LEAP Africa enables young changemakers to transition their social change solutions into scalable social enterprises. The Social Innovators Program seeks applications from social entrepreneurs who would be willing to participate in various activities for the 2021/2022 fellowship year. Fellows participate in training sessions (physical and online), receive mentorship, access to local & international funding and partnership opportunities. The social ventures of the Fellows cover various aspects of the society, such as Agriculture, Youth Empowerment, Education, Science & Technology, Health, Law, Human Rights, among others. Young Africans between 18 and 35 years, whose initiatives offer effective solutions to challenges in local communities are eligible to apply as fellows. The application deadline is 06 August 2021. Link to LEAP Africa
Mindselo — Young Creators Program 2021
Mindselo is a personal growth platform that seeks to transform ideas into wisdom. The Mindselo Young Creators Program (Creators4Change) aims to bring young visionaries to talk about personal growth to spread great ideas, lively inspiration and effective solutions around the planet to teach people the essential lessons of life that our school and colleges forgot to teach and push humanity forward. Mindselo invites video entries from all around the planet by young creators (aged between 15 to 35) to apply for this impact program. The submission deadline is 15 August 2021. Know more
Fondation Segré — Research Support Grants
The Fondation Segré Research Support Grants provide support to young and early-career researchers in their research to improve the knowledge on species and their role in natural ecosystems. The maximum grant size is €7 thousand for a maximum duration of 12 months. Applicants have to be enrolled at an academic institution in order to apply. The call remains open until 31 August 2021. Know more
African Academy of Sciences — Research Grant
The African Research Initiative for Scientific Excellence Pilot Program (ARISE-PP) Grant is an opportunity for early-career scientists to further develop their research career and become a principal researcher leading their own grant. The program is open to African researchers with 2-7 years of research experience since completion of their PhD and an excellent research proposal to conduct research in an African university or research institution. The ARISE-PP grants are open to applications from all fields of research. The maximum grant amount per grantee is €500 thousand for a period max. 5 years. Submission of Expressions of Interest closes on 30 July 2021. ARISE Grant
MDPI — Water PhD Thesis Award 2021
MDPI, a publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals, invites applications for the Water 2021 Best PhD Thesis Award. This prize will be awarded to a PhD student who is about to graduate or defend their graduation thesis. The award consists of CHF800 and a free publication in MDPI Water before the end of 2022. Applicants must be postdoctoral researchers or Ph.D. students working in the field of water or related areas. Applications have to be submitted by 10 November 2021. Details
Climate Tracker — Solutions Reporting Fellowship
Climate Tracker seeks early-career journalists with a passion for a 6-month paid media mentorship-fellowship. Selected fellows will write and publish powerful sustainability stories focused on local solutions in their country/region, and receive coaching and mentoring from experts to gain hands-on experience in reporting on climate change and sustainability issues. Fellows receive €165 monthly stipend in support of their stories. The deadline to apply is 30 June 2021. More here
EcoPix — Grants for Conservation Photography
EcoPix makes grants to support the non-equipment costs of small photography projects by emerging conservation photographers in Australia and neighboring Asia-Pacific countries. There is no nationality requirement or age requirement, although EcoPix gives preference to grant requests from young and emerging photographers. Outside of Australia, projects normally need sponsorship by an Australian organization, a branch of a well-established international organization, or a major national conservation organization in the country concerned. Smaller grassroots groups need to work with established organizations. Details
African Academy of Sciences — Affiliates Membership Program
The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) Affiliates Membership Program aims to stimulate and nurture scientific discovery and technological innovation in Africa in order to promote sustainable development. ASS invites applications from young and early-to-mid career professionals from Africa in any field of specialization. AAS will organize a range of activities to enhance the professional development of the Affiliate members, including special courses on proposal writing, manuscript preparation, and proposals, etc. Nominations must be received by 23 July 2021. Find out more
Colas Group — Responsible Infrastructures
The Colas Group seeks innovative yet pragmatic and achievable ideas for responsible infrastructures that address the need for the local area’s socio-economic development while taking climate and social challenges into account. Winners receive small cash awards and product prizes. Topics include creating solutions to adapt infrastructure to climate change. Eligibility to apply to this challenge extends to students currently enrolled at a post-secondary institution or who recently graduated less than 2 years before the current scholar year. The challenge closes 30 May 2021. Colas CSR Challenge
Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association — Marine Research Grants
The Marine Research Grant (MARG I) provides young and upcoming scientists with funding to turn their ideas into research projects. The MARG-I Research Grant of US$10 thousand is awarded for a duration of 1 year. Early-career scientists and resource managers involved in research in the marine sciences in the Western Indian Ocean region are eligible to apply. The deadline for submission of applications is 30 May 2021. MARG I