The Know-how Exchange Program co-finances the transfer of know-how and best practices from EU to non-EU member countries of the Central European Initiative (CEI). Thematic areas in the current call by KEP-Italy include energy, environment, and agriculture and rural development (among others). Proposals are submitted by organizations in CEI member states which are also member states of the European Union for knowledge transfers to non-EU member states of the CEI. The non-EU members of the CEI are Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine. The maximum grant is €40 thousand. The closing date for expressions of interest is 29 June 2017. Link
Singularity University — Global Grand Challenge Awards 2017
The Global Grand Challenge Awards invite applications from startup enterprises that are attacking the world’s most difficult problems. Three teams in each of 12 tracks will be invited to California in August 2017 to present their work at the Singularity University Global Summit EXPO. One winner will be selected from each track to be assisted with recognition and exposure. The tracks include disaster resilience, energy, environment, food, water, and others. The application deadline is 31 July 2017. Link
Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland — Scotland’s Grants for Zambia and Rwanda
The Scottish Government announces the 2017 round of funding for its Zambia and Rwanda development programs. The focus regions are Central Province in Zambia, and Western and Southern Provinces in Rwanda. Among the priority themes are agriculture, and renewable energy as a component in other priority themes. Applications are restricted to Scottish-based organizations. The closing date for submitting concept notes is 04 May 2017. Link
Research Council of Norway — NORGLOBAL-2 and Sustainable Development Goals
The Research Council of Norway invites proposals addressing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. The call has a special emphasis on global education, but is also open to other themes — including the environment, climate, and renewable energy. Norwegian research institutes, universities, and university colleges are invited to apply for funding. Proposals should include leading international development researchers and researchers from developing countries, when relevant. The application deadline is 24 May 2017. Link
Swedish International Development Agency — Training in Strategic Environmental Assessment
Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. The Africa program includes a course on strategic environmental assessment, with a focus on energy. Participants may be nominated by organizations and agencies within the energy sector that work actively with energy plans, policies, and programmes at national or regional levels. The following countries are invited to nominate candidates: Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Zambia. The training will be provided in two parts, first in Sweden and then to be decided. The closing date for applications is 31 July 2017. Link
IUCN-Oceania — Small Grants for Energy in the Pacific Islands
The Energy Small Grants Programme provides funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency in participating countries of the Oceania region. These energy projects should be coupled with strong linkages to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation. Applications are invited from communities, civil society organisations, and private enterprises. The participating countries are Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. Funding is up to US$20 thousand. The deadline for applications is 01 June 2017. Link
United States – India Educational Foundation — Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships
The Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships are for Indian scholars who are registered for a Ph.D. at an Indian institution. The fellowships are for six to nine months at institutions in the USA in fields that include agricultural sciences; energy studies; urban and regional planning (with emphasis on smart cities and waste management); materials science (with emphasis on environmental applications); and others. The application deadline is 15 June 2017. Link
Social Entrepreneurship Impact & Finance — Awards for Social Enterprise 2017
Social Entrepreneurship Impact & Finance (seif) supports individuals and teams that apply innovative business ideas to address current social and/or environmental problems. Categories include agriculture; food and nutrition; environment; energy; water and sanitation; and others. The competition is open to social enterprises from all over Europe. The program will make four awards of CHF 10 thousand each. The application deadline is 30 June 2017. Link
Rockefeller Foundation — Sustainable Development
The Rockefeller Foundation defines several initiatives and topics that guide its grant making. Those of principal relevance in the Terra Viva Grants Directory are food security in Africa; resilience to climate change; energy production and consumption; water and fisheries; and ecosystem services. Requests for support must fit Rockefeller’s issue areas, current initiatives, and geographical regions. Inquiries can be submitted at any time. Link
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves — Women’s Empowerment Fund
The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves welcomes applications for the fourth annual Women’s Empowerment Fund (WEF). The WEF is a financing mechanism to scale business models for women’s entrepreneurship in projects to advance household energy. The WEF will award up to four grants in the range of US$75 thousand to US$150 thousand for one year. The Alliance will give preference to enterprises owned and managed by women in the following countries: Bangladesh,China, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda. However, qualified organizations operating in other countries are also encouraged to apply. Applicants must be a registered partner of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves prior to the application deadline. Organizations that are not currently partners can learn how to register from information published on the website. The application deadline is 02 April 2017. Link