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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

United Nations Environment Programme — Young Champions of the Earth 2020

Young Champions of the Earth supports outstanding environmental initiatives of talented people worldwide between the ages of 18 and 30. The program is a global stage to showcase technological inventions and innovative business models that improve the planet’s health. The program will select seven Young Champions of the Earth every year — one from each of Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and West Asia. Each winner will receive US$15 thousand in seed funding, plus various opportunities for high-profile networking and entrepreneurship training. The deadline for applications is 10 April 2020. Become a champion

Tropical Biology Association — Field Course for Early-Career Scientists

The Tropical Biology Association (TBA) sponsors field courses in tropical biology at the postgraduate level. TBA currently invites applications for a field course in Kenya (in July/August 2020). The course will take place at Mpala Research Centre in Laikipia County and offer early-career researchers the opportunity for hands on savanna field research. Participants will gain experience in field research, project design, and conservation case studies. Full or partial scholarships are available to African applicants. The application deadline is 13 March 2020. Details here

Earth Journalism Network — Reporting on Climate Change Adaptation in the Bay of Bengal

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers grants to journalists based in eastern India and coastal Bangladesh to report on critical issues related to climate change. ENJ seeks in-depth stories that focus on climate and environmental change, such as climate-induced migration, agricultural and water issues or food security in the Bay of Bengal region. EJN expects to award at least 10 grants averaging US$1,300 each. Early- or mid-career journalists from print, web, radio and television are eligible. Freelance reporters should demonstrate a plan for publication and provide a letter of interest from an editor. Deadline for applications is 21 February 2020. Story grants

Climate Tracker — Sustainable Energy in Africa

Climate Tracker seeks applicants for a 8-week-long investigative reporting scholarship program. Fellows will receive training on climate journalism and have the chance to refine their journalism skills. Six African journalists will be selected to cover the Sustainable Energy for All Forum in Rwanda (May 2020). Applicants have to write and publish a story focusing on energy access, clean cooking, energy transition, or climate change in order to apply. Articles have to be submitted by 18 March 2020. More information

Asia New Zealand Foundation — Capacity Building for Agribusiness Entrepreneurs

The Asia New Zealand Foundation and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs offer young Southeast Asian agribusiness entrepreneurs the opportunity to visit New Zealand. Applicants will learn about the New Zealand agriculture business environment, meet and network with entrepreneurs and business leaders, and attend New Zealand’s leading agribusiness event, Fieldays. Applicants must be entrepreneurs or business leaders at CEO or senior management level involved in agriculture from an ASEAN country. The Asia New Zealand Foundation will cover the costs of participating in the capacity building program (airfare, accommodation, meals, etc.). Applications close 20 February 2020. More here

European Marine Board — Young Ambassador Programme

The European Marine Board (EMB) seeks creative young ambassadors that are willing to play a role in advocating for EMB and promoting the role and relevance of marine science. EMB ambassadors will participate in various activities, including EMB Plenary meetings and external events or workshops. The Ambassador will receive a total grant of €2 thousand and a travel grant up to a total amount of €3 for meeting and events. Ambassadors should commit up to 120 hours per year for a period of 2 years. Any PhD or postdoc student with experience in marine-based research is welcome to apply. Candidates have to apply by 31 January 2020. More

Thomson Reuters — Photojournalism Grants

The Yannis Behrakis Photojournalism Grants program offers ten grants of US$8 thousand for photojournalists and students to produce a photo project and develop their visual storytelling skills. The project can be a work-in-progress or a new idea across multiple themes, including environmental justice, climate change, and many others. Applicants must be between the ages of 18-35. The application deadline is 31 December 2019. Find out more

EarthCorps — Crew Member International Program 2020

EarthCorps invites applications from emerging environmental leaders around the world to participate in an environmental training program in the USA. Participants from the USA and other countries take part in field projects such as invasive plant removal and control, native plant installation (planting), restoration site maintenance, trail construction/maintenance, volunteer management, and erosion control. The Crew Member Program is a 6-month learning experience for non-U.S. citizens, which takes place in Seattle, Washington, USA. Applicants should be 18-28 years of age, with a university degree in an environmental field (or equivalent work experience), and speak conversational English. International participants receive a living stipend, health insurance, and accommodation with host families. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by 31 December 2019. More about Crew Member 

World Bank — Ideas for Action Competition 2020

Ideas for Action is a knowledge platform of the World Bank Group and the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at the Wharton School. The annual Ideas for Action competition seeks innovative ideas and actionable projects to support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Past winners include water solutions for better fish farm yields, women-led business models to improve sustainable access to energy, web based solutions for agriculture processes, and many more. Teams must consist of two to six members and may be formed across different schools, institutions, companies, or countries. Students and young professionals between the ages of 18-35 years from around the world are invited to participate. The winners of the competition present their ideas at the annual meeting of the World Bank Group, receive support from a project incubator and coaching. The deadline for submissions is 29 February 2020. Ideas for Action

Earthwatch Institute — Earthwatch Shulman Awards 2019/20

The Earthwatch Shulman Awards provide research and training grants to early-career environmental scientists. The grant offers support to conduct scientific research, join and present at conferences and implement environmental research in the focus areas sustainable agricultural land management, urban green spaces (including gardens and parks), and reducing water pollution. Two selected projects will receive a grant of £4 thousand and four runners up will receive a grant of £500 to spend on conservation-based training. All applicants will need to be nominated for the award. The deadline for applications is 26 November 2019. More information