TThe Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) hosts an Amazonian Storytelling Competition looking for perspectives from Indigenous peoples and local communities, Afro-descendant peoples, peasants and women, farmers, and community leaders. Topics include deforestation, biodiversity loss, land rights, ecosystem restoration, and food security, among others. The three best stories will receive prizes of €500, €300 and €200 respectively. The competition is open to any young person between the ages of 18 and 35 who is currently living in the Amazon (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela). Stories must be submitted by 31 August 2021. Storytelling Competition
Society for Conservation Biology — Research in Marine Conservation
The Society for Conservation Biology (Marine Section) supports the Conservation Research Small Grants Program. The program provides grants of US$750 to US$1,000 for marine conservation research in areas of acute need, especially for research in the developing world or for organizations with limited access to conservation funding. Applicants must be members of the Society for Conservation Biology and the SCB Marine Section, or join the SCB before applying for grants. Applications are accepted annually between 1 July and 15 September. Find information here
U.S. Mission to Malaysia — Environmental Exhibit
The U.S. Mission to Malaysia supports the development and implementation of a traveling exhibit on environmental themes targeting youth audiences on environmental issues such as climate change, conservation, reducing carbon emissions, waste management, sustainable economies, renewable/green technology, and/or other environmental themes. Applicants may propose workshops, lectures, activities, etc. and a companion website. The proposed travel exhibit is to be hosted in six locations across Malaysia. Estimated total project funding is US$130 thousand. Eligibility extends to foreign public and private educational institutions, as well as not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks. The closing date for applications is 31 July 2021. Details here
African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement — Waterbird Conservation Award 2021
The AEWA Waterbird Conservation Award honors individuals and organizations that have made a significant contribution towards long-term conservation and sustainable use of waterbirds in the African-Eurasian region. The Award is conferred every three years in two categories, institutional and individual. Please note that the AEWA Award 2021 will not be accompanied by a cash prize due to the lack of funding. The deadline for nominations (English, French) is 10 July 2021. AEWA Award
ETH Zurich — Opportunity Grants
The Leading House ETH Zurich calls for proposals for opportunity grants with China, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN countries. Opportunity grants will support activities of Swiss researchers from universities or public research institutes linked to specific events, incidents, or major environmental and economic developments in the region in Asia. The call is open to all scientific disciplines and fields of research. Senior scientists may request up to CHF 50 thousand for projects of up to 12 months. The application deadline is 18 July 2021. Link
EcoPix — Grants for Conservation Photography
EcoPix makes grants to support the non-equipment costs of small photography projects by emerging conservation photographers in Australia and neighboring Asia-Pacific countries. There is no nationality requirement or age requirement, although EcoPix gives preference to grant requests from young and emerging photographers. Outside of Australia, projects normally need sponsorship by an Australian organization, a branch of a well-established international organization, or a major national conservation organization in the country concerned. Smaller grassroots groups need to work with established organizations. Details
Global Landscapes Forum — Restore the Sahel Region in Africa
The GLFx initiative, in partnership with the Robert Bosch Foundation, supports five new GLFx chapters with seed funding of €5 thousand each in order to restore the greater Sahel region in Africa. GLFx chapters are regular gatherings (online or in a village/town/city) to mobilize the community and coordinate local action projects. Members can join independently organized chapters that meet locally to accelerate restoration activities within their landscapes. Applications will be accepted from groups/teams based in the 23 countries that share their territory with the greater Sahel region. The application deadline for the next GLFx chapter is 30 June 2021. GLFx African chapter
Rainforest Alliance — Africa Cocoa Fund
The Rainforest Alliance’s Africa Cocoa Fund (ACF) is a three-year, US$5 million fund to support cocoa farmers and help preserve the local landscapes in West and Central Africa. The fund supports select sustainability projects of certified smallholder producer groups, cooperatives and farmers or vulnerable members. All projects must be driven by farmers and intend to create a positive impact for the longer term. Funding will support interventions that build the capacity of certified cocoa farmers. The ACF will distribute a total US$1.35 million in project funding. The application deadline is 07 July 2021. Africa Cocoa Fund
United States Agency for International Development — Papua New Guinea Sustainable Landscapes Activity
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission to the Philippines seeks applications from qualified organizations to carry out a five-year Papua New Guinea Sustainable Landscapes Activity. USAID aims to improve forest governance, increase the environmental sustainability of the forest industry, and protect the land and resource rights of local communities in order to reduce GHG emissions. USAID intends to make an award of US$16 million to the applicant who best meets the objectives of the funding opportunity. The closing date for the submission of concept papers is 07 July 2021. Link
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Updating Ecosystem Profile
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) seeks applications to update the ecosystem profile for Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot to identify and prioritize Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) actions. A fundamental goal is to ensure civil society is engaged in biodiversity conservation. Total funding of up to US$80 thousand is available. CEPF accepts proposals from qualified organizations anywhere in the world, including non-governmental organizations, private companies and academic institutions. The closing date for applications is 09 July 2021. Click here