The NEF Publication Program supports scientific publications to expand knowledge of nature conservation in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The program supports: printing cost including design and layout; and distribution cost inside the applicant’s country. The maximum grant size is ¥1 million per project for a maximum duration of one year. Applicants must be nationals of developing country in the Asia-Pacific region and be a full-time researcher/scientist working at a research institution. Application deadlines for this program are twice a year: 17 April 2020 and 14 October 2020. Details
Active Citizens Fund — Funding for Croatian CSOs
The Active Citizens Fund calls for proposals from Croatian CSOs active in the area of environment and climate change. Additional priority areas include human rights and social justice. The maximum contribution per project is between €90 thousand and €150 thousand (10% of co-financing is required). Projects may have a duration of 24-36 months. The call targets civil society organizations with sufficiently effective management and governing processes capable of developing complex project interventions. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 11 May 2020. Link
European Commission — Civil Society Development in Armenia
The European Commission seeks to strengthen non-governmental actors and promote cooperation between civil society organisations to contribute to social change and sustainable development in Armenia. One priority area is Sustainable and Green Development (Lot 3) in terms of climate change adaptation, environmental protection and sustainable management of local resources. Applicants may request between €500 thousand and €700 thousand under Lot 3. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations. Deadline for submission of concept notes is 15 May 2020. Find details
Academy of Medical Sciences — Global Challenges Research Fund
The Global Challenges Research Fund invites applications to grow research capability in the UK to meet the challenges faced by developing countries. Examples of thematic areas include sustainable agriculture; clean air, water, and sanitation; renewable energy and materials; addressing environmental shocks and long-term environmental changes; and others. Grantseekers may request up to £25 thousand in project support. Both UK and international research organisations (universities, public laboratories, or nonprofit organisations) can be research partners and receive funds. Proposals should be submitted jointly by an overseas researcher from a developing country and a researcher based in the UK. The closing date for submissions is 07 April 2020. Details
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Environment and Climate Action in Southeast Asia
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in any one of the following countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Thailand. The priorities include one on environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, as well as on water management. The average contribution is expected to be in the range of C$15 thousand to C$30 thousand per project. Larger projects may be considered on an exceptional basis. Eligibility extends to local community organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions working on local projects. The deadline for submissions is 10 April 2020. More information
Roddenberry Foundation — Roddenberry Prize 2020
The Roddenberry Foundation invites proposals for projects that address the challenges of an unpredictable and fast-changing global landscape. The four winners of the Roddenberry Prize will each receive US$250 thousand for their work in one of the following fields: Education, Science, Environment, and Humanity. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, social enterprises, businesses, universities, and groups of individuals. Interested applicants and partners have to register by 10 April 2020. Link to the prize
Waterloo Foundation — Small Grants
The Waterloo Foundations makes small grants to small UK charities which are working to deliver projects in developing countries. Current funding priorities are Nutrition, Education, WASH and Sexual and Reproductive Health. Organizations based in a developing countries can also apply for support but must provide a reference for their work in form of a UK referee. The majority of grants are £5-£10 thousand for one to two year projects. There is no formal application form, however, interested applicants are required to follow the guidelines provided on the website. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Find out more
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in the Mediterranean Basin (Tunisia)
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) makes small grants (US$ 5-8 thousand) to private enterprises in Tunisia in support of biodiversity conservation in coastal areas in the Mediterranean region. The overall aim of this call is to engage private sector stakeholders to adopt sustainable practices. Projects should be implemented in the future marine protected area (MPA) of Zembra and Zembretta. The call is open to the private sector, including small-scale businesses, private enterprises, local community groups and cooperatives. Letters for Inquiry have to be submitted by 20 March 2020. Find out more
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization — Fellowships at Chinese Universities
UNESCO and the China Scholarship Council announce the availability of 75 fellowships under “The Great Wall Program” for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Chinese universities. Applications are invited from eligible developing UNESCO member states in Africa, the Asia–Pacific region, Latin America and Caribbean, the Arab States, and Europe and North America. Fellowships are for one year, and most fellowship programs are in English. Among the many participating Chinese universities that admit scholarship students are some that offer agriculture, forestry, environment, and other disciplines in natural resources. The application deadline is 25 March 2020. Find the Program
U.S. Agency for International Development — Biodiversity Conservation in Vietnam
USAID seeks applications from qualified entities to implement the “USAID Biodiversity Conservation” activity in Vietnam. The funding provided under this call should be used to (1) Maintain and increase forest quality in high-conservation value provinces and, (2) Protect and stabilize wildlife populations in national parks and reserves in high-conservation value provinces. Key activities and strategic approaches are detailed in the call for proposals. USAID intends to provide one award of up to US$38 million for a five year project. (Note: USAID has established a minimum required cost share of 10% of the total estimated costs, approx. US$3.8 million). Eligibility for this NOFO is not restricted which means that nonprofit and for-profit organizations are eligible to apply. The applications deadline is 15 April 2020. Link to more information