The Water and Energy for Food challenge fund is a partnership between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Sweden through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The program objectives are to expand the scale of innovations that impact the sectors food and water, food and energy or all three sectors of the nexus, to increase the sustainability of agricultural food value chains, improving energy and water efficiency, and to improve climate resilient agriculture in developing countries and emerging markets in accordance with the SDGs, with a particular focus on the poor and women. The two focus geographical areas are the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and South/Southeast Asia. Award size is of a maximum of US$15 million. The closing deadline for applications is 09 December 2019. Link
Flemish Inter-University Council — International Training Programme on ‘eR-Biostat’
VLIR-UOS is the secretariat of Flemish universities for development cooperation, with funding by Belgian Development Cooperation. VLIR-UOS announces the International Training Programme on ‘eR-Biostat’ that will take place at Hasselt University, Belgium. The program aims to train the participants in using and developing a new E-learning system in Biostatistics/Statistics. Eligibility for scholarships extends to applicants in 31 developing countries of Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. Candidates apply directly to the Flemish universities that offer the programs, requesting scholarship support. Application deadline is 15 January 2020. Biostatistics Training Program
World Bank — Ideas for Action Competition 2020
Ideas for Action is a knowledge platform of the World Bank Group and the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at the Wharton School. The annual Ideas for Action competition seeks innovative ideas and actionable projects to support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Past winners include water solutions for better fish farm yields, women-led business models to improve sustainable access to energy, web based solutions for agriculture processes, and many more. Teams must consist of two to six members and may be formed across different schools, institutions, companies, or countries. Students and young professionals between the ages of 18-35 years from around the world are invited to participate. The winners of the competition present their ideas at the annual meeting of the World Bank Group, receive support from a project incubator and coaching. The deadline for submissions is 29 February 2020. Ideas for Action
Government of India — Indo-EU Integrated Local Energy Systems
The EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership seeks to strengthen scientific and technological cooperation in energy research and innovation. Proposals should propose to develop solutions and tools for the optimization of the local energy network with high replication potential across Europe and India. DST will fund the Indian consortium members for a maximum project duration of 42 months. There are no minimum or maximum grant amounts. In total, funding of €18 million will be available. In addition to the six mandatory participants (three from India and three from Europe), there is no restriction on the additional number of participating entities/organizations. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, universities, and companies. The deadline for this call is 29 January 2020. More here
Asian Institute of Technology — Masters Scholarships in Energy and Environment
The Asian Institute of Technology invites applications for the Loom Nam Khong Pijai Scholarships for masters degree programs in infrastructure development; energy technology; oil, gas, and natural resources development; and environmental engineering and management. Eligibility extends to nationals of Thailand, Myanmar, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Vietnam and China (Yunnan and Guangxi Provinces). Each scholarship covers tuition and registration fees, accommodation, and a bursary for living expenses at AIT‘s residential campus in Thailand for the 22 months of the masters program. The application deadline is 29 February 2020. Find out more
AIC Sangam — Clean-Tech Incubator
AIC Sangam seeks innovative clean-tech startups working in Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. The Incubator is interested in a proof of concept or a working prototype regarding Climate Change. The Incubator program provides access to labs, professional advisors, mentors, and collaboration, with leading organizations from clean tech and allied industries. Applications are being accepted until 30 June 2020. Link
ENEA Consulting — Support for Energy Initiatives in Africa and Asia
ENEA Access offers 50 to 60 days of professional consulting services on a pro-bono basis. The Energy Access Booster is open to entrepreneurs based in Sub-Saharan Africa or Asia. Activities that can be considered for ENEA’s support include feasibility studies, market and business models, implementation of pilot projects, and others. Selected entrepreneurs receive a financial contribution of up to US$ 50 thousand. Projects must clearly contribute to the reduction of poverty and/or climate change as a result of improved access to energy. There are no restrictions regarding the home country of the applying organization. The closing date is 13 December 2019. Click here
Global LEAP Awards — Solar E-Waste Challenge
The Global LEAP Solar E-Waste Challenge seeks innovative approaches to e-waste management in the off-grid solar sector in Africa. Funding is available for recycling and e-waste management companies who work with solar lanterns, solar home systems (SHSs), and solar-powered appliances. Awards will range from US$50 thousand to US$300 thousand. The competition is open to solar companies, suppliers or technology service providers in Sub-Saharan Africa. The deadline for receipt of proposals is 15 December 2019. Link to the Solar E-Waste Challenge
Global LEAP Awards — Solar Water Pump Competition
The Global LEAP Solar Water Pump Competition will recognize energy efficient and affordable solar water pumps intended for smallholder farmers or individual household use that are appropriate for use with off-grid energy systems. No financial incentives are available for this round. However, winners and finalists will be featured in the 2019 Global LEAP Solar Water Pump Buyer’s Guide and be considered for investment by the Efficiency for Access Coalition Investor Network. The competition is open to companies in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The deadline for receipt of nominations is 18 January 2020. Link to the Solar Water Pump Competition
United States Agency for International Development — Power Africa: Young Leaders in the Energy Sector
Power Africa accepts applications from young leaders in the energy sector to participate in a four-week career development training workshop (February/March 2020). Successful applicants will be provided round-trip transportation, lodging, meals, and course materials. Young leaders (between 18-35 years) from Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Lesotho, Malawi, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Eswatini, Zambia, and Zimbabwe with experience in the energy sector are eligible to apply. The closing date for applications is 15 November 2019. Find details