The Blue Action Fund announces a call for grant proposals focusing on ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) to climate change in the Western Indian Ocean. Grants are made to NGOs with projects that focus on protecting Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and supporting sustainable livelihoods in coastal communities. The Fund aims to support projects protecting and restoring adaptation-relevant coastal ecosystems to reduce climate change-related risks for vulnerable coastal communities. The fund will allocate €2-5 million per project. Applicants are expected to provide substantial co-funding for the project. NGOs with projects which are situated in Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, and Tanzania are eligible to apply. The application deadline is 24 May 2020. Find the call
U.S. Embassy Panama — Public Diplomacy Grants
The U.S. Embassy Panama Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Department of State invites applications for the Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. The aim of the program is to strengthen cultural ties between the U.S. and Panama through cultural and exchange programming. The funding activities described in this call are: Arts; Community Development; Education; Environment; Information and Statistics; Income Security and Social Services; Regional Development Science and Technology; and other Research and Development. Eligibility extends to not-for-profit organizations (including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations), universities and educational institutions, governmental institutions, and individuals. Program funding is between US$1 thousand and US$75 thousand. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2020. About the grants
U.S. Agency for International Development — Health, Ecosystems and Agriculture for Resilient, Thriving Societies
The Office of Forestry and Biodiversity in USAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment seeks transformational solutions to cross-sectoral development challenges in biodiverse landscapes. Sectors that may comprise HEARTH concepts are: biodiversity conservation, health, food security (agriculture and nutrition), governance, economic development and livelihoods, water supply and sanitation, education, modern energy solutions, forest management and restoration, and climate resilience. Eligible priority countries include Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and South America Regional; Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Central Africa Regional; Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Vietnam and the Regional Development Mission for Asia. Awards range between US$1 million and US$10 million. The deadline for applications is 15 June 2020. More
U.S. National Science Foundation — Antarctic Artists and Writers Program
The Antarctic Artists and Writers Program supports writing and artistic projects specifically designed to increase the public’s understanding and appreciation of the Antarctic and human endeavors in Antarctica. Artists and writers receive operational support, and round-trip economy air tickets between the United States and the Southern Hemisphere whose work requires them to be in the Antarctic to complete their proposed project. Priority will be given to projects that focus on interpreting and representing scientific activities. There is no restriction concerning the nationality of applicants but the resulting projects must target audiences in the U.S. and be distributed/exhibited in the U.S. (Note: Potential proposers are encouraged to contact the Program Officer prior to submitting a proposal.) More about this program
UNESCO — World Heritage Volunteers 2020
The UNESCO World Heritage Centre invites applications for the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Campaign 2020. The aim of the call is to encourage young people to undertake concrete actions and to play an active role in the protection, preservation and promotion of World Heritage sites. Projects should be organised in immediate connection to a property inscribed on the World Heritage List or a site inscribed on a Tentative List. Both public or private organisations or institutions from any country are eligible to apply. UNESCO does not provide financial support to organizations, but carries out action camps for the volunteering participants. The closing date for applications is 19 January 2020. Find out more
Kinship Foundation — Conservation Workshop
The Kinship Foundation invites participants to the Kinship Conservation Workshop in India. During the workshop, participants will learn how economic tools can be applied to enhance community-based conservation projects, study the successes and failures of incentive-based conservation in India, as well as globally, and be introduced to alternative pathways to achieve conservation impact. Applicants should be mid-career conservation practitioners from India with at least three years of field experience in natural resources management. Kinship Foundation will cover all workshop expenses, including lodging, food, classroom materials and field trips. Participants must arrange and pay for their transportation expenses to/from Bangalore. The application deadline is 09 December 2019. Kinship Conservation Workshop India
EarthCorps — Crew Member International Program 2020
EarthCorps invites applications from emerging environmental leaders around the world to participate in an environmental training program in the USA. Participants from the USA and other countries take part in field projects such as invasive plant removal and control, native plant installation (planting), restoration site maintenance, trail construction/maintenance, volunteer management, and erosion control. The Crew Member Program is a 6-month learning experience for non-U.S. citizens, which takes place in Seattle, Washington, USA. Applicants should be 18-28 years of age, with a university degree in an environmental field (or equivalent work experience), and speak conversational English. International participants receive a living stipend, health insurance, and accommodation with host families. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by 31 December 2019. More about Crew Member
Flemish Inter-University Council — International Training Programme on ‘eR-Biostat’
VLIR-UOS is the secretariat of Flemish universities for development cooperation, with funding by Belgian Development Cooperation. VLIR-UOS announces the International Training Programme on ‘eR-Biostat’ that will take place at Hasselt University, Belgium. The program aims to train the participants in using and developing a new E-learning system in Biostatistics/Statistics. Eligibility for scholarships extends to applicants in 31 developing countries of Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. Candidates apply directly to the Flemish universities that offer the programs, requesting scholarship support. Application deadline is 15 January 2020. Biostatistics Training Program
World Bank — Ideas for Action Competition 2020
Ideas for Action is a knowledge platform of the World Bank Group and the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at the Wharton School. The annual Ideas for Action competition seeks innovative ideas and actionable projects to support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Past winners include water solutions for better fish farm yields, women-led business models to improve sustainable access to energy, web based solutions for agriculture processes, and many more. Teams must consist of two to six members and may be formed across different schools, institutions, companies, or countries. Students and young professionals between the ages of 18-35 years from around the world are invited to participate. The winners of the competition present their ideas at the annual meeting of the World Bank Group, receive support from a project incubator and coaching. The deadline for submissions is 29 February 2020. Ideas for Action
WWF in India — Small Grants Innovation Program
WWF-India offers grants up to INR400 thousand for conservation research or action projects of up to two years. Grants are made to individuals to be utilized primarily for field activities. Priority is for research and conservation aligned with WWF’s program in India. The last date for submission of applications is 30 April 2020 (for the June term). About the program