The India Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the State Committee of Scientific Research of Belarus invite joint R&D project proposals from scientists & technologists. Focus areas include energy; biotechnology; agrotechnology and food security; and clean technology for environment; among others. The funding will cover research expenses and exchange of visits for research projects. Research projects should be carried out jointly by research teams from India and Belarus. Researchers should submit their application by 31 August 2018. Know more
Mission Innovation — Carbon Capture Innovation Challenge
Mission Innovation (MI) seeks to identify technologies in the field of CO2 capture, separation, storage and CO2 value addition. The funding of US$ 200 thousand to US$1 million under this call will be available to support activities towards design, research & development of technologies that can address widely affordable ways for carbon capture. The project has to be led by a scientist from India with the participation of at least one MI member country (including China, Indonesia, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia, among others). The last date for the submission of Letters of Intent is 31 August 2018. Here
LAUNCH Circular — Innovation Challenge 2018
The LAUNCH Circular Innovation Challenge 2018 focuses on new ways of design and manufacturing for a circular economy. Innovations should help customers live a more sustainable live. LAUNCH Circular aims to select ten innovations to be scaled globally through its international partners, network, and accelerator program. The program is open to innovators worldwide. The deadline for submissions is 01 September 2018. Find the challenge
British Council — International Research Workshops: Sustainable Energy and Climate Change in Russia
The British Council supports research workshops under the programs Researcher Links and the Newton Fund to assist early-career researchers from the UK and Russia to interact and explore research collaborations. The workshop ‘Sustainable Energy and Climate Change in Russia: policies, discourses and narratives’ will provide an opportunity for sharing research expertise and networking. During the workshop, Early Career Researchers will have the opportunity to present their research. The British Council will cover the costs related to participation in the workshop, including: travel, accommodation and meals. The application must be submitted by 31 July 2018. Click here
Association for the Promotion of Sciences in Africa — Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Development
APSA calls for prototypes providing a solution for sustainable development and environmental problems in the form of Clean Energy Production, Up/Down/Re-Cycling, Water Treatment, etc. This challenge is aimed at young scientists and entrepreneurs from Africa. The winners will receive € 2,500 and a 1-month research stay in a High-Tech lab to further develop their prototype. The closing date for registration and prototype submission is 31 July 2018. About the challenge
Leatherman Tool Group — Grants for Innovation
The Leatherman Grant program awards US$100 thousand to non-profit organizations around the world who are paving the way for change through innovative ideas. This may also include solutions or tools in the category of agriculture, energy, water, and/or cross-cutting subjects. Applications will be accepted until 31 August 2018. Link
Indo-US Science and Technology Forum — Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy Fellowships and Internships 2018
The IUSSTF invites Indian applicants to apply for the Bhaskara fellowships and student internships for research on solar energy at reputed scientific/technological institutions in the USA. Preference will be given to research aimed at issues of solar energy in India. Eligibility extends to Indian PhD students and researchers in publicly-funded R&D laboratories, S&T institutions (non-private), and recognized academic institutes in India. The next deadline for applications is 31 August 2018. Find out more
ASEAN Impact Challenge — Accelerating the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals
This regional programme is designed to discover innovators and strengthen new innovations from Southeast Asia. Categories are early-stage innovations (proposals, ideas, concepts and prototypes) and scale-stage innovation (proven social innovations with the potential and capacity to increase impact). Initiatives by participant teams have ranged from waste management, agriculture, and environment, among others. Finalists will showcase their innovations to investors and other corporate organisations. The deadline for entries is 09 September 2018. More about the ASEAN Impact Challenge
Engineers Without Borders Canada — Fellowship for African Social Entrepreneurs
Engineers Without Borders Canada (EWB) invites applications for the EWB Kumvana Fellowship 2019. The program gives African social entrepreneurs and changemakers the opportunity to foster collaborations with Canadian professionals. The Kumvana program consists of an 8-week online learning course, a one week African retreat, and a 1-month intensive Canadian experience. Eligibility extends to individuals from Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Côte D’Ivoire, Zambia and Malawi. Applications close 11 July 2018. Participate
British Council — Africa-UK Trilateral Call
The National Research Foundation (NRF) and the British Council announce the Africa-UK Trilateral Call. The call aims to support African researchers to establish research excellence and collaboration between Africa-UK and a third African Country. Proposals are invited from eligible applicants for the DST-NRF/British Council Africa-UK Trilateral Chair. Proposals should focus on the following priorities: Food Security, Sustainable and Renewable Energy, Manufacturing for SMEs (including Agro-processing), Governance and conflict resolution related to development, and Cross-Cutting Themes. The Africa-UK Trilateral chair will cover the core costs of the principal investigator’s participation. All applications should be submitted no later than 20 July 2018. Click here