The European Commission seeks project proposals to sustainable growth in Asia and Central Asia with the aim to develop of a green economy and foster the transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient and circular economy. Proposed projects may focus on agri-food processing, renewable energy, sustainable tourism, waste management, and many other sectors. Target countries under this call are: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Indonesia, India, Lao PDR, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Grant size varies between €1 million and €3 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations and businesses (for-profit). The deadline for submission of concept notes is 28 February 2019. About the grant
European Commission — Horizon Prize for Clean Engines
The European Commission invites applications to the ‘Horizon Prize for the Cleanest Engine of the Future’. The prize not only aims at improving air quality, but also at contributing to the greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets agreed at COP21, as well as to increase energy efficiency. The contest is open to all legal entities (i.e. natural or legal persons) or groups of legal entities. The total prize amount is €3.5 million. The deadline for registration is 20 May 2019 and the closing date for submission is 20 August 2019. Find the contest rules
European Union — Danube Transnational Programme
The EU’s Danube Transnational Programme offers financial support to transnational projects contributing to the development of the Danube region. The Programme covers 9 EU member states and 5 non-member states (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine). Themes include water management, flood prevention, natural heritage, energy, among others. The duration of projects must not exceed 30 months with available funds varying according to priority area. The lead applicant must be an international or private non-profit organizations. Project partners can be private enterprises. Project partners must co-finance a minimum of 15% of total project costs. The deadline for submitting an Expression of Interest (EoI) is 08 March 2019. Find details
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation — Young People for Development
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) seek innovative projects run by young people in the 16–35 age group which aim to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged communities in developing countries. The ‘Together we’re better’ competition sponsors current and planned initiatives run by young people that help advance global sustainable development and fight poverty. Prizes in five categories range from CHF 4 to 10 thousand. Eligibility extends to Swiss citizens or residents but submitted projects have to be relevant for and/or be implemented in developing countries. Deadline for submissions is 31 March 2019. Together we’re better
European Commission — Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production in Asia
The European Commission aims to promote sustainable growth in Asia and Central Asia and to support the development of a green economy and the transition towards a low-carbon economy. Proposals should fall under the following sustainable consumption and production sectors: agri-food processing, renewable energy, sustainable tourism, waste management, among others. Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between €1-3 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations and business. Eligible countries are listed in the call for proposals. The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2019. Link
India Department of Science and Technology — Technological Innovation Fund
The Department of Science and Technology (India) and the National Technological Innovation Authority (Israel) announce the 4th India-Israel Technological Innovation Fund. The objective of this programme is to respond to the global issues concerning science & technology for the water, energy and agricultural sector while developing technologies that can be commercialized and localized within 2 years. The lead applicant must be researchers or managers of companies from India or Israel. Funding is between US$250 thousand and US$ 1.25 million per project. Closing date for this call is 30 April 2019. Find the complete call for proposals
University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland — MENA Young Scientists Mobility Grants
The “young scientists’ mobility grant” aims to develop new research partnerships and collaborations between Switzerland and MENA countries. Priority countries under this call are: Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mobility grants can be awarded to young scientists who hold a Bachelor or Master’s degree (no PhD) and have less than 6 years of professional research experience. The call is open for activities and research visits in all scientific disciplines and fields of research. The applicant’s mobility visit should have a minimum duration of 4 weeks and with a maximum of CHF5 thousand per grant. (Note: The application form must be completed by the Swiss main applicant). Applications will be accepted until 31 December 2019. Find the MENA Young Scientists Mobility Grants
Government of India — Australia-India Strategic Research Fund
The Government of India invites research projects to apply to the Strategic Research Fund (AISRF). Priority areas for collaborative research projects are energy and storage (batteries) and marine science. Eligible organizations include universities, research laboratories, and non-profit organizations.The Indian Government will sponsor the direct costs for international airfares, living expenses, manpower-salaries and consumables. The deadline for submission of proposals is 23 January 2019. Link
Nigeria Energy Forum — Africa Energy Innovation Competition 2019
The NEF invites applications for the 4th Africa Energy Ideas Competition that is set to accelerate the development of early-stage energy firms across Africa. The competition is open to early-stage energy entrepreneurs from Africa to collaborate with local research institutions or industries. Young professionals between the ages of 18 and 35 years from Africa are invited to participate and nominate a relevant local research institution or organization. Winners will pitch their proposed prototype model at the 2019 Nigeria Energy Forum, in Lagos (Nigeria) and a cash prize of up to $5 thousand. The deadline for proposal submission is 31 January 2019. View the guidelines
UK Department for International Development — Productive Energy Use in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Carbon Trust and Energy 4 Impact on behalf of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) seeks action research and learning projects, so called Powering Opportunities Partnerships (POP), which propose replicable and scalable productive use interventions to drive productive energy demand in Africa to increase local economic benefit. Funding to be requested from TEA-POP should not exceed £300 thousand and the applicant must present a minimum of 50% in co-funding (either financial or in-kind). The proposed project should take place in local, rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 28 February 2019. Find more