. Nominations for the Award must be submitted by an established academic employed by a university or research institution in Germany. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2022. Find out more
West African Research Association — Ideas Matter Doctoral Fellowships
The West African Research Association (WARA), in collaboration with the Mastercard Foundation, announces support for young West African scholars through its Ideas Matter Doctoral Fellowship program. The Fellowship program will award three doctoral research grants of US$4 thousand each. Priority will be given to research projects focusing on women, technology, entrepreneurship, and a wide range of other fields. (Note: This may include one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory.) The program is open to doctoral students under age 35 who are based in West African institutions of higher education, for research on the continent. The deadline for applications is 14 August 2022. Ideas Matter Doctoral Fellowships
SEED — Starter Workshop for Eco-Enterprises in Kenya
SEED offers valuable resources and professional support to expand entrepreneurial ideas while learning from peers during interactive SEED Starter workshops. SEED Starter workshops consist of a team of 2-5 members that bring in a business idea for addressing environmental, social and economic challenges. Successful alumni are invited to apply for a SEED Grant for up to €1,000 which pays for resources required to establish the new enterprise. Eco-Entrepreneurs from Kenya are invited to apply for the next starter workshop. Applications must be received by 22 August 2022. More
Alongside Wildlife Foundation — Supporting Marginalized Groups in Wildlife Conservation
The Alongside Wildlife Foundation supports projects that are led by or will increase involvement of minorities and members of marginalized groups in wildlife conservation. The Foundation supports the collection of scientific data, science communication to reduce human/wildlife conflict, and the implementation of science-based strategies for living alongside wildlife populations. The Foundation provides seed grants of up to US$2 thousand per project. Applications are invited from all around the world. Proposals must be submitted by 15 September 2022. More information