Primate Conservation, Incorporated (PCI) supports conservation programs for wild populations of primates. PCI offers seed monies and matching grants for graduate students, qualified conservationists, and primatologists to study rare and endangered primates. The maximum grant amount is US$5 thousand. Preference is for projects that involve people of the habitat countries. The deadline for grant applications is 20 September of each year. Details here
RACI — Innovation Fund for Organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean
The Innovation for Change (I4C) Hub supports organizations from Latin America and Caribbean that work to strengthen civil society through innovation. RACI provides seed funding to local, national and regional organizations for innovative movements and initiatives that creatively tackle community challenges related to one or more of the following areas: Sustainability; Transparency and accountability; Promoting an enabling environment. Projects should last up to 4 months. The Fund will provide up to US$10 thousand per project. Only non-for-profit civil society organizations can apply. The deadline to apply is 26 March 2021. Link to the Innovation Fund
Swedish Research Council — Research Links Program
The Swedish Research Links Program funds research cooperation between scientists in Sweden and scientists in selected low and middle-income countries. Past grants have funded research to address water pollution; control of agricultural diseases and post-harvest losses; livestock introductions; management of protected areas; and various other topics related to agriculture and natural resources. The maximum amount is SEK 400 thousand per year for up to two years. The closing date for applications is 13 April 2021. Find out more
Earth Journalism Network — Investigating Environmental Policy in Latin America
The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers reporting grants to support the production of enterprise stories that will explore how international diplomacy is shaping environmental policy in Latin America. ENJ welcomes any story ideas that explore environmental and natural resource governance and the way the environmental policies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru are shaping their foreign and economic relations. ENJ expects to award at least four grants at an average grant size of US$1,500. Applications can be submitted in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Deadline for applications is 14 April 2021. See details
Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs — Antarctic Fellowship 2021
The Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (CONMAP) invites early-career researchers to apply for the COMNAP Antarctic Fellowship. Applications are welcome from a range of disciplines and fields, including Environmental Management and other Science backgrounds. Eligibility extends to candidates who hold a doctorate, masters, or undergraduate degrees with not more than 5 years since completion. One award of up to US$15 thousand is available. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2021. About the fellowship
Fresno Chaffee Zoo — Grants for Wildlife Conservation
The Fresno Chaffee Zoo Wildlife Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife conservation and research that focuses on rare, threatened, and endangered animals and their habitats. The priority is for in situ conservation projects. Most grants range from US$2 thousand to US$10 thousand. The principal investigator must be associated with a recognized institution (accredited zoo, academic institution, conservation or non-profit organization). The deadline for applications is 01 June 2021. Wildlife Conservation Fund
Eurasia Foundation — Partnership Projects Competition
Eurasia Foundation’s US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange Program (SEE) invites organizations in the United States and Russia to submit proposals for collaborative projects. Projects must address one or more of SEE’s five thematic areas: Arctic and environmental conservation, Indigenous peoples’ empowerment, Disability and inclusion, Public health, or Open Thematic Area. All projects must include one U.S.-based partner and one Russia-based partner as implementing organizations. Project teams may request up to US$50 thousand in funding for a period between six and twelve months. The deadline to apply is 31 March 2021. Find out more
International Fund for Agricultural Development — Rural Youth Innovation Award in Latin America and the Caribbean
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) launches an award to promote youth initiatives for innovation in rural areas. The award will promote the initiatives of young people who are taking action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in rural areas. IFAD seeks solutions that constitute examples of good practices and technologies applied and implemented to overcome the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic in the region. The initiative should contribute to solving problems related to rural areas, especially with small local producers. Participants must be young nationals (18-35 years) of Latin America and the Caribbean. Participants will compete for financial resources, products and services, and loans. Interested initiatives have to register by 04 April 2021. Link to the award
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Conservation of Marine Turtles
The Marine Turtle Conservation Fund (MTCA) accepts proposals for the conservation of priority nesting populations of six of the seven species of marine turtles (Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta, Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata, Lepidochelys olivacea, Lepidochelys kempii) throughout their range worldwide. The fund provides financial support for projects that conserve nesting populations and habitat and address other threats to the survival of marine turtles in range countries. Applicants may request between US$25 to US$200 thousand. Applicants can be individuals; government agencies; non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations; or universities. The deadline for applications is 12 April 2021. Marine Turtle Conservation Fund
United Nations — Innovations to Advance the SDGs
United Nations, in collaboration with Global Innovation Exchange, seeks applications for the 2021 Call for Innovations for a chance to be featured at the UN’s virtual STI Forum (May 2021). Innovations should address COVID-19-associated disruptions that will remain relevant beyond the pandemic to help accelerate progress towards one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The call is open to innovators, scientists, and entrepreneurs worldwide. Applications will be accepted until 26 March 2021. Click here