The University of Miami offers 4 Rosenstiel Opportunity Scholarships to benefit historically underserved or underrepresented populations. Scholarship recipients are eligible to complete the Master of Professional Science program at no or significantly reduced tuition cost (80-100% tuition waiver). Fields of study include Aquaculture, Marine Conservation, Marine Mammal Science, Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management and many others. International applicants must submit official transcripts and diplomas from all colleges and universities attended. Applications are due by 15 March 2022. Rosenstiel Opportunity Scholarships
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Regional Implementation Partner Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands
The CEPF aims to invest in biodiversity conservation projects targeting Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius and the Seychelles. CEPF anticipates to support the development and oversight of a portfolio of approximately 100 grants. CEPF seeks to partner with an organization to serve as the Regional Implementation Team. Eligibility for grants extends to NGOs and other civil society organizations with substantial experience in climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation. The deadline for letters of inquiry is 17 March 2022. Link
Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education — Orange Tulip Scholarship 2022/2023
Nuffic, a Dutch non-profit organization for internationalization in education, offers scholarships for studies in the Netherlands. Students from China, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Korea, Russia and Vietnam are invited to apply for studies at selected universities listed in the call. Subject areas include earth sciences, ecology, and many others. The Orange Tulip Scholarship recipients will get discounts on study fees ranging from 30% to 100%, or an offer for living expenses per month (without a discount on study fees). Potentially interested individuals should review the courses and dates offered by the participating Dutch higher education institutions, and information about how to apply. The deadlines and criteria vary depending on the selected university and country of origin of the candidate. Applications are being accepted until 01 April 2022. Orange Tulip Scholarship Program
World Wildlife Fund — Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Grant
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) invites applications for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Grant. The grant aims to provide financial support to teams and institutions working in Kenya, Tanzania, and Madagascar focusing on enhancing capacities to address environmental and social impact assessment capacity building needs with an emphasis on local communities. Applicants may request up to US$15 thousand. Applications must be submitted by 15 April 2022. Link to WWF
Earth Island Institute — Youth Award for Environmental Leadership
Earth Island Institute seeks applications for the Brower Youth Award for Environmental Leadership. The award is intended for ongoing environmental efforts, therefore, research and science fair projects will not be considered. Six winners will receive $3 thousand in cash, a professionally produced short film about their work, and a week-long trip to the San Francisco Bay Area. Young environmental leaders ages 13 to 22 living in North America (including Mexico, Canada, and some Caribbean Islands) are encouraged to apply. The deadline for submission is 14 May 2022. Overview
Earth Journalism Network — Conservation and Wildlife in East Africa Story Grants
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers reporting grants to journalists in East Africa to support the production of in-depth stories on conservation and wildlife issues. EJN expects to award 10 grants, with an average budget of US$800 each. Applications are open to journalists, photojournalists and other expert media practitioners from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda. The application deadline is 09 February 2022. Find details
American Museum of Natural History — Research Grants 2022
The American Museum of Natural History sponsors a number of research grants and student exchange fellowships. The Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants support early-career researchers for research in any phase of wildlife conservation or related fields of North American fauna, defined as fauna north of the Isthmus of Panama, including the Caribbean. Grants are generally between US$1,000 and US$3,500. The application deadline for Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants is 21 February 2022. Details here
Earth Journalism Network — Media Workshop on Wildlife and Conservation Reporting in East Africa
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) invites journalists from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda to apply for a five-day wildlife and conservation workshop in Uganda. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of conservation efforts in the region and learn how researchers, Indigenous groups, and local communities are protecting their ecosystems. Journalists interested in covering human-wildlife conflicts, poaching, trafficking and other wildlife crimes are invited to apply. EJN will bear the travel, accommodation, and meal costs of selected participants. The application deadline is 21 February 2022. Media Workshop
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Wetlands and Migratory Birds in Mexico
The Mexico Standard Program promotes the protection and restoration of wetland ecosystems and other habitats for wetlands-associated migratory birds and other fish and wildlife. Grants under this call generally range from US$50 thousand to US$700 thousand. Eligibility extends to individuals, corporations, government agencies, universities, and international organizations. The submission deadline is 25 February 2022. Details here
Eleven Eleven Twelve Foundation — Africa Green Grant Award
Eleven Eleven Twelve Foundation announces the Africa Green Grant Award. The Award gives grants to African entrepreneurs in the environmental and agricultural sectors. The financial support scheme is open to Africans, both individuals and institutions/organizations, whose project impacts local communities and solves environmental problems. Applicants must not be older than 35 years. Applications close on 01 March 2022. Africa Green Grant Award