EarthCorps invites applications from emerging environmental leaders around the world to participate in an environmental service program in the USA. Participants from the USA and other countries take part in field projects such as tree planting, trail construction, stream restoration, and removal of invasive plants. The international Program is a 6-month learning experience for non-U.S. citizens, which takes place in Seattle, Washington, USA. Applicants should be 18-28 years of age, with a university degree in an environmental field (or equivalent work experience), and speak conversational English. International participants receive a living stipend, health insurance, and accommodations with host families. However, each participant is responsible for her/his travel to Seattle, Washington. Priority consideration will be given to applications received by 07 January 2019. More about
Wageningen University — Climate Smart Agriculture in East Africa
The Climate Smart Agriculture, East Africa (CSA-EA) program offers opportunities for the placement of two PhD students to be enrolled in one of the graduate schools of Wageningen University. The selected PhD students are expected to spend about 18 months in Wageningen (Netherlands) and 30 months in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, and/or Uganda). The scholarship offers €1400/month during the stay in the Netherlands and €700/month during the stay in East Africa. Applicants must be nationals from Kenya, Uganda or Tanzania. Applications should be submitted before 12 November 2018. More
Africa Energy Indaba — African Youth Energy Innovator Showcase
The Africa Energy Indaba Exhibition (Johannesburg, February 2019) focuses on energy projects on the continent, rural energy solutions, urbanization and energy needs and the renewable & sustainable energy industry. Africa Energy Indaba seeks solutions to energy problems in Africa and invites projects in the areas of energy security, environmental sustainability, and affordable energy to apply for the African Youth Energy Innovator Showcase 2019. The contest is open to 18 to 35 year old individuals from across Africa. The Top-5 finalists will each receive an opportunity to showcase their Innovation in a 2-day Exhibition during the Africa Energy Indaba (all expenses paid). The deadline for submissions is 04 January 2019. Energy Innovator 2019
Youth for Wildlife Conservation Forum — Participant Application 2019
Youth for Wildlife Conservation Forum is scheduled to take place prior to and during the 18th conservation policy-making convention “Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora” (CITES CoP) in Colombo, Sri Lanka (20th-28th May, 2019). Y4WC focuses on finding solutions to wildlife conservation issues, empowering early-career conservationists and developing the skills and networks of future conservation leaders. Interested conservationists (aged between 18 and 30 years) may sent an application to attend the in-person forum and CITES CoP. Travel and participation costs are covered by Y4WC. Application must be completed and submitted by 31 October 2018. More
African Development Bank — Scholarship for Sustainable Energy Development
The Japan Africa Scholarship (JADS) Program, funded by the Government of Japan, provides a two-year scholarship to African students for post-graduate studies in the area of sustainable energy in Japan. The scholarship program provides tuition, a monthly living stipend, round-trip airfare, health insurance, and travel allowance. The program is open to students who have gained admission to an approved Masters degree course at a Japanese partner university. Candidates should be 35 years old or younger. Application deadline for the April 2019 intake is 31 October 2018. About the JADS Program
Indo-US Science and Technology Forum — Water Advanced Research & Innovation Fellowship
The IUSSTF invites applications for the Water Advanced Research and Innovation (WARI) Fellowship Program. Selected Indian students and scientists will gain access to the research facilities at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Daugherty Water for Food Institute. The fellowship covers travel, monthly allowance and insurance for up to 12 months. Professionals and students in Water Science & Engineering are invited to apply. The deadline is 10 November 2018. About WARI
ASEAN Foundation — Leadership Training for Social Entrepreneurs
The eMpowering Youths Across ASEAN is a partnership programme between Maybank Foundation and ASEAN Foundation that consists of mentoring, regional leadership training, and overseas local community projects. The program aims to improve social and economic well-being of ASEAN communities through social enterprises (note: This may include one or more focus areas of the Terra Viva Grants Directory). This programme is eligible for citizens of ASEAN Member States (19 – 35 years old). The participation in this program is fully funded. Interested participants can apply online by 18 November 2018 the latest. Details here
UNDP and UNESCO — Writing Competition for Young Journalists
UNDP and UNESCO jointly launch the “IATI Research Challenge for Journalists” – a research and writing competition for journalists around the world aged between 15 and 25. Journalists should investigate how their country (or a country of their choice) is progressing towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and explore how funds for development are being utilised. Prizes for the winners in each category (divided by world region and age) include laptops or tablets. The deadline for the submission of articles is 20 December 2018. Find the competition
World Bank — Ideas for Action Competition 2019
Ideas for Action is a knowledge platform of the World Bank Group and the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at the Wharton School. The annual Ideas for Action competition seeks innovative ideas and actionable projects to support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Past winners include water solutions for better fish farm yields, women-led business models to improve sustainable access to energy, web based solutions for agriculture processes, and many more. Teams must consist of two to six members and may be formed across different schools, institutions, companies, or countries. Students and young professionals between the ages of 18-35 years from around the world are invited to participate. The winners of the competition present their ideas at the annual meeting of the World Bank Group, receive support from a project incubator and coaching. The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2019. Ideas for Action
International Network for Government Science Advice — Research in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals
The International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) is offering six professional development and research grants for 2019 on the role of scientific evidence and advice in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Grants of up to to €15 thousand per project will support early-to-mid career researchers or policy practitioners on this theme in eligible low- and middle-income countries. Applicants must hold a PhD at time of application, or have at least five years full-time equivalent experience in research or as a public policy professional (e.g. advice, analysis, implementation, evaluation). The submission deadline is 15 November 2018. Find the program