The Ramsar Small Grants Fund for Wetland Conservation and Wise Use (SGF) assists developing countries to enable the conservation and wise use of wetland resources. The SGF offers a maximum of CHF 35 thousand per project. Eligibility for the awards extends to individuals and groups worldwide representing government institutions, NGOs, community groups, and private companies. Submissions must be received no later than 06 May 2019. Small Grants Fund
Society for International Development — Andrew E. Rice Award 2019
The Andrew E. Rice Award for Leadership and Innovation recognizes the achievements of an exceptional young professional working in the field of international development. Past winners include field research on agriculture strategies and the creation of low-cost digital games that inspire social change. Candidates must be between 22 to 32 years old and have at least two years of experience in international development in developing countries. The winner will receive US$1,000. Candidates must complete the application form by 29 March 2019. Here
Small-Scale Initiatives Program — Biodiversity Conservation in Central and Western Africa
The Small-Scale Initiatives Program (PPI) launches a new call for proposals “small grants” projects. Funding will be available to local non-profit projects in Central and Western African countries with the aim contribute to biodiversity conservation and addressing climate change adaptation. The maximum contribution under this call is €40 thousand for projects of up to 15 months. The deadline for submission of pre-proposal is 31 March 2019. Find rules and criteria
European Commission — Wildlife People Conflicts in Botswana
The European Commission supports civil society organizations in Botswana to play an effective role as a development actor with the aim to improve capacity to hold governments accountable. One of the priorities under this call is wildlife people conflict and community based adaptation to ecosystems. Grants vary between €100 thousand and €250 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 10 April 2019. More
Grassroots Justice Prize — Legal Empowerment for Communities
The Grassroots Justice Prize recognizes grassroots institutions across the globe that are working to put the power of law into people’s hands. Three awards, each of US$10 thousand, are available to non-profit organizations, social enterprises, and public institutions that focus on legal empowerment to tackle poverty, injustice, or other social problems. (Note: These problems may include subject areas in the Terra Viva Grants Directory). The deadline to apply is 08 March 2019. Grassroots Justice Prize
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation across Multi-Hotspots
The CEPF invites applications for biodiversity conservation among two or more biodiversity hotspots. Proposed projects must address multiple hotspots, including at least one of the following: Cerrado, Eastern Afromontane and Indo-Burma. Grants under this call will range from US$ 20 thousand to US$100 thousand. Eligibility for funding extends to community groups and associations, NGOs, private enterprises, universities, research institutes, and other civil society organizations. The deadline for letters of inquiry is 12 April 2019. More
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Caribbean Regional Program
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides financial assistance to strategic projects that conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats. The Caribbean Regional Program funds projects to reduce the underlying threats to coastal and marine biodiversity, to conserve the coastal and marine flora and fauna, and to maximize conservation impact by developing strategic partnerships with key stakeholders on the local, national, regional and international levels. Funding for individual projects is between US$25 thousand and US$100 thousand. Eligibility for grants extends to non-profit organizations and universities. The deadline for applications is 15 April 2019. Notice of funding opportunity
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Conservation in Central Africa
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s aim is to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. For that reason, the USFWS “Wildlife Without Borders” seeks proposals to reduce threats to key wildlife populations in Central Africa from wildlife trafficking, unsustainable resource use, and human-wildlife conflicts. Grants under this call will range from US$30 thousand to US$2 million. Grants are to organizations, institutions of higher education, governments and individuals. The application deadline is 18 April 2019. Opportunity details
Conservation International — Programs to Fund Biodiversity Conservation
Conservation International (CI) manages multiple funding programs that include the Conservation Stewards Program; the Althelia Climate Fund; the Global Conservation Fund; the Carbon Fund; and Verde Ventures. Each of these funds provides contact information. Potentially interested partner organizations and grant seekers should make inquiries with the identified staff at CI. See the programs
U.S. Agency for International Development — Capacity Grants for NGOs in the Caribbean
The USAID/Eastern and Southern Caribbean Local Capacity for Local Solutions (LCLS) project focuses on building the capacity of NGOs in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean region. USAID will award Comprehensive Capacity Grants of US$25 thousand to non-profit organizations with projects in different sectors, one of which is the environment. Eligibility extends to local NGOs from Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. The deadline for the submission of Expressions of Interests (EOIs) is 01 March 2019. Find the call