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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Climate Action Champions Network — Young Climate Leaders

The Climate Action Champions Network seeks young climate leaders from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan. The objective of the program is to inspire the South Asian young leaders to champion an ambitious climate action agenda in their respective countries and in the wider Indo-Pacific region. Prospective climate champions between the ages of 18 and 35, who are passionate about climate action, are encouraged to apply. The deadline for submitting applications is 15 July 2022. Know more

One Young World — Technovators for Social Good Scholarship

One Young World supports young women working in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The Technovators for Social Good Scholarship will sponsor a young leader to attend the One Young World 2022 Summit in Manchester (UK) and enable them to participate in speeches, panels, networking, and workshops. Candidates must be females aged 18 – 30 leading innovative and impactful initiatives to promote access and opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for women. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is 16 May 2022. Technovators for Social Good Scholarship

Agropolis Fondation — Doctoral Fellowship

The Agropolis Fondation seeks to promote the agro-ecological transition by funding PhD research of young scientists. PhD research projects may focus on three main themes: Understanding the effects of climate change on agricultural systems; documenting and analyzing the measures and policies that support the conservation, and promote sustainable use of biodiversity in various agroecosystems, and ensuring sustainable food systems by moving towards more responsible production and consumption. Up to €900 thousand are available complemented by €120 thousand from the SEARCA. Deadline for the submission of proposals is 21 June 2022. Know more

World Ocean Initiative — Ocean Changemakers Challenge

The Ocean Changemakers Challenge seeks business solutions to ocean-related sustainability challenges. The challenge is aimed at early-career researchers and professionals, entrepreneurs and innovators with solutions to ocean challenges, e.g. marine pollution, overfishing and overexploitation of marine resources, unsustainable aquaculture, or destruction of ocean habitats. Three finalists will receive guidance from renowned ocean leaders as part of a 12-month mentorship program and present their business idea for a blue economy at the World Ocean Tech and Innovation Summit in Canada (October 2022). Entries close on 19 August 2022. Next steps

TRACE and Alfred Friendly — Investigative Reporting Fellowship

TRACE and Alfred Friendly provide fellowships to strengthen investigative journalism (including reporting on environmental crimes, climate change and others). The program provides training seminars at the Missouri School of Journalism in Columbia (USA). The fellowship covers all costs of program-related international and domestic travel, health insurance and provides a monthly stipend to cover basic living expenses. Candidates must be between 25-35 years old and have at least three years of experience as a journalist at a print, online or broadcast media outlet. The fellowship is open to early-career journalists from developing countries. Complete applications must be submitted by 31 August 2022. Details

Atlas Corps — Climate Change and Environmental Fellowship

Atlas Corps seeks global professionals with experience in climate change and environmental issues to apply for the Atlas Corps Fellowship. Fellows will serve full-time at U.S.-based organizations and help the world progress towards the achievement of sustainable development. Atlas Corps is specifically looking for candidates with skills and expertise in: Sustainability / Environmental Social Governance, Environmental Protection & Biodiversity Conservation, Clean & Sustainable Energy. The deadline to receive priority consideration for a Fellowship is 31 May 2022. Atlas Corps Fellowship

European Commission — Youth4Regions Program for Aspiring Journalists

The Youth4Regions Program offers young aspiring journalists the chance to find out what the EU is doing in their region (the EU policy covers topics such as climate change, conservation, and sustainable development). Selected participants will receive mentorship from established journalists in their home country and have the opportunity to take part as a journalist in European Commission press trips to Member States. Accommodation and travel expenses are covered by the European Commission. Applicants must be citizens of a current EU, EU candidate or neighboring country, be between 18 and 30 years old, and have a background in journalism (applications from students are being accepted). Applications are being accepted until 11 July 2022. Youth4Regions

International Water Association — Young Leadership Award

The International Water Association (IWA) Young Leadership Award is granted to an exceptional water professional below the age of 35 who has demonstrated significant achievements in their career. This award recognizes the contribution of an individual rather than an organization or project. The winner will receive their award during the World Water and Development Congress & Exhibition (September 2022) in Copenhagen, Denmark. The call for nominations closes 06 May 2022. IWA Young Leadership Award

World Academy of Sciences — TWAS Young Affiliates 2022

The World Academy of Sciences Regional Office for Sub-Saharan Africa invites nominations of suitable candidates for the TWAS Young Affiliateship. Eligibility for nomination extends to researchers from developing nations who have at least 10 international publications. The program offers networking and meeting opportunities to further advance the research of selected affiliates. All nominations must be received by 15 May 2022. Click here

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute — Research in Tropical Forests

The ForestGEO Grants Program supports research that uses forest data from the program’s field sites. Priority will be given to early-career researchers, and researchers with less access to other institutional funds. Social scientists and natural scientists of all nationalities are eligible. Applicants do not need to be associated with a site prior to applying, but each applicant will need to contact a site Principal Investigator (linked from the announcement) prior to submitting a proposal. Research projects up to US$15 thousand will be considered. The deadline for applications is 03 June 2022. ForestGEO Research Grants