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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

UK Royal Society — Newton International Fellowships 2021

The Newton International Fellowships support early-stage post-doctoral researchers from all over the world to work at UK research institutions for a period of two years. The scheme covers the broad range of the natural and social sciences and the humanities. Applicants should have a clearly defined and mutually-beneficial research proposal with a UK host scientist. The announcement identifies additional criteria for applicants. Funding consists of £24 thousand per annum for subsistence costs, and up to £8 thousand per annum research expenses, as well as a one-off payment of up to £3,5 thousand for relocation expenses. The deadline for applications is 16 June 2021. Know more

Climate Tracker — Drylands Journalism Fellowship

Climate Tracker gives young journalists from Africa the opportunity to receive training, attend and cover Global Landscapes Forum 2021 (June 2021). The digital conference focused on Africa’s drylands and how integrative restoration practices. 5 journalists will receive a storytelling grant to produce more in-depth pieces, as a follow-up from the conference. This opportunity is open for early-career reporters across the African continent. Stories can be published in English or French. The deadline to apply is 10 May 2021. Drylands Journalism Fellowship

Yunus&Youth — Fellowship Program for Social Entrepreneurs

The Yunus&Youth Fellowship Program is a six-month online program for young social entrepreneurs from all around the world. The program is designed for young early-stage social business leaders that have the potential to solve community-based problems with focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Participants will be matched with a mentor, participate in expert webinars with business professionals and receive help with business plan development. In the final stage of the program, fellows will present their social businesses to a team of real investors to shape their presentation skills and test their pitch decks. The deadline to submit applications is 20 June 2021. Learn about the Y&Y Fellowship Program

Student Energy — Greenpreneurs

Greenpreneurs supports young people to foster a generation of climate and development leaders that work collaboratively to implement green solutions. The program features virtual webinars, mentorship and weekly tasks supplemented with online resources. The top three participating teams will win US$5 thousand per team in seed funding to get their initiative started. Greenpreneurs is open to teams of young people aged 17-35 and welcomes applications from around the world. The application deadline is 27 April 2021. More about Greenpreneurs

IFOAM – Organics International — Organic Farming Innovation Award

IFOAM – Organics International and partners accept applications for the Organic Farming Innovation Award (OFIA). OFIA highlights exceptional innovations and incentivizes activities among researchers, extension agents, practitioners that contribute to solving problems in organic farming. The prize is awarded in two categories: the Grand Prize and the Science Prize. Each winner will receive a monetary award (Grand Prize: US$10 thousand and Science Prize: US$5 thousand), and be invited to the 20th edition of the Organic World Congress. Applications can be submitted in English, French, Spanish, German, Mandarin and Korean. The deadline for OFIA 2021 applications is 01 April 2021. Link to OFIA

Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs — Antarctic Fellowship 2021

The Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs (CONMAP) invites early-career researchers to apply for the COMNAP Antarctic Fellowship. Applications are welcome from a range of disciplines and fields, including Environmental Management and other Science backgrounds. Eligibility extends to candidates who hold a doctorate, masters, or undergraduate degrees with not more than 5 years since completion. One award of up to US$15 thousand is available. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2021. About the fellowship

Volkswagen Foundation — Funding for Young Researchers

Through its program ‘Freigeist’ the Volkswagen Foundation seeks open-minded, strong and resistant young researchers with innovative ideas from all around the world. The ‘Freigeist’ scheme is open to all disciplines and research topics and offers the opportunity to establish a career within a scientific research organization or university in Germany. Eligibility extends to junior researchers (up to 4 years of postdoctoral experience). Depending on the field of research and career experience, projects in a total amount of up to €2.2 million for up to 5 years may be granted. The deadline for applications is 01 April 2021. Detailed information here

Neotropical Ornithological Society — François Vuilleumier Grants

The Francois Vuilleumier Fund awards cash grants for thesis studies of neotropical birds to students from Latin America and the Caribbean. Awards are US$500 to US$1000. Students enrolled in a graduate degree program (Masters or Ph.D.) are eligible to apply. The application deadline is 15 September of each year. Here

Mindselo — Mindselo Global Impact Fellowship

Mindselo is a personal growth platform that seeks to transform ideas into wisdom. The Mindselo Global Impact Fellowship (MGIF) Program for young world-changers and academics aims to build a large network of passionate and conscious individuals who spark positive change around the world. The program provides access to Mindselo resources during the period of the fellowship and a global network of visionaries from different backgrounds. The registration deadline is 28 February 2021. Submissions via Google Forms

FSNet-Africa — Fellowship for Food Systems Research

The FSNet-Africa fellowship provides grants to researchers (fellows or mentors) working on African food systems research. Early-career researchers receive up to £20 thousand to conduct research on any aspect of the food system. Mentors and fellows have the opportunity to engage with academics from six African Universities and the UK. The call for fellows and mentors is open to researchers from ten academic partner institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, and Tanzania. Applications close on 01 March 2021. Click for details