The Thiess International Riverprize 2021 invites applications from any organization or partnership that has implemented a successful program benefiting a river, lake, wetland, or estuary in any part of the world. This year, the emphasis will be on building community and river resilience rather than recovery. The winner will receive the cash prize and a trophy. The application deadline is 31 May 2021. Find the guidelines
Yunus&Youth — Fellowship Program for Social Entrepreneurs
The Yunus&Youth Fellowship Program is a six-month online program for young social entrepreneurs from all around the world. The program is designed for young early-stage social business leaders that have the potential to solve community-based problems with focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Participants will be matched with a mentor, participate in expert webinars with business professionals and receive help with business plan development. In the final stage of the program, fellows will present their social businesses to a team of real investors to shape their presentation skills and test their pitch decks. The deadline to submit applications is 20 June 2021. Learn about the Y&Y Fellowship Program
Microsoft — AI for Earth Grants
Microsoft seeks proposals from around the world that focus on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to better monitor and manage Earth’s natural systems for a more sustainable future. Funding supports the creation and deployment of open source trained models and algorithms in the focus core areas of climate change, biodiversity, agriculture, and water. The grant provides software developers with Azure compute credits worth up to US$15 thousand. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. The two remaining revision deadlines for project submission in 2021 are 05 July and 04 October 2021. Azure Compute Grants
Copernicus Masters — Planet Challenge
Copernicus Masters is an international innovation competition that honors the best solutions using earth observation data and applications to solve global challenges. The Planet Challenge, sponsored by Planet, seeks new ways to help solve climate and environmental challenges through the use of daily satellite imagery, tools and analytics. The winner receives free Planet data for non-commercial purposes, consulting and a trip to San Francisco to Planet’s Explore Conference. All participants have the chance to win an additional €10 thousand if chosen as the overall Copernicus winner. The competition is open to participants worldwide. Submissions are open until 19 July 2021. Find the Planet Challenge
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Lebanon
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in Lebanon. The priorities under this call include the environment. The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$50 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to local community organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. The deadline for submission is 21 April 2021. Link
Climate Tracker — Stories about Female Environmentalists
Climate Tracker seeks stories about female environmental activists. The project “Defenders of Territory” will select 12 women who are defenders of the environment in Latin America. Climate Tracker looks for young journalists from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, who write stories about women from local communities and their struggle to defend their land. Selected journalists will receive €350 in support of their story, plus 3 months of professional mentorship. The deadline for submitting proposals is 22 April 2021. Find more details
Stockholm Environment Institute — Strategic Collaborative Fund Asia
The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) supports regional environmental and sustainable development events in Asia. SEI welcomes concept notes for regional strategic events in Asia that focus on advancing environmentally sustainable development with integration of gender and social equality and rights-based approaches. Themes under the Strategic Collaborative Fund include: Addressing air pollution and climate change, agrobiodiversity, disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation, and ecosystems. A total of SEK450 thousand will be awarded per grant. Projects should be based in South or Southeast Asia or address issues relevant to Asia. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations or networks. The deadline is 17 May 2021. Find out more
European Commission — Biodiversity and Ecosystems Protection
The European Commission (EC) supports biodiversity and ecosystems protection through community-based conservation and the application of environment legislation in Lebanon. Local conservation activities may include the management and creation of Protected Areas, integrated urban planning approaches, and enhancing the use of evidence and science in environmental policy-making. The overall amount made available under this call for proposals is €6,5 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations. The application deadline is 18 June 2021. More here
U.S. Department of State — Human Rights for Environmental Protection
The U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) seeks organizations interested in submitting applications for regional projects in the East Asia and Pacific region to strengthen transparent and accountable governance that respects human rights and addresses inequality as an integral part of addressing climate change and protecting the environment. DRL welcomes applications from U.S.-based and foreign-based non-profit organizations and public international organizations; institutions of higher education; as well as for-profit organizations or businesses. Requested grants should range from US$750 thousand to a maximum of US$1.5 million. The closing date for applications is 04 June 2021. Information
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund Africa
The Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Fund (RTCF) solicits proposals for the conservation of African rhinoceroses. Grants are for applied research, training, conservation management, community outreach, law enforcement, decreased human-wildlife conflicts, and other activities in conservation. Grants should range from US$50 thousand to a maximum of US$100 thousand and match the scope of the activities and the length of the project period. Eligibility for grants extends worldwide to qualified and relevant government agencies, other organizations, multi-national secretariats, and individuals. The application deadline is 04 June 2021. Find out more