The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), supports activities that counter wildlife trafficking and illegal logging in Sub-Saharan Africa. The overall goal is to reduce the ability of criminal groups to profit from poaching and trafficking of protected animals, as well as protected timber and plants, originating from Africa. Applicants may request up to US$1.5 million for the implementation of anti-wildlife crime related activities. Eligibility extends to qualified U.S. based and foreign non-profit organizations (including NGOs), and educational institutions. The closing date for submission of applications is 06 January 2021. Know more
U.S. Agency for International Development — Community Response to Conservation Crimes
The United States Agency for International Development in Peru (USAID/Peru) seeks applications from qualified entities to implement the “Regional Community Response to Conservation Crimes” program. USAID aims to increase civil society led efforts to promote society values and raise awareness of the benefits of protecting both biodiversity and cultural identity linked to the Amazon Biome. Projects should include approaches for alternative economic development that safeguards cultural identities and expands livelihoods while protecting biodiversity on land and water. USAID intends to provide up to US$18.2 million in total funding over a five-year period. Both U.S. and non-US organizations may apply. The application deadline is 15 January 2020. Link
U.S. Agency for International Development — Natural Resource Security in the Philippines
The U.S. Agency for International Development Mission in the Philippines (USAID/Philippines) invites applications for funding from eligible organizations to carry out activities that will contribute to the improvement of natural resource security and governance in the Philippines. USAID will support activities that strengthen the Philippines’ commitment to biodiversity and habitat protection and improve the government’s capacity to manage its natural resources. USAID intends to provide funding in the range between US$14 million to US$16 million over a period of five years. Interested Applicants must submit concept papers by 18 January 2020. Know more
U.S. Mission to Russia — One Planet: Environment, Health, and Science
The U.S. Mission to Russia announces the “One Planet: Environment, Health, and Science” grant, which supports the promotion of environmental, health, and scientific issues in Russia. The U.S. Embassy invites proposals for projects that promote collaboration between Russia and the United States in the areas of health, science, technology, the environment, and energy. Applicants may apply for funding for any amount up to US$200 thousand. U.S. and Russian nonprofits, universities, civil society, museums, reserves, and community organizations are eligible. Proposals are reviewed every month until 01 June 2021. Details here
RBCLAC — Responsible Business Conduct in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Responsible Business Conduct in Latin America and the Caribbean (RBCLAC) project supports governments and companies in their efforts to promote and maintain Responsible Business Conduct in accordance with international standards (including environmental protection standards). The proposals to be funded should contribute to raising awareness among governments, companies, employers and workers organizations, and other civil society actors. A total of three grants will be offered for a minimum amount of US$85 thousand and a maximum amount of US$100 thousand each. Eligible applicants include non-profit entities, government agencies, grassroots organizations, educational institutions, and international organizations in Latin America, the Caribbean or the European Union. The deadline for submission is 22 December 2020. More information
American Society of Primatologists — Research Grants 2021
The American Society of Primatologists (ASP) supports students and young researchers from habitat countries who are engaged in primate conservation. The ASP Research Award amounts range from US$500 to US$1,500 and support training initiatives, start-up funds, supplementary funding for students, and innovations in animal care and research technology. Applications will be accepted until 19 March 2021. More
David and Lucile Packard Foundation — Conservation and Science
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation funds projects for conservation and science in themes that include climate change, ocean conservation, agriculture, and others. The Foundation makes grants to charitable, educational, and scientific organizations in the USA and other countries. Most grants range from US$20 thousand to US$500 thousand. Potential applicants should consult Packard’s website for the criteria, guidelines, and restrictions of grant making. There is no calendar deadline. For Grantseekers
Climate Tracker — Southeast Asia Rainforest Journalism Opportunity
Climate Tracker seeks 4 emerging storytellers from Southeast Asia to co-apply to the Rainforest Journalism Fund. Proposal should address the forest restoration and/or rehabilitation issues in the Southeast Asia region. Each fellow will be supported to write one feature story. Climate Tracker will provide individual feedback and support. The ideal candidate is 18-35 years old and has journalism experience. Applications have to be submitted by 25 November 2020. The opportunity
Asian Development Bank — Healthy Oceans
Healthy Oceans Technology Innovation Challenge (TIC) calls for the submission of pilot technology solutions that prevent plastic waste or that can help restore and/or protect coral reefs. The selected proposal can receive a grant of up to US$500 thousand, but technology providers must co-finance at least 10% of the total cost. Innovations have to be implemented in Asia. Eligibility extends to companies, non-profit organizations, CSOs, research institutions and government-owned enterprises. The deadline for submissions of EOIs is 27 November 2020. Healthy Oceans Technology Innovation Challenge
Solution Search — Water Pollution & Behavior Change Contest
Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment and partners seek existing solutions that are changing behaviors to help solve the world’s most challenging environmental problems. For this year’s contest, Solutions Search looks for promising approaches that are shifting people’s behavior toward cleaner, healthier water ecosystems. Contest entrants get access to capacity building, workshops, and networking opportunities to further refine and scale their solution. The overall winner will receive US$25 thousand, among numerous other prizes, including a US$5 thousand prize awarded to the best early entrant (for submissions prior to 30 November). Any organization or institution worldwide is eligible (e.g., city government, business, non-profit, university, etc.). Individuals are not eligible to enter. The regular submission deadline is 10 January 2021. Access Solution Search