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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

UNESCO — Creation of Geoparks

UNESCO and the Global Geoparks Network (GGN) make grants to support the creation of geoparks in Small Island Developing States. Geoparks are sites and landscapes of international geological significance that are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. UNESCO offers tailor-made consultancy services specifically designed to support local teams to develop a UNESCO Geopark project. All services provided through the grant will be free of charge for the territory. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2022. Creation of Geoparks

Earth Journalism Network — Introductory Biodiversity Course for Journalists

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) launches an introductory biodiversity course for journalists – “From Microbes to Rainforests”. The online course is self-paced and designed to help journalists reporting on biodiversity to better understand the most pressing issues, from conservation to climate change to synthetic biology. The course is useful to journalists without experience in covering these topics. The course will remain live throughout 2022. Biodiversity Course for Journalists

Oak Foundation — Marine Conservation, Climate Change, and Wildlife Trade

The Oak Foundation makes grants in several thematic areas, including Environment. Oak’s grants in the sub-theme of marine conservation focus on industrial fishing, small-scale fisheries, and plastics pollution. The Foundation also makes grants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in North America, Europe, and some emerging economies, e.g., Brazil, China, and India. The Foundation’s sub-theme on illegal wildlife trade aims to conserve populations of African elephants and rhinos by curbing their illegal hunting and trade. Most grants range from US$25 thousand to US$7 million. Applicants that meet the Foundation’s requirements can submit letters of inquiry at any time. More about the application process

United States Agency for International Development — Support for Commercializing Non-timber Forest Products in Zimbabwe

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks to sustainably commercialize non-timber forest products in order to increase alternative income sources, improve natural resource management practices in Zimbabwe. The overall aim of this activity is to improve the resilience of vulnerable and marginalized communities (particularly women and youth). USAID will support both agricultural and environmental objectives that would positively impact climate change adaptation, sustainable forestry, biodiversity protection, and the mitigation of human-wildlife conflict. The overall estimated amount of funding is US$13 million. The closing date for applications is 28 February 2022. Know more

World Bank Group — Youth Summit 2022

The World Bank Group seeks applications for the Youth Summit 2022 under the theme “Unlocking the Power of Inclusion for Equitable Growth”. The Summit empowers youth to explore innovative ideas to social, environmental, and economic challenges. Participants shall provide innovative and concrete solutions that showcase the role of the youth in environmental inclusion (e.g. Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, Climate Smart Technologies). The competition is open to individuals or teams not exceeding four people, aged 18 – 35. Participants must be nationals from World Bank member countries. Selected teams will be mentored by experts, have access to a network of leading professionals and young social entrepreneurs, participate in virtual events and workshops, and receive seed-funding. The application deadline is 04 March 2022. Youth Summit 2022

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development — Small Grants Program

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) supports regional transboundary programs to address critical challenges in climate change, food security, water and related disasters, land use, and air quality. The small grants program is to help grow the network of government agencies, universities, and institutions in the HKH region that utilize geospatial tools and information to improve decision-making. SERVIR-HKH expects to award 4-5 grants. Individual grants will not exceed US$30 thousand. Applications will be accepted from institutions based in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan. The deadline for submission of concept papers is 25 March 2022. Link to SERVIR-HKH

Ocean Innovation Challenge — Area-Based Management and the Blue Economy

The Ocean Innovation Challenge (OIC) seeks innovative solutions for ecosystem-based management of marine ecosystems. Solutions must indicate effective strategies for the management of Marine Protected Areas (MPA) while enabling coastal communities and nations to realize enhanced social and economic benefits from the sustainable utilization of their ocean and coastal resources. Governmental agencies, NGOs, private sector (including start-ups), academia, UN, and intergovernmental organizations are eligible to apply. Innovators can request from US$50 thousand to US$250 thousand for up to two years. Preliminary proposals must be submitted before 09 April 2022. Ocean Innovation Challenge

U.S. Embassy in Madagascar — Workshops for Environmental Stewardship

The U.S. Embassy in Madagascar announces funding for lectures, seminars, training, or workshops improving environmental stewardship, sustainable management of natural resources, and biodiversity conservation. Funding will range from US$2 thousand to US$5 thousand per project. The program supports projects proposed by US, Malagasy, or Comorian educational, cultural, and other non-profit organizations or individuals. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2022. Details

BBVA Foundation — Award for Environmental Communication

The Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication recognizes the work of professionals and organizations worldwide in any aspect of environmental communication, especially in the areas of biodiversity conservation and climate change. Contributions may encompass a wide spectrum of formats, styles, channels, and projects in any medium. Eligibility extends to natural or legal persons of any nationality engaging professionally in any facet of environmental communication. One award will be given comprising €100 thousand. Submissions must be completed by 31 May 2022. Biophilia Award for Environmental Communication

U.S Embassy Bujumbura — Small Grants Program

The U.S. Embassy announces an open competition for organizations and individuals to submit applications to carry out a project in Burundi. Priority program areas include projects that mitigate the effects of climate change, promote minimizing waste and regenerating our resources, and support protecting the natural environment and sustainable agriculture. Programs and projects will be funded with up to US$20 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, academic institutions and individuals. The deadline for applications is 15 August 2022. Details here